The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 972 The old past

Chapter 972 The old past

The Gyeonggi-do Police Station immediately took action after receiving the notification from Han Sunmi, but the matter was of great importance, and the police chief in charge also contacted the director when he was dispatched.

"Director, there is news from the serial murder case team that we should arrest [-] suspects for questioning, but these people are all believers in Shinrikyo."

Sheriff Li Jinshenghui reported.

The reason why Li Jinsheng reported to the director was because he knew that the director, Xu Shanyu, also belonged to the Shinri religion, and he seemed to be a middle-level person. If he arrested the believers of the Shinri religion and didn't tell him, something big would happen.

"A follower of Shinrikyo?"

The surprised voice of Seo San-woo, chief of Gyeonggi-do Police Station, came from the phone.

"Yes, the thirty suspects are all believers in Shinrikyo. We have taken action now and are on the way to arrest them. We can only execute the orders directly issued by the task force."

Li Jinsheng excused himself.

"Okay, I see. Do you have any information about those thirty people in your office?"

Xu Shanyu asked.

"Yes, it's in my computer, you can watch it directly, I haven't closed it."

Li Jinsheng said hastily.

"Be careful when you act. It's just a suspect. If you haven't been convicted, it means you're not guilty. Don't be too rude. Just bring it back for questioning. Do you understand?"

Xu Shanyu warned.

"Yes, Director, I will definitely pay attention to it, and there will never be any behavior that shouldn't happen!"

Li Jinsheng immediately understood what Xu Shanyu meant, which was to tell him not to treat those people as criminals, but to treat them well.

"Okay, that's it!"

After Xu Shanyu hung up the phone, he immediately went to Li Jinsheng's office to check the suspect's information on the computer.

"How did the task force investigate Shinrikyo? They also regarded the people inside as suspects? Or did they target Park Qirui? What was their basis? Or did they have any evidence?"

A series of questions formed in Xu Shanyu's mind. Park Qirui's Han-Korean company has a detached position in Bangziguo, and the Shinrikyo sect he founded is also the largest sect. He has never heard of anyone investigating the Han-Korean group or Shinrikyo. What's more, this kind of serial murder case, one can imagine how sensational it will be if it breaks out.

And the investigation team took action at this time, indicating that the other party should have grasped the key clues, otherwise how dare they take action against the Truth Sect?It's just that Xu Shanyu couldn't figure it out. Although the Truth Sect was very brainwashed, Xu Shanyu still couldn't believe it if they killed people.

Xu Shanyu didn't think about it for too long, and immediately passed the deputy chief and directly contacted the director of the police department. Xu Shanyu is the direct descendant of the director. If he wasn't the director, he would not be the director with Xu Shanyu's qualifications, and he would have contact with Shinrikyo It is also because of the director's relationship.

"Hello, Director, I'm Xu Shanyu."

"I just received the news that the investigation team asked my people to go to the Truth Church to arrest the suspects in the serial murder case, and there were actually 30 suspects."

"I didn't receive any news beforehand. The investigation team directly contacted my subordinate Li Jinsheng. I will contact you as soon as I know about it!"

"I don't know. The investigation team just passed over the suspect's information and let them act."

"Okay, I understand, I will always pay attention to it, and I will contact you as soon as possible if there is any situation!"

"That's it for the director, I'll check the situation first!"

After Xu Shanyu hung up the phone, he immediately went to wait for his subordinates to arrest them. He had a hunch that the investigation team's behavior would cause such a big earthquake.

Director Kim Jong-tae fell into deep thought after hanging up the phone. He also didn't expect that the investigation team's investigation into the serial murder case would find Shinrikyo and Park Qirui.

Kim Jong-tae saw the problem much deeper than Xu Shanyu. His first reaction when he heard the news was that the investigation team was not targeting the thirty suspects. The real target of the investigation team was Park Qirui, and among the thirty people there must be Park Qirui's assistants, or the investigation team suspected that some of them were involved in the serial murder case.

The investigation team did this to lure the snake out of the hole, but what Kim Jong-tae couldn't figure out was, what kind of confidence did the investigation team have to attack Park Qirui directly. As Park Qirui, if he couldn't beat him to death with a stick, it would trigger a series of attacks on the other side. The crazy blow, the consequences are quite serious.

