The Guardian

Chapter 94: Anniversary

Chapter 94: Anniversary

In the living room of the building in Zerzura, Akira, who was well-dressed, let her smile show and...

“Party!” Akira exclaimed as she hugged Aurora rather cheerfully.

Today was the anniversary of Zerzura’s founding, and it was a gigantic party that Akira had been preparing for.

They had already marked where they would go and what they would do during the entire afternoon and even at night.

She was quite excited.

Leslie, who was watching calmly, could tell at a glance, however...

“You’re too clingy.” Commented Alice with an aggressive look straight at Akira and with a charming smile, she asked. “Do you want to spar with me for a bit?”


The sound of swallowing echoed in unison and it came from all their fellow students.

They were still scared and couldn’t help it.

Yesterday, Akira had told them that this was Alice’s way of ‘helping’ and that it would serve them well in the future, but knowing the reasons didn’t stop their bodies from trembling at the sight of her now.

She had engraved fear in them.

Akira pulled back and looked at Aurora for help.

With a strange expression, Aurora responded by taking Alice’s arm.

“We will have a brilliant afternoon and evening today. We’ll stop by the traditional food stalls, visit the cultural areas, and if you want, we’ll watch the parades,” Aurora commented with an encouraging smile to her companion.

Refugees from all over Africa created Zerzura, and they could find different cultures in this place that were still in force today.

And since this was the most important festival of the year, people showed their cultures in different ways.

From food, clothing, parades, musical plays, and dozens of other diverse ways.

It was a party that started early and ended late.

“But I don’t want to go to the party.”

Alice muttered in a low tone, as if she was pouting slightly.

Leslie and her group watching that scene didn’t know how to feel.

That beauty who yesterday looked like the personification of death, today was acting like a little girl who didn’t want to go to school.

It was strange, but when one thought about it, that kind of person was Alice.

Someone who ate her chips lazily and got angry if someone took them away from her... Just like that.

“It’s only for half an hour. Then you come over and we’ll have dinner together. How about it?” Aurora asked, trying to convince her friend.

Everyone present who was about to leave looked at the conversing duo of friends.

“Fifteen minutes,” Alice replied, giving a slightly excited expression as she heard about the food.

“Sure,” Aurora replied with a smile, and then giving a glance at the group, she signaled for them to leave quickly.

“It’s best to walk. Traveling by car will be too much of a hassle later.” Shao Ya said in an amused tone.

The entire group nodded.

Since it was a big party, they wanted to all go together, at least until they split up.

Everyone had different interests and wanted to see different things.

The entire group mobilized and started walking through the streets to head to the nearby cultural area.

Since the city was very large, the party had different areas spread out around the center.

Near them was an area centered on weapon sales, where adventurers, mercenaries, or skill users could go to buy their weapons of choice.

A very similar style to the ‘Dimensional Market’ in Greece, only this time focused on all kinds of cold weapons being local creations.

It was impossible to restrict cold weapons and more so when there were so many skill users. However, the places of sale were restricted and there were laws, which forced to get authorization to carry and sell weapons.

This market displayed today had authorization for sale, and was a very popular place because of the prices.

Walking through the streets, they could see that quite a few people were walking in the same direction as them.

After a hurried trip because of the excitement, they arrived at the market, which was in a nearby square.

Visitors could find different stores were scattered around and sold all kinds of cold weapons.

As for firearms, to Leslie’s regret, they were not available for sale in these places.

Still, many stores could be found from swords, combat gloves, bows, artifacts, magical accessories, and dozens of other stores besides.

In the center stood a dwarven blacksmith who seemed to have come from Terra nova forging a long sword in a small forge.

His hammering echoed through the surroundings and he imbued his weapon with magical energy, giving it power and form.

The concentrated look the dwarf gave, as if the creation of his weapon was his entire world, was too striking and quite a spectacle.

In other areas, they sold all kinds of arrows with special effects, or bone weapons and armor, which were quite impressive.

Its white coloring and shape were strange, but there was no need to doubt its strength and capacity.

Renowned blacksmiths in Zerzura or Enchanters offered their services, allowing them to enhance an object at their disposal or give it an additional effect.

It was a large place and there were many stores to browse and many items to buy.

Since the group had made over a few hundred thousand dollars on the Ark mission, they had enough to buy some interesting items of great value.

No matter if it was a mechanic or a talented firearms individual, everyone explored the area looking for items to their tastes.

Mage areas with all kinds of magical items, the archer area, swordsmen, fighters, item store.

Even though the group started at noon after lunch, this area took about two hours to explore and when they left, everyone was satisfied.

No matter if it was a psionic like Clémentine, a mechanic like Leslie or a glutton like Alice, each of them got something to their liking.

Clémentine bought some eye-pleasing accessories with some relaxing effects to use in her daily life, Leslie bought some gift items for her family, and even though it was an area centered on selling weapons, Alice could eat because there were some food stores nearby.

Which seemed like they were always in this location.

As the parade would start later and they had time to explore two more areas.

That was why the group left the food area for later and head to the cultural area.

It was far away, but not far enough to prevent them from not wanting to go.

