The Guardian

Chapter 85: Chaotic Battle

Chapter 85: Chaotic Battle

Amid a chaotic battle, a thunderous sound spread.


Leslie fired her rifle and shattered a feline’s leg.

She mechanically reloaded as she watched the battle in front of her.

The creatures were all large feline types and were fighting the adventurers, soldiers, and paladins of the church.

Big and muscular felines, fat and slow, fast and small, some with magical abilities and others with elemental affinities.

In this place, one can find several types of felines of different species, from tigers, pumas, leopards, among others.

Mages cast their spells and supported nearby fighters, while archers and soldiers with guns fired again and again.

It was in the southern area and likewise the creatures fought against them and their numbers were high.

Most of those defending this area were Rank B, led by Ranks A, and the problem was that the powerful individuals had to face the enemies with caution.

In the sky, all kinds of birds were flying as they fought against the winged lions in an aerial battle.

The battle was chaotic and Leslie had to prepare her shot well to make sure she didn’t hurt a teammate or miss.

Aiming at her next target, Leslie pulled her trigger.


The recoil made her shoulder ache, but she fired towards where High Priestess Xaali was standing, facing two A-rank creatures.

Because those creatures were paying attention to High Priestess Xaali who, despite being a mage, was fighting on equal terms with two strong felines, her shot was accurate.

Her bullet hit the chest of a creature and as that beast generated a dense layer of magical energy that reduced the impact, the shot was not fatal, although it was a serious wound.

That was enough for High Priestess Xaali to launch a slash that seemed to distort reality, severing one leg of that beast.

Beginning an unequal battle for these creatures.

Leslie looked at the battlefield again and then reloaded her weapon once more with a special bullet after seeing her next target.

Since she was on an elevation that the engineer vehicles made for snipers, she could look out over the entire battlefield in her area.

Even though he was not inside the barrier and was a few meters away from it, Leslie did not panic as she felt vulnerable.

She was next to some mages and marksmen, her group being a target for the predators, who knew the danger they represented.

However, no matter how much some beasts with magical affinity will attack them, the wizards dealt with them while the group of fighters tenaciously resisted, even though the beasts outnumbered them.

Leslie, looking at a fire-covered feline that was fighting Captain Sadiya and Santiago, readied her weapon to aim.

With the calmness and composure of a sniper, she aimed at her target.

Her target was holding two A-ranks, thanks to the strong elemental affinity to fire, which the beast had.

Calming her breathing with her finger on the trigger, Leslie fired when she saw an opportunity.


Her shot was quick, and she didn’t use an explosive bullet, but employed a special bullet.

When the creature extended a powerful barrier of fire to repel that bullet as it sensed danger, the bullet exploded as it hit the barrier and spread a layer of ice that partially covered the creature.

Santiago moved immediately and made it impossible for the fire feline to retreat to retrieve its barrier, allowing Captain Sadiya to perform a powerful slash with her sword that left a bloody gash in the creature’s stomach.

Enough to turn the tables of combat.

Leslie was about to reload her rifle and search for another prey when the communication system activated.

“We need reinforcements on the east side. Repeat reinforcements needed to the east side.”

Andrés’ voice echoed in the ears of those present on the south side.

The drones flew overhead, looking at the battle situation, and Andrés had seen that this side was not in a precarious situation.

“Leslie, take two magicians over the trucks and lend support.” Captain Sadiya ordered in a serious tone.

Leslie didn’t have to select the mages, they looked at each other, and two prepared to leave.

The east side was where much of their group was located.

Leslie hurried inside the barrier and over the trucks.

Unfortunately, they could not attack from inside the barrier, but they could go inside to rest for a moment.

As they watched the chaotic battle raging nearby, Leslie moved forward.


Nicole bolstered her body with magical energy and rolled across the floor, dodging the claws of a feline, jaguar-like creature.


On the ground, she had to roll again and used her strength to get up, dodging another claw from a creature that slashed the ground where she had been.

Nicole’s expression changed as she saw out of the corner of her eye Clémentine was having difficulty shielding Érica and another mage.

