Chapter 180 - Divine Cat Mii-chan is napping with everyone.
180 Divine Cat Mii-chan is napping with everyone.
Lu-kun looks like a pure white husky puppy without any markings, while Lar-kun resembles a Great Pyrenees with angelic wings. He looks like a fluffy cotton candy, yet he can fly faster than Sumire. Dragons are amazing.
Lu-kun is being fluffed by the Queen, and Lar-kun is enjoying being fluffed by Elena.
“Hey, Nero-kun, this puppy has wings on his back?”
“Lar-kun is a bit of a unique puppy!”
“Hey, Lar-kun, have we met somewhere before?”
“Holding Lar-kun makes me feel so at ease.”
Since Elena is the Grand Duke’s niece, she might have met King Retsu before. Could it be that Lar-kun resembles King Retsu?
Luca, Lea, and Noah fell asleep on my lap, so Neia-san gently moved them to a basket and placed them in a sunny spot.
Since we’re at the royal palace, I think I’ll stop by the pharmacology institute and pick up some books.
With Neia-san guiding me, I went to the pharmacology building, where Nicholas led me to the room where the books were kept.
There were tons of books stored there, enough to open a bookstore.
“The royal library recently rotated some books, and with the Queen’s permission, we are donating a portion to you, Nero-sama.”
“Really?! Everyone will be so happy!”
I had Mii-chan store everything in the bag. Neia-san and Nicholas looked surprised again. Haven’t they seen this several times already?
“No matter how many times I see it, Nero-sama, your storage skill is truly remarkable.”
“Would you like to work at the pharmacology institute? I’ve never seen anyone with such storage skills.”
I can indeed store things with my space-time skill, but it’s actually Mii-chan’s divine bag that’s doing all the work. It has infinite capacity because it’s made by the gods, so it’s not me doing the storing.
When I returned to the office, Director Patrick and Hilde-san were waiting.
“Take a look at this.”
Inside the small bottle was a blue liquid. After appraising it, it turned out to be a top-tier potion (degraded).
“What do you think? Isn’t it amazing? This is a top-tier potion that even the church lost the knowledge to make. My research wasn’t in vain! Thanks to you, lost technology is being revived! Keep bringing us more materials. We’ll buy everything. Oh, and as a token of gratitude, here’s a potion for you. Even if you’re near death, this will revive you to full health! Don’t forget to submit a report when you use it! Hahaha!”
He said his piece and left… But if I use this, won’t I be near death? I’d prefer never to need it, but I’ll take it for now. I’ll have Mii-chan store it safely in the bag.
When I returned to the terrace, it was almost time for lunch. It looks like we’ll be eating outside at the terrace table. I’m looking forward to the royal chef’s cuisine.
There’s something like a crepe filled with vegetables and meat, a chilled corn soup, and a large plate with bone-in meat specially seasoned for the hungry Perro and the others.
Mii-chan and the others seem to prefer their canned cat food, happily eating together.
Meanwhile, I noticed the summoning menu had new items.
Lucky Cat Cushion: A high-end cushion with the best comfort and sleep effects. Even the gods use it for napping.
So even gods take naps? I’m curious… I’ll try it out after lunch.
Despite being in front of the Queen and a princess, my little ones were in a food battle. They weren’t stealing from each other, but they stuffed their mouths to make sure no one else could take their food. Come on, no one’s going to take your food, so eat properly…
After finishing lunch, I tried summoning the Lucky Cat Cushion. It’s more like a zabuton (floor cushion), with a lucky cat holding a gold coin drawn on it. It’s about 40 centimeters square—just the right size.
As soon as Mii-chan, Luca, and the others sat on it, they immediately began napping. Seeing that, even Reine-sama let out an adorable yawn, so I summoned another cushion and gave it to her as a present.
Reine-sama, sitting on the couch and hugging the cushion, quickly fell asleep.
“So nice~. I want one too~.”
Well, I suppose I have no choice… Feeling a bit sluggish, I summoned one more and handed it to Elena.
“So soft and comfy…”
Elena lay her face on the cushion on the table and was snoring within moments. Instant knockout—God’s craftsmanship is truly amazing.
Perro, Lu-kun, and Lar-kun also curled up and started napping. Watching them makes me sleepy too, though I won’t nap in front of the Queen.
“When this commotion settles, we will send envoys to Brocken Mountain. I’ve already discussed it with my father, so we’ll coordinate the meetings.”
King Fang said he’s ready anytime. There’s no issue at the moment, but there are still many things that need to be decided.
“What we seek is the improvement and safety of the roads, and free access for hunters. Hiltenburg’s side will likely want to add a lease for the dragon knight’s garrison land.”
“Free access for hunters, you say…”
“Brocken Mountain is a treasure trove of materials—monsters and herbs alike.”
“I don’t foresee any issues with herbs, but monsters are another matter. Can hunters distinguish between King Fang’s followers and regular monsters?”
“That would be difficult.”
“To be frank, I don’t want to allow free access to herbs either. After all, they are part of King Fang’s assets. I’ve personally taken some and sold them to the pharmacology institute. Herbs are one of the main sources of income for the fairy folk living on Brocken Mountain.”
“So you’re suggesting making it a completely autonomous zone?”
“That would be best. I think we should start with a non-aggression pact and build trust first. Deciding everything from the start won’t work. Especially with humans, they’ll easily break the rules if it involves personal gain.”
“Ha… It pains me to hear that, but you’re right, Nero-kun. Trust comes first.”
Though King Fang doesn’t want conflict with humans, if they show no intent to cooperate, he’ll have no choice but to harden his resolve. We need to act as intermediaries to prevent such a situation, don’t you agree, Mii-chan?