Chapter 61: Chapter 94-95-96
Chapter 94
During a lunch at Kris Jenner's house, Derek, Kylie, Stormi and Aire gathered around the large dining table next to Kris and Kylie's sisters. It was a typical Sunday, with laughter, lively conversation and the usual family atmosphere. The children ran outside, playing with some of the toys Kris kept in the house for her grandchildren, while the adults enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere.
After lunch, Kris suggested that everyone gather in the living room to watch a movie. Kourtney quickly suggested Lone Survivor, a film based on a real Navy SEAL mission in which only one member of the team survived.
At the name of the movie, Derek arched an eyebrow and smirked.
"I think you'll like it," Kris said excitedly as she picked up the TV remote.
"Lone Survivor?" Kylie asked, looking at Derek with a curious smile. "I've heard of that movie."
"Oh, yeah," Derek replied, leaning back on the couch. "I know that story well. I just don't know if you'll like my take on the movie."
Kylie's sisters stared at him expectantly as the movie began. Kendall, ever curious, couldn't help but ask.
"Why, Derek? Isn't the movie true to reality?"
Derek sighed lightly and adjusted himself on the couch, watching the opening of the movie.
"Lone Survivor tries to capture the essence of an operation, but it doesn't tell the whole truth. Marcus Luttrell, the survivor, has his own version of events, but the after-action reports... well, they say something else." Derek gave the group a serious look. "The number of insurgents he claims to have faced, for example, is greatly inflated. And there's another important detail: when they found him, he still had all his gun magazines full. He didn't shoot. He ran away while the others fought."
Kris, who loved learning about anything new, leaned forward.
"Really? And the operation should have happened?"
"No." Derek shook his head, crossing his arms. "It was a mission that never should have been launched. The terrain, the political climate, everything was wrong. People in the special operations community know this, and because of it, Luttrell doesn't have a very good reputation among the operators."
The group was silent for a moment, everyone processing what Derek had said as the film continued. Kylie took Derek's hand gently, realizing that the subject was a sensitive one.
"It must be hard to watch something like that, knowing what really happened," she said gently.
"Yes," Derek admitted. "It's complicated. The movie makes it look like an epic battle, but on the real battlefield, the results are much more chaotic, less glorious. Plus, a lot of the details he shared about the combat simply don't match up with what we know."
As the dramatic action scenes unfolded on screen, everyone remained silent, absorbing Derek's words and trying to reconcile what they saw with what he had described.
As the film came to a close, one scene in particular left everyone in the room emotional: the real photos of the soldiers who lost their lives on that mission. A wave of emotion swept through the room, and Kourtney, usually the most reserved, was the first to wipe away a tear that was silently running down her face.
"They were so young…" she murmured.
Kendall nodded, her expression somber as she watched the images.
"It's so easy to forget that real people went through this," she said, her voice breaking.
Derek nodded, understanding the depth of the moment.
"Yes, they were young. Very young. Most operators are guys in their early twenties, but with enormous responsibilities. That's what makes it so hard. It's hard to see friends, brothers in arms, die on missions that often shouldn't have happened."
Kim, who had been quieter during the session, looked at Derek with a thoughtful expression.
"I can't even imagine…" she said, shaking her head. "It must be devastating to lose people like that."
Kylie squeezed Derek's hand tighter, showing her support and understanding. She knew that beneath his strong exterior, he carried difficult memories of his time in the field.
"These movies sometimes romanticize what happens on a mission," Derek continued, staring at the screen as the final scenes rolled. "But in reality, it's much darker and more complex. And the men who lost their lives, they should never be forgotten. But the way they're portrayed… sometimes it leaves something to be desired."
As the credits rolled, the group sat in respectful silence, still reeling from what they had seen and Derek's revelations. Kris stood up and walked to the kitchen, muttering that she needed a moment. The other sisters followed suit, standing up one by one to stretch their legs and take in what they had just seen.
Derek, for his part, sat for a moment, staring at the screen that was off.
Kylie, still beside him, turned and looked him in the eye.
"Thank you for sharing this with us. I think we all need that reminder of what really happens."
Derek just smiled back, a small smile that was full of meaning.
"Sometimes it's good to remember. But it's even more important for people to know the truth, especially when it comes to life-and-death stories like this."