Kim Jong-tae has a certain connection with Park Qirui and Shinrikyo, but it is not particularly deep. He also met Park Qirui through the chief prosecutor, and the chief prosecutor is Park Qirui's hardcore. From those few contacts, it can be seen that the chief is completely He completely believed in Park Qirui, and he even suspected that the chief executive must have Park Qirui's help to make it to where he is today.

In this way, Park Qirui, the investigation team, will inevitably have conflicts with the Supervision Office, and in Bangzi Country, the Supervision Office has a higher status than the Police Department. Once the Supervision Office intervenes, the police will be unable to move forward, and even the operation will die prematurely. It is likely that this will lead to conflicts between the prosecutors and the police.

Thinking of this, the director immediately contacted the deputy director in charge of the special case team, wanting to find out what was going on.

"Hey, Deputy Chief Li, come to my office immediately."

After speaking, Kim Jong-tae hung up the phone.

"It's still here!"

Li Qingxiong sighed after hanging up the phone.

At the moment when the investigation team took action, Li Qingxiong was waiting for this call. This was the first call, but it would never be the last. Once caught, everyone in the city will know about it immediately, and that's when I'm the busiest.

In any case, let's get past the present one first, Li Qingxiong tidied up his clothes, and walked to the director's office.

"What's going on with the investigation team? Is there any conclusive evidence?"

After Li Qingxiong came to the director's office, Kim Jong-tae asked straight to the point.

"No, these people were brought back for clues. It has been clearly determined that the murderer of the serial murder case is a member of Shinrikyo. What is lacking now is actual evidence. The investigation team wants to use these people as a breakthrough, and I agree!"

Li Qingxiong did not say that the real target of the investigation team was Park Qirui, and the last sentence was to take the responsibility on himself.

"You should understand what kind of sensation the investigation team will cause by doing this. There is no evidence that these people can only be detained for a maximum of 24 hours. If the Truth Church makes a move, they will not be able to detain them for 24 hours. Such a short period of time , can you find the key clues?"

Kim Jong-tae asked calmly.

"Always give it a try. Time is running out. We can only use unconventional methods. Otherwise, we won't be able to solve the case before the next victim appears. This is a decision I made after discussing it with Chief Police Officer Han. I will bear all the consequences!"

Li Qingxiong said respectfully.

"You should understand what the consequences of doing this are, right? Are you sure you can afford it?"

Kim Jong-tae looked at Li Qingxiong and asked.

"Some things have to be done by someone, and it's about the dignity of the police!"

Li Qingxiong said firmly.

"The dignity of the police?"

Hearing what Li Qingxiong said, Kim Jong-tae was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Li Qingxiong to say that. At the same time, he also felt Li Qingxiong's firmness. Kim Jong-tae looked at his subordinates and fell into deep thought.

"Can you do it?"

Kim Jong-tae asked after a while.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. Some things have to be done. It doesn't matter what the result is. What matters is an attitude. Maybe I can't do it, maybe the investigation team can't do it, but one day someone will do it. , this investigation must continue no matter what!"

After Li Qingxiong lowered his head and pondered for a while, he raised his head and said solemnly.

"Have you thought about the consequences of doing this?"

Kim Jong-tae asked.

"I am ready, regardless of the results of the investigation, I am ready to resign!"

Li Qingxiong didn't waver in the slightest. He had found what he had forgotten, and after finding it, he was not going to give up.


Kim Jong-tae was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He didn't expect that Li Qingxiong was really ready to fight to the end, even ready to resign.

"That will be discussed later. Now I ask you, are you sure? Can you crucify him at once?"

Now it's Li Qingxiong's turn to be stunned. He doesn't understand what Kim Jung-tae means, to find out?Or is there another picture?
"No, I can only try desperately. For those children who haven't had time to enjoy life, and for other children who are growing up, someone has to make a choice!"

Li Qingxiong didn't know Kim Jong-tae's position, so he didn't disclose many key things, and they were often vague, but regarding his position and determination, he was firm and unshakable.


Kim Jong-tae's state was a bit strange, the expression on his face changed from sadness to anger, and at the same time, there was a gleam of hatred hidden in his eyes, which caught Li Qingxiong's attention.

My own leader is also a person with a story!Those eyes of hatred would not be seen by those who had not lost their loved ones. If Li Qingxiong hadn't known that Kim Jong-tae's family was a son, not a daughter, he would have thought that Kim Jong-tae's daughter had also suffered the same disaster.