She was facing three creatures by herself while Érica was casting her spells to support her as well as the water mage.

Nicole’s eyes narrowed at the sight of her two Rank B enemies and, as lightning crackled surrounding her body, she charged forward.

One feline charged forward, and the other tried to circle around her to attack her from behind.

Nicole continued her onslaught.


She dodged the claw of the feline in front of her, keeping her close and grabbing its hind leg, she threw it while letting out a mighty scream that let the difficulty of her task show.

However, thanks to her well-prepared position, it allowed her to throw it against the other feline that had tried to go for her back, and the lightning released by her gauntlet caused burns on the beast’s leg.

Allowing it an escape from its enemies, Nicole turned around and, with her fist surrounded by several lightning bolts, struck another feline that was attacking Clémentine.

Turning back to her group’s side.

“We’re too far apart from other groups. We need to hold on!” Clémentine exclaimed with an exhausted tone as she raised Érica’s ice spears.

The eastern area was facing many enemies and while they were not Ranks A, the number of Ranks B was high.

Getting the defense on this side was running into trouble as the defenders gathered in small groups to keep themselves stable.

“I’ll try to wet those cats. Whether your group freeze it or uses them to fry it, it’s all the same.” Muttered the water mage, drinking a magic energy recovery potion.

Erica and Nicole looked at each other and both nodded.

Érica prepared her spell and Nicole gathered the lightning bolts in her gauntlet, wanting to unleash her strongest attack.

Clémentine, for her part, made the ice spears move to ward off the five felines that were surrounding them.

Then, the water mage acted by stepping forward and using his staff struck the ground.

Spheres of water appeared ahead and began firing water cannons, which, while not high in damage output, were enough to wet and shower the felines, pushing them back at the same time.

Nicole moved immediately and, not caring about stepping on the muddy floor, she took advantage of one feline’s lack of vision and as soon as the ‘water hoses’ finished spraying their target, she punched it in the jaw.


Pained roars came from that creature and those around it as the stream spread through the felines, burning the creature and its companions badly.

Waves of electricity spread in the water on the ground, causing other felines to be paralyzed.

“[Ice Wave]” Érica exclaimed, pointing her wand at two felines that were paralyzed.

A freezing wave spread out from the tip of her wand, freezing the water on the floor and the water around the feline.

One feline was heavily paralyzed and he couldn’t close his eyes, allowing the ice to freeze his eyelids next to his eyes.

“Die!” shouted Clementine, as the ice spears changed direction and pierced through two paralyzed felines.

They were about to target the others when they noticed a shadow on the ground.

Clémentine was the first to move, catching Érica next to Nicole with her telekinesis and made them retreat together.

Nicole could see how a ‘Bearded Vulture’ descended to her position, failing to catch her.

As her heart pounded at that fearful foe, a winged lion caught the bird by the neck and they both rolled on the ground away from them, starting a fight.

They were about to continue facing those felines to go to support their companions, who were having difficulties when another group of three felines approached their group, growling wildly.


Before they could react, a shot rang out and one of the moderately paralyzed felines died on the spot when a bullet pierced its head, scattering blood and brains on the ground.

Two mages joined the other groups, making surprise attacks and reducing the tension of those teams.

Leslie switched from a sniper rifle to a shotgun and, approaching through the barrier, asked. “Are you guys okay?”

“Yes. We’re fine.” Clémentine replied as she looked at the felines, who were vigilant against the new enemy that had appeared.


A fierce roar suddenly resounded before anyone could speak and everyone looked off into the distance, where a dome whose interior was white was in sight.

The felines trembled for a moment and then, as if it had started something, they all charged at the barrier.

Magical attacks, clawing with their claws or hitting its body with the barrier... They all attacked at the same time and with the same madness and intensity.

The expressions of the group changed.

Understanding that the beasts wished to go after the refugees.


“GRRrr...” Roaring furiously, Oscar, in his bear form, took on the felines.

He had significant weight and having his weight fall on the felines was a weapon.

