Chapter 33: Chapter 3.9 - Take a Break
Ever since Adam died, he didn't feel hungry nor thirsty but seeing the food on his plate made him want to taste it. Every dish served was a mix of vegetables and plants, the Young God didn't mind since it was delicious.
After filling up his belly the boy let out a satisfying breath.
"Was the food of your liking, my Lord?"
Agnis was the first person near Adam, smiling casually, while scanning his face.
"You talking to me?" The Playboy could not believe he was just called "Lord". It was the most absurd thing he had ever heard.
"Yes." She answered, innocence sparkling in her eyes.
The food threatened to go up his throat.
"Please, don't ever call me that. Adam is fine." He joined his palms begging while swallowing the food again.
"Are you sure?"
The girl was young, about his age. Looking at her yellow eyes could easily get a man lost.
"Yes! Save that for grandpa over there."
Covering his mouth, he pointed at Calder who was chatting with someone at the other side of the table.
Agnis let out a chuckle and nodded.
After a pause, the girl scooched closer to the God and copied his previous gesture. In secrecy, matching her behavior he lowered his head to listen.
"You know, the smiths from the Vulcan Forge are magic." She looked up to his brown eyes. "This sword has a soul that can feel its owner's energy." Adam's eyes wided with enthusiasm. "Our Forge Master doesn't make weapons to kill. He says that it's evil to use nature to cause suffering."
Agnis' feline eyes were fierce, which made her story even more significant.
"The steel they use comes from the depths of this mountain, a sacred place to our people." As she talked the tenderness of her eyes became more evident.
Involved in her own thoughts, Agnis touched the wood planks as if she could see what was underneath the surface. Intrigued, the Earth God mirrored her behavior. The mount went deeper than what was above the ground. Adam felt the powerful warm breath of the Earth under the volcano.
"The Master uses his magic to shield the sword against senseless bloodshed. Only if its owner has a Spirit stronger than the steel will they unleash the blade's true potential."
For a moment, the God thought about what the girl said. It would be of great help to have a magic weapon to fight Marduk.
Determined, Adam could wait for the training to begin.
"Do you know where I can practice?" He asked Agnis, already planning to escape the party.
"We'll begin tomorrow."
Coming from behind his back, a familiar uptight voice answered for the Speaker girl.
"We'll need rest if we are to endure what they have prepared for us at the arena."
With a closed face, Adam turned around to confront Hikari. She was in her seat sipping a glass of wine and looking at the other guests.
"And don't worry, the greatest minds we have are already searching for possible hideouts."
The Earth God felt the urge to debate with the Goddess, even though he couldn't find a reason to. She had some mysterious triggering factor about her. Once she swallowed her drink she met Adam's gaze.
"Take a break. You are doing everything you can to find her."
Her voice and neither her eyes showed any different expressions but the God felt her good intentions. Without any warning, the Goddess tapped on her glass making a high pitched sound, and the whole room turned silent.
"I think it is time for a dance. Let's celebrate life and the arrival of the New Earth God, Adam!"
Showing excitement and gratitude in her voice, the Fire Goddess raised her glass and all the flames that illuminated the place burned stronger. Her words set the temple into a celebratory mood. People stood up and walked to the band.
A man pulled the crowd with an agitated song played on a string instrument.
Shu and Calder got up to join and pulled Adam with them. Terribly afraid of having to dance with Goat beard, the Playboy grabbed Agnis by the arm, taking her with him.
On the dance floor Shu was floating while dancing with everyone they passed by. Light as a feather the Deity made a turn aiming at Adam who hid behind Agnis. The speaker laughed a little embarrassed, maintaining her position as a human shield.
While Adam tried to get away from Shu by using the poor girl, Calder was dancing on his own. As the older God started to let the music penetrate his soul he got carried away, calling everyone's attention.
The old goat was showing moves no one expected. Adam bursted out laughing but still vibing to the engaging song.
All three of them danced and pranked one another, making Agnis laugh and joy the fun. For a while, the son forgot what happened and just lived a little.
Once everyone had calmed down, distracted with other people. Adam sneaked away to take his sword and find a chill place to test it.
The first part, escaping was completed. Alone in a corner near the entrance of the temple, he did not see any way out. Holding the heavy box under his arms about to give up on the gateway mission, a light touch made him turn back.
"Come with me."