The Story of Rhodan

Chapter 141: Tournament Day 2: Let the games begin

Amy did her usual exercise upon waking up this morning and decide to start making breakfast. Despite this setback, everyone is still continuing the trip though they decide not to go to Shou and meet Ran's enemies or even its neighboring allies as a precaution so now everyone is discussing where to go next.

She hasn't been sitting around doing nothing yesterday. Her spy network has found the second part of the map and had Hecate teleport it to Alabaster's house. He would piece it together once he returns. Luckily this one is easily found because of Alabaster's deductions but the third one is hard to find because it is not located on the islands. It's underwater.

She has done research in an event that she has to dive underwater but not for an excavation. That will take months or even years. What's worse is that they might trespass into territorial waters of any monsters or sea creatures. She also has neither the proper equipment nor crew to do something like this so she has to let this one go for now.

The next thing is a favor from Boris. Rufus has been bitten by a venomous snake which could result in crippling him if untreated. As she has the purification power, she paid him a visit while at a time he should be asleep and purified the venom and the darkness in his soul as a plus. She had never used her power on him before, but she notices the immediate result as he begins to relax. She wanted to check up on him a bit longer to see any other effects the purification abilities have on him, but he grabbed onto her sleeve, prompting her to leave before he completely wakes up.

She watched the sun rise, showing a new day. It seems that the tournament will start in a couple of hours. Once Amy finally heals, she will start training again because after seeing the tournament from Alabaster's point of view, she feels motivated.


When Rufus woke up this morning, the first thing he noticed was that he felt good. Really good actually. It was more than just a good night's sleep. He felt energized and every bit of stress in his body just disappeared overnight.

He jumped out of the bed and realized that his fractured soul is basically cured, well not completely but it's still a win. Just what happened? He remembered someone visiting him, but he cannot remember anything else. Did his mother come to visit?

He shook his head. No, she is too prideful and busy to even secretly visit her ailing son.

It is a familiar feeling. The mere presence of it made him feel tempted, hungry but he shouldn't think that nor is it possible. She's not even in the continent right now. There is no way she would pay him a visit and cure him.

The door then open to a nurse who looks puzzled to see him alive and well.


Everyone is watching in surprise to see that Rufus is still going to compete. Everyone in the audience even cheered when Rufus walked in the colosseum. He is a strong opponent. If he's down, then it wouldn't be as entertaining.

Nathaniel, Leon and Theseus watched him in confusion. Rufus appeared less stressed? Different... might be an undermined word to describe him today. He seems more enthusiastic. His charisma is shining even more now. The Valerian genes in Rufus is shining bright today.

Nathaniel approached him first with a perplexed yet curious look, "You seem different. Did something happen?"

Rufus expresses a lovely smile, "Nothing of the sorts. I just feel great." He looked to Leon with his back turned, who is blushing like a madman. Jeez, it's even taking effect on him too.

"Keep blushing like that and you could even make Melissa jealous." Rufus teased.

Leon turned around with an uncharacteristically embarrassed expression.

Wow, no one could expect that Leon Rex could make a face like that.

"Who's blushing?!" he retorts then walked away to regain his composure.

Theseus is struggling not to laugh and even Nathaniel is trying to hold it in.

Rufus maintained his calm persona but now that he was attacked, there is no doubt that the person responsible for this is among them. He stared blankly at everyone. There is no one that seems to act differently or suspicious. To tell the truth, he has no idea when he has been bitten but the animals found that the trail has stopped at a certain point. He wasn't exactly in a position to pay attention to his feet. After some searching, no one was able to find it.

There are only two people he interacted through this whole thing: Theseus Corinth and Selim.

"Look! The matches are finally up!" One of the kids pointed and everyone stared at the board.

The bracket for the first sixteen matches is finally up.

Most of them seem quite unremarkable so far except Theseus. He's going to be facing Killian Aegion in his first match. 

This is quite an unfortunate set up. Killian is one of the top students among the 5th years; disciplined, intelligent and incredibly strong, he undoubtedly came back from his foreign exchange trip with new tricks.

The Announcer is standing on a cloud overlooking competitors, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Our first match begins with 3rd year Colleen from Comet VERSUS 4th year Natasha from Moon!"

Everyone dispersed leaving the two girls behind.

All the competitors are watching this in a different area. They will be called upon if they are next.

"Rules are simple. No lethal weapons, spells or moves. To win, you must either get your opponent to surrender or a knockout. Now let the games begin!"


Meanwhile in the Anthos household, the curtains were drawn open, letting the bright winter sunlight illuminate the room and Violet Anthos, laying in her bed, unaware of what is going on, begins to open her eyes.

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