His paws could tear open the skin of those Rank B cats and his paws could break bones.

Never mind using his jaws to bite and tear the flesh from his prey, he would spit out the blood and entrails before moving again.

Not even the few ranks A standing in his way could withstand his attacks.

Running around the barrier on the north side, Oscar shot down his enemies.

In the sky, the birds were missing and occasionally dropping dead to the ground, even so, they were causing serious damage to the barrier.

While the lions were powerful allies, they were no match for the flight of some agile birds, although they were the only ones who could keep the sky guarded.

Although on the ground the pressure on the groups was reduced, the battle became more chaotic and dangerous as the groups split up, covering the barrier’s surroundings.

They were no longer attacking them, but the barrier itself.

Oscar, passing like a freight train and sweeping through the felines, tried to reduce the danger to the members of the caravan and, at the same time, the pressure against the barrier.

While the attacks of some creatures with magical affinity came, cutting his body deep, Oscar relied on his powerful and reliable armor.

When he reached the north side, he noticed how the situation was quite disastrous.

Alima was fighting against a group of five Ranks-A magical beast that was too smart and was holding her back.

Aeko and Vazquez were fighting hard with other Ranks-A creatures, but the situation was difficult, even though the adventurers were helping.

Alima brought her support group of only forty adventurers, but the Smilodon Fatalis had not only feline-type creatures but several Ranks A serving as their small horde.

The ranks A were the worst and most serious problem.

Shao Ya and some healers were pale healing their fellows and giving potions, then those individuals would go back out without taking a breath, rescuing and helping whoever they could.


Oscar watched for less than a second and roared madly.

His body grew larger, going from four meters to six meters in length and from ten to five meters in height, while his body revealed powerful muscles, as if he had taken some drug.

The innate ability ‘Berserk’ of the ‘Big Bear’ with whom he had made the contract to allow him to become a shapeshifter caused such changes.

His bloodlust was triggered, and Oscar maintained his mage rationality as best he could.

He resisted his instinct to go completely berserk and directed his fury at the creatures.




He stepped on the B-Rank felines in his path and even though he had a large size, his speed was fast, which allowed him to reach the creatures around Alima and he caught a leopard with his big mouth thanks to that adventurer attacking to support him.


Blood and meat mingled in his mouth as he ripped a sizeable chunk out of his opponent’s neck and he was not surprised that he found the meat delicious and the blood exquisite.

“Thank you!”

Swatting at other creatures and listening to Aeko’s thanks, Oscar continued to circle the barrier to the northwest.

This was not his area, and he was just supporting it quickly.

The barrier was shaking and his goal was to keep it from being breached, as the major force could not take care of all the creatures it faced.

His claws ripped open bodies, his huge paws broke bones and his jaws ripped flesh.

The barrier still trembled.

There were only a hundred and fifty members in the primary force, and the beasts numbered over a thousand.

Here they were not in a fort resisting attack in an enclosed area that allowed them to better protect themselves.

The area effect artifacts were ineffective, as the creatures completely spread out around the barrier.

The beasts outnumbered the primary force, and although they were holding back as many beasts as possible, risking injury, other beasts got close to attack the barriers.

It was a powerful barrier. Unfortunately, Oscar knew it would not last long if his enemies continued this constant attack.

Supporting the soldiers and adventurers, Oscar reached the western side, where a tough battle was also being fought.

Paladins were the largest force here and, although they could use the “power of the gods” whom they served, all enemies outnumbered them.

They surrounded their swords in a contorting aura, and their auras were like ‘space slices’ that distorted space.

Some others used the power of ‘Time’ to hold back and delay their enemies, but the situation was complicated, as the enemies were targeting the barrier and not them.




Oscar entered the battle and at the same time, explosions echoed from the south side.

Punches creating an impact force and lightning flashes scattered around.

If the creatures didn’t have broken bones from those blows, they would surely suffer severe burns.

“Sorry to leave you,” Aurora said as she charged towards the center of the enemy groups supporting the paladins, who were retreating further into the barrier.

