The Hero Kneels

Chapter 168 1st generation Chow Chow

After the shock, there was silence.

Prince Rose, several examiners, and all the onlookers at the scene were completely confused. They either stared with big eyes or opened their mouths.

No one expected that Ye Dou's punching power was so amazing. In that seemingly thin body, he actually had a ton of punching power.

This is simply an exaggeration!

The power shown by the punch just now exceeds one thousand kilograms. This is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and few even heroes can do it.

Such a powerful force not only means that the bald man with the same name as Ye Cannon God got full marks in the physical fitness test, but also exceeded the task.

It also means that the opponent has surpassed most ordinary heroes in terms of strength, and even some heroes known for their physical bodies are stronger.

No one on the scene could compare with Ye Dou, including Prince Rose himself.

Before, everyone thought that Ye Dou would be eliminated directly because of his score. After being humiliated by the Rose Prince, now it seems that Ye Dou was confident and did not take the 200 kilogram passing mark seriously at all.

Speaking of which, what is the origin of such an awesome person?

After coming back to his senses, Prince Rose gritted his teeth, and his handsome face looked very ferocious. Obviously, the full score of strength was enough for the opponent to pass the hero test. This was a situation he did not want to see. After all, this guy had offended him before and dared to do it in public. Call him a fake, no matter what, he will make the other party pay a sufficient price.

Fortunately, as an examiner, Prince Rose has some privileges, and it is very easy to cause trouble for the other party.

The white-faced man hesitated: Prince Rose, let's...

Don't worry, let me do it.

Prince Rose smiled slightly and shouted to Ye Dou: Congratulations, I didn't expect that you got full marks in the physical fitness test, but it's a pity that you still have to be eliminated. This player named Ye Dou, you can go home directly.

What? You have to go home directly if you get a perfect score in the physical fitness test?

Ye Dou frowned, a little confused.

Yes, I just learned that your talent test scored zero, while the physical fitness test accounted for 50%. Even if you got full marks, you only got fifty points and could not reach the passing line of sixty points for heroes.

Prince Rose smiled softly and looked proud.

Sure enough, he started to take revenge.

This kid just spoke so freely, he must be unlucky this time.

If you offend Prince Rose, he won't even think about passing the exam.

There were whispers in the audience, and anyone could tell that Prince Rose was making things difficult for him.

Some knowledgeable people know that people like Ye Dou who score full marks in the physical fitness test or even exceed the full score will usually be admitted under special circumstances. Even if they score zero points in the talent test, they can still pass the hero test. Now that Prince Rose has suddenly changed his mind, he is not making things difficult for him. What could it be?

Ye Dou thought for a while: Is the full score of the strength assessment only fifty points? Then let me challenge another event.

How could he give up so easily?

Prince Rose rolled his eyes and asked for another challenge?

This guy really didn't shed tears until he saw the coffin.

The white-faced man curled his lips and interjected: Young man, we didn't mean to make things difficult for you. You did get full marks in the strength test in the physical fitness test. You can't choose the agility test unless you choose the third combat test, but this requires It depends on the examiner’s you’d better go home as soon as possible.”

Are you not deliberately making things difficult?

Ye Dou sneered in his heart. This white-faced man was probably Prince Rose's horse boy. He didn't even have a good word to say, and he was just helping the other party to tell lies and make things difficult for him.

Regarding this interview, he was determined to win, so he simply nodded: I will choose the third combat assessment.

Hearing this, the white-faced man and several other interviewers couldn't help but look shocked.

Only Prince Rose showed two rows of white teeth, and seemed to have expected this situation: Very good, I can see that you still have some courage. The fighting assessment is not just for ordinary meals. If you can pass the fighting assessment if,

Not only will you get a perfect score in this hero exam, you will also be directly promoted to a bronze hero.


Does the examiner agree to the combat assessment?

The white-faced man and several examiners around him looked at the Rose Prince with a charming smile, quite surprised.

The Rose Prince took out a bright red rose from his chest pocket, put it in front of his nose and smelled it. He looked like he was enjoying it and said with a charming smile: The combat assessment is not a test reserved for ordinary candidates, but for ordinary candidates. Prepared by heroes with extremely strong extraordinary abilities, you have perfect scores in the strength test, and you are qualified to fight with me, the examiner!

I want to fight you in the combat assessment? Ye Dou was slightly startled.

Yes, if you want to pass the fighting test, you must defeat me, or at least have a tie. Prince Rose pointed at himself, his face full of arrogance and contempt.

What? The combat assessment actually requires fighting against the examiner?

This kid is really asking for his own death, but there will be something good to watch next.

Prince Rose is determined to fix this kid.

The examinees who were watching exploded.

He never expected that the so-called fighting test would be so difficult that he would have to compete with the examiner, Prince Rose. You must know that the opponent is a real silver-level hero ranked among the top three. He is definitely an elite among silver heroes, not just an ordinary person.

It was expected that even if this young man named Ye Dou had a fist power of one ton, he would never be a match for Prince Rose.

Ye Dou, it's better not to take part in the fighting assessment. Monroe kindly stepped forward and reminded in a low voice.


There were also a few well-meaning people around who tried to persuade Ye Dou to give up the fighting test.

The Rose Prince added contemptuously: Young man, it's too late for you to regret it now. I can easily defeat you without using rose thorns. With your three-legged cat skills, it's better to give up, otherwise you will be lying in the hospital. If you’re going to be on the road for a long time, you’d better roll as far as you can.”

Get out? I can't do that, sissy, get out and show me!

The other party turned out to be himself, Ye Dou sneered.

If the other party didn't have the examiner's skin, he would take action now.

Prince Rose stepped forward angrily: Boy, you still dare to call me a sissy, let's see how I deal with you.

What? Do you want to fight alone?

The actor Ye Dou got up and immediately assumed a Wing Chun stance, calmly saying: Wing Chun, Ye Dou!


Everyone around was shocked.

Is there any mistake?

Do you also know Wing Chun?

Prince Rose stopped, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Sissy? If you want to do something, do it quickly. Who is afraid of whom? You can hurt each other if you can! Damn sissy!

Ye Dou raised his eyebrows slightly, his aura was more like that of a previous generation of Chow Chow.


It's the Grandmaster!

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