Chapter 162 - The Divine Cat Mii-chan is taking a nap downstairs.
162 The Divine Cat Mii-chan is taking a nap downstairs.
After receiving an enthusiastic welcome from Mii-chan, Tera, and Kai, I’m now in the guild’s tavern. It’s almost lunchtime, and right in front of me, Mii-chan and the others are happily munching on their cat food.
“They’re so cute! Are they all yours, Nero?”
“This one, Mii-chan, is mine. Tera here belongs to Ms. Pamil, the assistant supervisor, and this one, Kai, belongs to Mr. Yuri, the assistant purchase manager. Both of them are like Mii-chan’s younger siblings.”
Since I hadn’t properly introduced them yet, I made sure to do so.
The elven woman is Rosalinde, also known by her nickname, the Enchanting Phantom Bow. The distinguished gentleman with graying hair is Glenhart, nicknamed the Absolute Sword. Both are said to be among the top five hunters in this country. The last one, who seems to be a bit older than me, is Siegfried, Glenhart’s apprentice.
The master of the tavern personally brought our ordered lunch—a seafood pilaf. It looks delicious. The master mentioned he’d like to arrange a regular purchase of fish, and since this was a gift, it’s already been approved by the guild’s accounting department, so the necessary paperwork will be sent over later.
“You really are a merchant, huh?”
“Or maybe it’s just a front,” she teased.
Not that it matters to me—let’s eat. It’s delicious. The seafood broth blends perfectly with the butter, creating an indescribable richness. It’s a luxurious dish, even though it costs twice as much as a regular lunch. No wonder it’s such a popular menu item.
“The meals at Quint’s guild are delicious, but this place is great too.”
“Of course it is. Both places serve dishes Nero taught them how to make. I’m pretty sure you can enjoy the same taste at Quart’s inn, right?”
“Yes, that would be Quart’s ‘Inn of Tranquility.’ I’ve received great hospitality there. I’ve also taught the head chefs at Quint’s ‘Grand Fill’ and Wilhelm’s royal capital’s ‘Grand Wilhelm Nord.’ However, each chef adds their own twist, so the dishes aren’t exactly the same. They’re all highly skilled chefs.”
“The ‘Grand Wilhelm Nord’? Isn’t that a super-luxurious inn? I’m impressed your Divine Cat Trading Company deals with such places!”
“Quint’s ‘Grand Fill’ is a renowned establishment, said to be a hideout for the hero Selion. I’ve heard you can’t get in unless you’re a regular. I’d love to go someday.”
“I’ve heard about Quart’s ‘Inn of Tranquility’ too. It’s so popular that it’s difficult to find accommodation or even dine there. But it’s reasonably priced, so even apprentice and mid-tier hunters can afford to stay. If you’re lucky, you might be able to get a room on a walk-in basis.”
I wonder if Anna and the others are doing well.
After finishing our meal, Guildmaster Zest called out to me. Mii-chan and the others were now napping peacefully in a basket on the counter. I’ll be back soon.
“What a sight. Three of the ‘Five Battle Thunder’ standing before me.”
What’s this “Five Battle Thunder”? It sounds like something out of a children’s cartoon.
“Not even the emperor could refuse a request like this.”
“Do you think the others have been informed as well?”
“They probably have, though I don’t know where they are.”
“That muscle-bound guy should be in some mountain, but I have no clue where the madman is.”
Some pretty ominous nicknames are being mentioned…
“Was this Nero’s doing?”
“I had nothing to do with it. The Queen said she’d call for backup, so it must be her.”
“Ah, so that’s why you were chased by a wyvern in Hildenburg.”
Chased, huh… So you ran, didn’t you?
“Well, I did get caught in the end.”
I figured as much since you’re standing here now.
“So, Nero, your presence here must be related to that matter.”
“They say the Hero is coming to attack, Guildmaster.”
“What? Truly? Rotalingia has taken such a reckless action… Even if they manage to take this country, no other nation will trust them anymore.”
“I don’t think they care. They’ll just let the Hero destroy one country at a time.”
“That would make them no better than a Demon Lord!”
“To Rotalingia, it doesn’t matter. Whether it’s the Hero or the Demon Lord, they’ll just eliminate them when they’re no longer useful. In the first place, was this Hero summoning even Rotalingia’s idea?”
“That doesn’t sound like you, Nero, beating around the bush like that.”
“I’ve been thinking about it. The current talk about the Demon Lord just made some pieces of the puzzle fall into place.”
“I don’t know what a puzzle is, but you’re saying something clicked for you.”
It seems Jin and the other senior guild members in the Guildmaster’s office haven’t quite caught up with the conversation. Perhaps very few people are aware of the Hero situation at this point.
“How did Rotalingia learn how to summon the Hero? Isn’t it all too convenient? There’s an Orc King in their land and a Goblin King in their neighboring country, with whom they don’t have the best relationship.”
“You’re suggesting someone fed them the idea?”
“Yes, someone taught them a summoning method that worked in their favor.”
“A Hero without the blessing of the gods?”
“Perhaps one who has fallen into darkness.”
“Not a Hero, but the birth of a Demon Lord.”
“The world descends into chaos, nations weaken, and the power of humanity wanes. Who stands to benefit?”
“The Demon Lord, of course…”
“Exactly, the Demon Lord.”
“You think the Demon Lord is pulling the strings behind Rotalingia?”
“It’s all just speculation—deduced from the circumstances. But…”
“Not far off, is it?”
The entire room fell into an eerie silence, as though time had stopped. No one spoke a word, and the tension was so thick, you could almost hear everyone gulping.
Ahhh, I really want to cuddle Mii-chan right now!
I swear I just heard Mii-chan’s voice from afar…