The speed was overpowering Oscar himself, and her strength was too terrifying.

She would dodge claws and swipe at the felines or catch them and slam them against the ground as if they weighed nothing.

Her footsteps generated small craters very different from fighters in her same rank.

Anyone could tell that she, as a fighter, was concentrating on sheer physical strength.

“Boss, they will break the barrier in ten minutes! Cardinal Brousseau is pale and won’t be able to hold it!”

Oscar himself listened to Andrés’ report, who looked anxious.

Crushing a Rank A creature in its paws breaking its bones, the big bear looked at Aurora, whose lightning was crackling in its surroundings.

“Smilodon Fatalis’ aura has already weakened. You know what to do. Alima and Oscar fall back and use the ‘baits’. No taking any chances.” Aurora ordered, starting the emergency plan.


Oscar grunted in response, but at that moment, the communication channel opened.

“Boss, the group on the east side is in dire straits! The militiamen are out!”

Aurora’s expression changed completely.



A fireball hit Érica’s ice barrier, and she felt very dizzy.

She pulled out a wand enchanted with air magic spells her parents sent her and started shooting wind slashes at the surroundings of Clémentine, who was restraining three felines with her telekinesis, while blood was pouring down her nose.

The wind slashes injured two tigers, and allowed Clémentine to replenish her psionic energy through the flat spheres in her gloves, draining her emergency energy.

Using her telekinesis, Clémentine controlled her body and could retreat from the creature’s reach.


Érica heard a grunt behind her back and then felt her body being thrown as the emergency barrier activated in her battle suit.




Gunshots echoed near Érica’s ears, and Leslie, with her shotgun, moved in to protect her.

“Are you okay?” Leslie asked without looking as she fired her electronic discs to ward off the enemies.

“Yeah... Yeah... I don’t have magic energy.” Érica replied, getting back up.

Her magical energy was completely depleted, and she now had a terrible headache, along with severe disorientation.

It was very possible that she could pass out if she cast another spell. That was why she used the wand her father had sent her, as she didn’t need magical energy for its use.

However, Érica picked up her wand again and looked at the surroundings.

“Nicole needs help!” Clémentine exclaimed as she held a purple sphere in her hand.

She was using psionic energy from external means to support herself, just as Érica was using her objects.

Érica turned her gaze to Nicole, who was with the water mage.

The situation had changed extremely fast, and the creatures performed one last ‘hurrah’ as more creatures arrived, leading to them splitting up even more.

She could see in the distance that the other groups were also under attack and protecting themselves as hard as possible as the wounds piled up.

Several Ranks A of the primary force were scattered fighting while occasionally a few lions came down, still, the situation was a mess.

“Let’s go help her!” ordered Clémentine.

Leslie activated her barrier from her combat armor and pulled a grenade launcher from her space ring, most likely a weapon her father had given her.

Throwing grenades at the herd of creatures, the explosions echoed the next moment.




Powerful explosions kicked up clouds of dirt and the trio charged forward to support Nicole, who was struggling as her barrier shook.

Nicole’s combat suit had high physical defenses and since she was a melee fighter, the wounds piled up, no matter how much she tried to dodge.

The water mage was bleeding from the nose with a deathly pallor and even in that state, he was using all his emergency items to support his partner.

From healing scrolls on Nicole to single-use attack scrolls.

They knew that Nicole came not from a wealthy family and even though the trio lent her items in case of emergency, she could not use them now, as she was hitting the approaching felines again and again.

When they were five meters away, Érica, out of the corner of her eye, could see how a feline surrounded by fire was looking at them.

“BEWARE!” she shouted the next moment, after noticing how the feline was throwing a fireball at their group.

Leslie was the one who stepped forward powering up her barrier, which in the next moment covered her entire group.


The explosion rang out and the blow from that rank-A fire-type beast was so strong that the expansive force sent them back..

Érica herself rolled on the floor as her emergency bracelet activated, creating a secondary personal barrier.

Clémentine and Leslie were the same.

Érica, with her mind boggled, got back up and watched as the fire feline created a powerful fire spear, looking down at her.

