The SSS Ranked Villain's Return

Chapter 61: The Obscura's First Mission

<Can you hear me clearly?> Amara's voice rang out through the earpiece she had given him.

"Loud and clear." he immediately answered in a whisper.

<Good. I will repeat the plan, so listen well,> she stated before continuing.

<Using the disguise I gave you, I want you to snoop around this mansion while they are partying. I can see everything through the glasses, so rest assured, your role is pretty simple.>

Nodding at seemingly no one, he asked, "Worst case scenario?"

And she swiftly replied, <Sarah will get you out. Also, eliminate any unforeseen variables that might jeopardize our identity.>

"I see." Neraxis straightened his luxurious suit, and without wasting any more time, began walking up to the mansion that had expensive cars scattered all around.

However, he paid that no heed as he went up to the concierge by the front door and handed over a pair of documents, as well as the invitation.

"Rodrick Evans?" the concierge questioned, looking at the documents provided, coupled with the identification document.

"That would be me," Neraxis replied without even an ounce of hesitation.

Apparently, not only was Sarah a good scout, but she also knew how to craft a perfect disguise.

She had altered his facial structure as well as his appearance to make sure no one could recognize him. All they would see was a simple, below-average-looking, middle-aged rich man—nothing more, nothing less.

"I wish you a happy time, sir." The concierge bowed upon affirming his identity, immediately stepping aside.

"Thank you," Neraxis expressed and took graceful steps into the mansion until finally, he arrived where a ballroom-like setting was being held.

Tables with food and alcohol stood around, with rich people talking amongst themselves.

If I didn't have any experience, I'd stick out like a sore thumb. He chuckled inwardly before turning his face away and slightly covering his mouth as if about to cough.

"Where to?" Neraxis questioned silently. He did not have the layout of this place after all.

<Sarah scouted the main hall and the upper floors. I want you to go through each and every room on the first floor until you find something suspicious,> she answered swiftly.

It was surprising that the big boss herself would guide him through this mission, but since it was the first one he had ever taken—of his own volition no less—it was a bit of a different story.

Neraxis walked up to a lengthy table and picked up a glass of wine before swirling it around and taking a sip.

Immediately, his nose scrunched up as he spat everything back out into the glass, while making sure to take it with him.

<Not good enough for you?> Amara questioned in an amused tone. However, he merely continued walking until reaching the bathroom and locking himself inside.

"It's drugged with half the shit on the market. I guess that's our main lead, then?"

<Precisely. The ones we are looking for are human traffickers. Sarah had found similar results, yet they were in the form of needles and other weird injections that would get one intoxicated and vulnerable,> she explained, causing his eyebrow to rise.

"I feel like this is more of a job for the police, but I can assume there's something else we're looking for as well?"

<Yes. The people who traffic humans perform various experiments on them before sending them out to raid civilian safe zones. I want to know who is behind it all.>

Neraxis sighed before pouring the 'wine' glass into the toilet and quickly making his way back out.

The mansion was massive, so scouting everything would surely take a bit of time.

However, he was prepared for that. After all, it only took a few days for them to process his mission request, and now he was finally doing it.

Alas, finishing up fast would be ideal. After all, his parents and sister should be coming back tomorrow.

After a few minutes of walking, he finally found a large hallway filled to the brim with rooms on each side, and without further ado, proceeded to check each and every one of them.

At first glance, they seemed to be merely guest rooms, but with each one he checked, he found something interesting.

In every single room, and every single bed, there were four small needles—one inside the main pillow, and the rest scattered across the bed so one would have no choice but to lie on them.

This doesn't seem too bad, though. I expected this group to be a little bit... different. Neraxis inwardly chuckled, getting a small giggle in response from Evangeline.

[Don't be so quick to assume. Who knows what their intentions are like?]

True. He replied absentmindedly before entering one of the last rooms in the hallway.

To his surprise, there was a single old man lying down on the bed, seemingly being stabbed with every single needle due to his size.

Better yet, right beside the more-than-chubby man was a maid, who, for some reason, had a small scalpel in her hands as she inched ever so closer to the man's chest.

But before she could, Neraxis used Sword Dash and, in the very next moment, proceeded to smash her down onto the floor using his now blunt sword.

That seemed to startle her as she attempted to get back on her feet and escape. However, he soon let out a sigh and made his sword sharp again.

The moment she thought she was about to escape through the window, Neraxis used the Simple Horizontal Slash, controlling it just enough so it wouldn't impact the wall behind her.

However, it was still more than enough to completely cut off her legs and completely halt her in place.

He watched as she began processing what had just happened to her, and before long, he closed the door behind him, entering the practically soundproof room as her screams resounded.

"AHHHH! You fucker!" she shouted through gritted teeth and pulled out an array of needles from her hair before throwing them all at him.

Alas, he had already seen them, so all he had to do was dodge, earning an even more sour expression from her.

"Talk," Neraxis said in a cold tone, trying to get her to reason.

But it was not going to be so easy, as soon, she began bringing down the scalpel right to her own throat.

However, just as it was about to impale her, a certain masked figure appeared from the side and, before long, cut off both of her arms before nodding at Neraxis and disappearing along with the maid's body.

<Sarah got her. We will be interrogating her for the time being, so proceed as planned. I will be watching,> Amara's voice rang out.

"Sure," he steadily replied before taking a glance at the fat man on the bed.

His breathing seemed fine, meaning he was simply unconscious.

Therefore, Neraxis used all of his strength to push the man off the bed and onto his back before quickly removing the four needles out of his body and throwing them inside Evangeline's storage.

[What use do you have for them anyway?] Evangeline questioned with a tinge of curiosity.

Doesn't hurt to have some kind of trump card. The poison is embedded in the needle itself, so I don't have to worry about it dissipating either. Neraxis replied before placing the man back onto the bed and quickly making his way out of the room.

There were still areas he had to investigate, and considering he had already stumbled upon someone they were looking for, it meant that there were many more.

However, as he entered another room, a strange sight caught his eye.

What's this?

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