The city of Zerzura was brilliant, and it was impressive they could do how much in a single day, but it was pitiful at the same time.

As an area with magical beasts to the south, there were also some areas of entertainment related to the various magical beasts.

A classic example was flying on some flying magical beasts or walking through the magical beast ‘habitats’ of those areas.

Upon encountering intelligent magical beasts, Zerzura would also give its own entertainment for them.

Arriving at the cultural zone that was made in another, larger square, the group quickly dispersed throughout the area, marveling at the atmosphere and different areas that this zone offered.

From traditional dress stores selling different colorful and typical African clothing.

Small musical and dance areas where they also offered all kinds of traditional African instruments.

There were also places where some individuals performed body painting in an African style to those who wished.

There, one could see children and youngsters being painted by some experts or youngsters and children painting those who offered themselves.

After the ‘Great Cataclysm,’ the situation in Africa changed suddenly.

The appearance and subsequent expansion of the magic forest, together with the ‘players’ who only sought to create chaos, caused everything to become a disaster.

The magic forest caused millions of people to migrate and the monsters or creatures killed or affected another large group.

Individuals abandoned their homes, lost their lands, and had to travel to other continents in search of salvation and hope, losing their traditions and cultures in the process to assimilate in other areas.

Zerzura City had a western-style in the way it was managed and organized, but it also supported and sought for different cultures to live together peacefully.

It encouraged the continuation of cultural events from the different countries of this continent and at the same time; it tried to merge everything to create something new.

This festival represented what Zerzura was all about.

A fusion of all kinds of cultures that, instead of dwarfing them, brought them together into something bigger and unique, which was Zerzura.

This area was more lively and encouraged people to join them to paint, dance, or learn to play instruments.

The group had fun in their own way despite coming from different areas, representing what Zerzura was all about.

Akira caught her prey, also called ‘group of students’ and led them to have their faces painted.

It was hard to avoid Akira’s motivation to try new things, and it was easy to get infected by it.

So much so that someone serious and not very talkative, like Santiago or someone who looked like a scholarly and formal gentleman like Oscar, had to join in and show off some pictures on their faces... Made by apprentice children.

Having fun watching her classmates wearing some cute felines painted on their faces was something Akira enjoyed and a situation that led others to do so.

Liam and Andrés were quick to escape from her.

As dusk was approaching, they headed for the traditional food area nearby.

The Apicius Company supported Zerzura City to achieve what it was today and one could say that they were the ‘rulers’ in the same way that the Cosmos Company was the ruler in Atlantis City.

And as a company focused on food, dining, and celebrity restaurants, it incentivized everything related to it.

That was why the traditional food area had its own area where different food stalls with all kinds of food were located.

From North African to South African typical foods to exotic foods such as ‘mopane caterpillars’, which were said to be highly nutritious.

Although Akira was encouraged to try new things, she was not interested in the food, so she took her ‘healthy’ group to eat more ‘normal’ things, leaving the ‘bold and daring’ companions with Alice.

Aurora accompanied her friend, eating whatever she ate, enjoying herself next to her sister.

Truth be told, it wasn’t as if they hadn’t eaten ‘exotic’ foods before. On the ark mission, the adventurers and mercenaries made to eat every creature they killed.

So this wasn’t much different, even though the caterpillars looked strange.

Alice liked delicious food created by renowned chefs, but as a true gourmet, she accepted any edible food, never frowning.

Although the dishes they offered had different sizes so that people could try small dishes and then visit other areas, Alice would order normal-sized dishes and devour them with Aurora.

By the time they got to the traditional African dishes such as ‘Couscous’, a dish made from wheat semolina and accompanied by other products or ‘Ugali’, a dish made from corn, Aurora was already full and could not eat anymore.

Alice deserved the title of ‘bottomless pit’ and she accepted the title of ‘glutton’.

When the group was completely full, Alice continued to eat and wander around.

From drinks to main courses to desserts, this area was a dream for any gourmet who appreciated food.

As dusk was setting in, the group, to Alice’s regret, had to leave the area and head to where the main parade would be held.

This anniversary party united all of its citizens and their cultures, looking to assimilate with Zerzura, but it also had a main purpose.

To show appreciation for those who strived to raise the city of Zerzura, in some cases giving their lives for it and honoring those who strived to maintain it every day.

The Minister of Zerzura himself was present, giving a speech on the main stage that was projected in other areas by screens displayed on buildings or drone projections.

A speech to appreciate and honor those who protect Zerzura, from adventurers, mercenaries, heroes, or independent individuals hidden from the eyes of the public.

The minister did not direct his appreciation to higher-ups such as the Apicius Company or the leaders of the Church of Time and Space; he focused on those who moved in the lower zone of the hierarchy.

Those who risked their lives to protect Zerzura and all its people in the city or the surrounding villages.

The Minister was a charismatic man who was elected when Zerzura City was small and since Zerzura City was founded five years ago, he was actually the ‘Prime’ Minister of Zerzura.

That man always sought a general welfare and praises those who strived from the bottom, the major reason was that he was a former refugee who started from the bottom.

