The game of revenge

Chapter 25: Ju's Father Relation with the Prime Minister

"The game of revenge; which revenge?" Thomas was stunned.

"So, you wanna know why I hate my husband too much that I enjoyed seeing him in that condition. So, let's listen to the complete story behind this. After that, you'll realize that I'm not trapping you and really wanna take revenge".

So, Ju told him the complete story.

Ju's father named Chang, was a detective and worked in the national secret agency. The job was quite challenging.

We can name that the death game because every detective had to hide the secret from everyone outside the agency's premises. That wasn't so simple because they weren't general secrets. Exposing one secret could even cause a world war.

One day Chang was promoted to the highest level. That day was such happiness for our whole family, but they didn't know that would change the direction of their lives so severely.

The next day, Chang received a secret call: "Go to the Shanghai tower at 12:am or see the whole world destroyed".

Listening to that kind of news was normal to Chang, but he took that matter seriously because nobody had ever warned him before like that. The criminal didn't even think that his phone could be tracked and he would be arrested.

Whatever Chang went to a specific location at a specific time. The man in the black dress with the gun was hidden behind the bushes.

He came close to Chang and put the gun to his face.

"Congratulations on your promotion. We know you were told many secrets in the meeting with head detectives due to being ranked. Tell us the bomb code you know; otherwise, we'll kill you".

It's human nature that he got scared of the name of death, but Chang was so honest with his profession. He said: "Then, please kill me. Life with the burden of such considerable guilt will be useless for me".

The man started laughing out loud: "I knew very well that you'd not agree on this. So let's see what happened to you now".

At that moment, the man called his servant, who was also hidden behind the bushes.

Chang was shocked because his servant was with Ju. He was putting a gun on her face.

"He has decided that he'll not tell us a secret—no need to wait even for a moment. Shoot a girl". Man roared.

He was going to shoot Ju when Chang cried: Please. "You can kill me, but please leave my daughter."

Still, he was holding a gun on her. Instead of considering Chang's words, he kept the gun closer to his eyes.

Chang cried at once: "Go to the right of the first turn of the lab. Enter the room. The black cabinet will be there. In the third drawer, the computer password is written with a black marker. On the computer, in the secret folder named my files, the formula is saved".

Then, Chang took a deep breath and calmly said:

"Ahh! Now, please leave my daughter".

The man handed over the suitcase to Chang and said:

"Keep this suitcase. You have to leave it in the park in front of your office tomorrow at 3:33 pm".

When Chang asked what was in the suitcase, the man threatened him.

"If you dare to open it, we'll kill your daughter instantly and throw her corpse in the jungle at the secret place. You'll not be lucky enough to see her face even after her death".

Chang agreed with them and returned home with Ju.

The Prime Minister at that time worked as a detective in the same agency. He was extra-talented in his field. So, he felt that the computer was being hacked.

Without telling anyone about the matter, he started searching about the person who helped hackers in doing that. With the secret cameras and the evidence, he became successful in finding the criminals. Finally, they were caught.

Criminals didn't feel any hesitation in telling them that the one behind all that was Chang. Of course, the Prime Minister didn't believe that because Chang was considered so honest in his profession.

Once the criminals were just going to kill Chang, but he didn't expose the secret, and fortunately, the other team members reached there and saved him. That was not just but, there were several examples of his honesty.

For making the Prime Minister trust in him, the criminal said: "Your honest officer is going to devastate the world. If you wanna catch him red-handed, reach the park in front of your office at 3:33 pm".

The next day, Chang went to the park on time and took the bag to the place. Just after he kept the bag there, the Prime Minister caught him with the team.

When the bag was opened, everyone couldn't believe his eyes because a bomb was in it. The news spread that the famous detective on which the entire country believed so much had such a dirty mind.

He was sentenced to death due to being his nation's betrayal.

Those circumstances made Ju and his family totally helpless. They were alone in the whole world.

Ju's mother went into deep trauma and was sent to the mental hospital. The Prime Minister as a nice person sent a proposal for Ju in sympathy.

Ju thought that was the best way to take revenge on him. So she determined that she would make his life exceptionally worse and that he would beg for death.

As time passed, her heart would be more and more unsatisfied instead of getting the satisfaction that she was successfully taking her revenge.

Thomas became answerless after listening to Ju's story. That was so emotional enough to make anyone sympathetic to Ju.

While telling the story, Ju's eyes got red and swollen due to the constant flow of tears.

"I wanna destroy the whole world. That would be my revenge." She said while wiping her tears.

"But why do you wanna attack the whole world? What's other innocent people's fault"? Thomas tried to get a clear understanding of Ju's intention.

"What was my father's fault? He was helpless. How could he become the cause of my death! His nation gifted him with death for the sake of his sacrifices. That's why there's no right for any daughter to live with her father. I'll kill everyone! Everyone!" Ju cried.

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