Maybe he hated ice... That was the only thought Érica had as she watched the spear approach her.

“Watch out!”

The next moment she heard a warning, and Érica’s vision changed as she was pushed.


She heard a groan of pain and Érica felt the overflowing heat near her.


For Érica, there was a moment of silence, and when she looked around, she realized the reason.

The same young militiaman who had ridden in her group’s truck had pushed her.

However, the young man was pierced in his stomach completely as the spear struck the barrier behind his back.

Érica’s mind went blank as she watched the young man.

Her first thought was that it wasn’t necessary... She had emergency survival items, from her earrings to the bracelets.

The second thought was her own disbelief that a person she had only known for a few days would save her.

Her mind was lost in the drift of random thoughts because of her depletion of magical energy and to the situation she found herself in.

“Ughhh...” The young man coughed up blood, as more blood poured out of his stomach in terrifying quantities.

Érica reached out unconsciously, but like a child who didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t find a way to resolve the situation.

She was so lost, her rationality vanished like a drop of water near the sun.

The militiamen who came out fired their weapons and engaged in a battle to support the return of the various groups.

Before Érica could react, Aurora instantly moved to the young man’s side and, with a serious look, pulled a potion from her space ring.

“You will be fine. I’ll see that you’re fine.” Aurora said with a reassuring smile as she squirted the liquid from the bottle into the wound.

Érica knew she was trying to get the young man to relax, and that was why she opened and closed her mouth as she saw that the wound had destroyed part of his stomach.

The burn from the fire lance closed part of the wound and did not allow the organs to come out, but that wound was fatal... It was too big.

Not even Cardinal Brousseau could treat that wound.

“Xaali come. There is a seriously wounded man.” Aurora ordered without losing her cool and breaking two scrolls.

A green aura covered the young man, relieving his pain and wounds, while a colorless aura delayed his death.

Five seconds later, space distorted and High Priestess Xaali, with an exhausted expression, appeared near them.

“Oh, dear God, turn back the time for your devotees...” High Priestess Xaali implored.

The magical energy in the surroundings emptied, and the creatures fled as they sensed a slight superior presence observing the situation.

The young man’s surroundings receded as time was turning back and wounds were regenerating at a shocking level, regardless of severity.

Time was receding in a small area, returning to the previous state of things.

That was the power of the God of Time and Space... A Primordial God.

Aurora’s expression softened as she saw that there was a response from that higher existence that was said on Terra nova not to intervene with its believers.

The young militiaman coughed blood, but then opened his eyes in surprise that he was still alive.

“Take it easy and head back to camp,” Aurora ordered and stood up, looking at the surroundings where the creatures had moved away. She looked at High Priestess Xaali with appreciation and when she nodded, she ordered. “Oscar and Alima, activate the bait. The rest of you fall back inside the barrier.”

Érica looked at Aurora, who pulled out her own baiting device to lure beasts and when the gaze landed on her, she opened her mouth and...

“I’m sorry...” Érica muttered under her breath.

She completely forgot to react to the situation and all she could think was that the young militiamen wound was deadly.

She could blame it on her lack of magical energy and her daze, but Érica knew she went blank not knowing how to react due to being completely shocked.

Nor did she use the healing scrolls or healing potions she had... She simply went blank.

“It’s okay. Nothing serious happened. Now go back to camp and rest. At least thank your savior.” Aurora said with a faint smile.

“No, I... Just...” the young militiaman muttered and seeing the High Priestess looking at him with a smile, he murmured. “Thank you.”

Érica relaxed and watched as Aurora walked away with the bait artifact.

“Thank you very much,” Érica stated sincerely to the young militiaman.

No matter if her magic items could have protected her or not, she thanked the young man for being able to save her at the risk of his own life.

“I only did what everyone would do.” The young militiaman muttered with a sigh full of relief.

Érica knew that not everyone would do it... Very few people could do what she did without hesitation or thought.

Letting out a sigh, she kept her gaze on Aurora’s back, who was lost in the woods, running off into the distance.



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