"Deputy Chief Li, I want a word from you!"

Standing by the bed, Kim Jong-tae looked back at Li Qingxiong and said seriously.

"Director, tell me!"

Li Qingxiong didn't say death, neither said he could do it, nor said he couldn't do it, what if Kim Jong-tae asked him to disband the investigation team?He can't do this, and there are less than four days left. No matter who gives the order, Li Qingxiong will insist on this less than four days no matter what. It doesn't matter if the sky falls after four days, but not now.

"What I want is that no matter whoever obstructs you in handling the case, you will not stop until Park Qirui is arrested and brought to justice! Can it be done?"

Kim Zhengtai heard what Li Qingxiong meant, but he didn't care. What he cared about was whether Li Qingxiong and the task force could do it.

"Well, I didn't say that the murderer was Park Qirui! The suspect we suspect is one or more of the thirty people. There is no evidence to prove that Park Qirui is the murderer!"

Li Qingxiong didn't know what Kim Jong-tae meant, was it a test?Or do you really want to catch Park Qirui?Until there is no way to really believe Kim Jong-tae, it is absolutely impossible to reveal that the murderer is Park Qirui.

Li Qingxiong knows that Kim Jong-tae has had contact with Park Qirui many times, and he is even a member of Shinrikyo, and his status is still very high. Such a person who is so close to Park Qirui suddenly tells you that you must catch Park Qirui, No one will believe it!

"Deputy Chief Li, you don't need to hide it from me. I know that your real target is Park Qirui, and those people under your command are just to test Park Qirui's attitude."

"I know you don't believe me, after you read this document, you will understand why I did this!"

Kim Jong-tae seemed to have made up his mind and took out a file from the safe.

"It has been 20 years since I transferred this file to Seoul. Today you are the first person to see this file. After reading it, I think you will believe me!"

Kim Jong-tae caressed the file in his hand, with pain, remorse and hatred in his eyes, with tears shining in his eyes.


Li Qingxiong didn't talk nonsense, and directly took over the documents in Kim Zhengtai's hands and began to look through them.


During this process, neither of the two spoke, only the sound of Li Qingxiong flipping through the files. Information on the disappearance of an adult girl.

But he didn't understand what Kim Jong-tae meant. He didn't understand Kim Jong-tae's series of reactions and demands until he saw the information of the last girl. The last girl's name was Kim Jong-yeon, and she was 13 years old when she disappeared!
"Director, is this Kim Jung-yeon?"

Li Qingxiong put together the files and looked at Kim Jong-tae.

"My sister is six years younger than me. My parents died young, and Zhengyan and I depended on each other. When my parents left unexpectedly, Zhengyan was only three years old and I was nine years old. We lived together until I faced the university entrance exam. When it was still the choice to give up studies to earn money to take care of Zhengyan, something happened to Zhengyan!"

"You should know that the families of orphans are in difficulty, and we were the same at that time. The parents' accident compensation has long been spent. I finished high school while working and earning money. Zhengyan is going to junior high school too, and the expenses are too high." It will get bigger and bigger, my grades are good, but Jeongyeon is not bad either."

"If I had to choose between the two of us, I would choose Zhengyan to study, because girls are more promising when they study, and boys are better in society, but Zhengyan said that she doesn't want me to give up being a policeman for her." Chances are, she wants to see me in a police uniform that day, so Jeongyeon also started doing odd jobs to make money at a young age."

"I do three part-time jobs alone to make money. Although it is hard work, as long as I can realize my dreams and take good care of Zhengyan, I don't care how hard or tired I am. I just hope that I can give Zhengyan a happy life and a better life. the future of."

"But I didn't do such a simple thing. On the night of Zhengyan's 13th birthday, I wanted to buy a birthday cake for Zhengyan. Zhengyan hadn't eaten a birthday cake yet, so I played for a while longer. I didn’t pick up Zhengyan who was doing odd jobs in time, and when I went to find Zhengyan with the birthday cake, Zhengyan disappeared!”

Kim Jong-tae gently caressed the photo of his younger sister, his eyes were full of remorse, tears could not stop streaming down, this was the greatest pain and remorse in his heart, he never told anyone about it, but today he told Li Qingxiong , that's because their goal is the same, they both want to bring down Park Qirui!
(End of this chapter)

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