Being a person with no skills, he made a place for himself by supporting Zerzura from behind and knowing what those at the front were doing.

Aurora had met him, so she understood his personality quite well.

Then, after a brief and forceful speech, the parade began.

Their group was in the center of the street where the parade would pass and as the path spanned dozens of streets across the main road, they had to wait.

Even though it took a while to get to their spot, they could see it all the time through the projections and screens displayed around the area.

Drones flying overhead were recording and transmitting the scenes to all of Zerzura and the surrounding villages and towns.

Then the parade arrived in their area.

First were the carriages of all kinds passing by.

Some had cultural themes and were accompanied by dancing and musical groups with drums and other instruments that resonated vividly.

Watching women dancing down the road with boundless energy as the music blared was certainly appealing.

Other carriages had magical beast themes.

In it were some Winged Lions roaring beneath a statue of a mighty feline with a crown representing the Queen of the Magical Forest.

That the Winged Lions who were surely related to the ‘Queen’s Guards’ were present showed their deep loyalty to their ruler and, at the same time, their relationship with the city.

In other carriages, the Thundering Gorillas were under a large tree representing the giant ‘Adansonia’ that stood in the center of the magical Forest.

Gorillas were energetic and passionate magical beasts, who loved interacting with humans, mimicking their dances and greeting audiences.

Then came the carriages of the adventurers whose theme on the carriages were the different SS Rank creatures that were known in Africa.

The Zhar-Ptitsa was represented in one of those carriages while around them paraded humans imitating those creatures.

The next group was soldiers of the Zerzura army.

They paraded formally dressed in their uniforms and marching with a unique discipline.

They performed nothing conspicuous, but their very presence filled the citizens with pride.

Among those parading were Colonel Makeba and Captain Sadiya with other soldiers they saw on the ‘Ark’ mission.

They noticed the group and gave official salutes and the same Colonel Makeba who went first saluted Aurora’s group, getting all the soldiers to salute in unison.

Aurora’s lips quivered. But the good thing was that it seemed like an act of the soldiers so no one looked for more reasons.

Next up was the Church of Time and Space.

They just carried a carriage with a marble pillar on top of which a strange scene was projected.

A small town in the middle of nowhere surrounded by creatures and darkness... The next moment, two blurred figures arrived, saving the town and bringing light, but also starting other figures to arrive.

Before they knew it, the small town grew and increased in size at a shocking speed as the duo of figures became hundreds and those hundreds became thousands.

Enormous buildings and a gleaming populated city defended by hundreds of distinct figures whose faces were not revealed.

That was Zerzura.

That scenario was replayed over and over again, without becoming repetitive, and each viewer enjoyed it for the first time.

Immersed in the past and looking forward to the future.

Paladins, priests, and other members of the Church paraded around it with serious military-like expressions.

In it were not only soldiers but also aid groups renowned in Zerzura for helping those in need.

High Priestess Xaali was leading the group and Aurora could also notice Vanessa parading with the priests who went to support in the ark mission.

As they passed her, High Priestess Xaali looked to the sky and muttered a few words that no one could hear.

The paladins raised their swords high, causing a strange energy to distort the space and as it circled the swords; the surroundings began to look different.

It was for a few seconds, but they could all see when the city of Zerzura was just a ruined town, surrounded by dangers.

Then, the next moment, they noticed that everything suddenly changed.

Floors were being paved, buildings were being constructed and everything was building up to what it was today.

It wasn’t just their perception, cameras could record what happened and people exclaimed with excitement, as the paladins continued their march, sheathing their swords.

Aurora gave a smile as she watched the feats of the Church, always so impressive.

Last year they performed a similar demonstration, only centered as the hordes of creatures headed toward Zerzura.

At the end, the parade ended with other themed carriages and musical dances to liven up the crowd.

By the time the parade ended, it was getting dark.

“Let’s go buy some masks to go to the ‘Seraphim’ concert,” Nicole commented rather excitedly.

Seraphim, a highly regarded psionic of high rank who could convey emotions with her voice and turn her songs into fantastic works that appealed to all audiences.

Her skill helped, but the lyrics that told a story always full of heroism towards those who always stood up to fight on behalf of those in need made anyone’s heart flutter.

Usually, their most loyal fans wore masks with unique designs depicting some heroes who used to hide by wearing them, demonstrating the desire to help in secret.

“You guys can go. It’s time to go on our own,” Aurora said with a smile, looking at her companion.

“That’s a shame,” Nicole mumbled with a half-smile, a little disappointed, but Aurora signaled her not to worry.

Aurora took her friend, who looked slightly depressed, and started walking.

The high command party would start soon and Aurora not only needed to prepare her friend to look her best, but...

“I hope we eat something delicious together,” Alice commented in a serious tone.

“Sure. Did I promise you to eat that Smilodon Fatalis, didn’t I? Well, while you get ready and go to the party, I’ll go cook for dinner,” Aurora replied calmly.

She had promised her before, and now she was keeping it.

Besides, they always had dinner together and although on this day they had more visitors than usual, they would still keep their tradition.

As for the high command party, it was likely to last a few minutes.

That was why she could not attend the concert with the others.

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