As the day went on and the conversations changed direction, that moment of reflection stuck with the group, especially for Kylie's sisters, who gained a new perspective on the stories that movies like Lone Survivor tried to tell.
Chapter 95
Derek was excited as he made his way to the recording studio for Joe Rogan's podcast. Although he was used to interviews and public interactions, participating in a podcast as popular as Joe Rogan's was something different. He knew that the conversation with Joe would be relaxed, but at the same time full of interesting questions and deep discussions. Upon arriving, he was greeted by the production team, who led him to the main room, where Joe was already waiting for him.
"Derek Rogan!" Joe said as soon as he saw him enter. He stood up to greet him with a warm handshake and a smile. "Man, it's so great to finally have you here! I've heard so much about you. The first thing I thought when I saw your name was, 'I wonder if he's my long-lost cousin or something?'"
Derek laughed, sitting down in the chair next to Joe.
"Yeah, Joe, who knows? Maybe we have some Irish ancestors in common," Derek joked. "But it's funny, I've always heard that joke. People even ask me sometimes if I'm related to you."
— That would be cool, right? — Joe smiled and waved for the crew to start recording. — Well, let's get started. We're here today with Derek Rogan, formerly a Marine and now involved in a number of ventures, including partnerships with huge brands like Nike and recently a commercial for Paco Rabanne. Man, you're everywhere now!
— Yeah, it's been an interesting journey — Derek replied, adjusting himself to the microphone. — But I'd say it all started with the discipline and lessons I learned in the Marine Corps.
— Sure, sure — Joe said, nodding approvingly. — Let's get back to that, but first, I have to ask: have you ever been stopped on the street and someone mistook you for me?
Derek laughed.
— Believe it or not, it's happened a few times. Especially since I've started being out in public more. People look at me and are like, 'Hey, are you Joe Rogan?' I just say no, but we're probably distant relatives. That always gets a smile out of them.
— That's great! — Joe laughed. — So, seriously now, you have an amazing story. You were a Marine, right? And then you went to MARSOC, if I'm not mistaken.
Derek nodded.
— That's right. I joined the Marine Corps in 2012 and then joined MARSOC, which is the Marines' special operations unit. I went through a lot of rigorous training, including SERE, and eventually served in overseas operations.
— Man, I'm always curious about what makes a guy like you want to get involved in something so challenging and dangerous. What drove you to do this?
Derek paused, thinking.
— I guess I've always had this desire to test my limits. Ever since I was young, I knew I wanted something that would challenge me mentally and physically. And of course, the idea of serving my country was always there. Being part of an elite force was a way to challenge myself every day. The Marine Corps gave me that opportunity, and I jumped at the chance.
"What was it like being a part of MARSOC?" Joe asked, clearly interested.
"Intense," Derek replied. "The training is a whole new level. You're always operating at your limit, both physically and mentally. And there's an incredible camaraderie between the guys. It's like a family. When you're on a mission, you know you can count on them with your eyes closed."
Joe shook his head.
"I've heard that a lot from guys like you. That connection is something few of us out there fully understand. But it's amazing to see the impact it has on their lives."
The conversation continued for a while, with Joe and Derek diving into details about military life, what it means to be in combat zones, and the difficulties of transitioning to civilian life. Derek explained how the support of the veterans community and the focus on new projects helped him adjust after leaving active duty.
After another round of questions, Joe changed the subject to something lighter.
— So, you recently did a commercial for Paco Rabanne, right? And it had something to do with jumping out of a plane and meeting Gigi Hadid? — Joe laughed. — It sounds like you're having a lot of fun with these opportunities.
Derek smiled.
— Man, that was a unique experience. They invited me to do this commercial where I start out on a military mission, jumping out of a plane in freefall. After I landed, I had to quickly change from my military uniform into a suit, apply One Million perfume and go on a date with Gigi Hadid.
— That's the stuff of action movies! — Joe said, laughing. — And what was it like working with Gigi? She's pretty well known for always being surrounded by the Kardashian-Jenner crowd, right?
— Yeah, and coincidentally, I already knew her a little bit through Kylie and Kendall. She's super professional and a really nice person. It was cool to be able to share a bit of my military past with her, and she was really interested too.
— It must be interesting to make that transition, right? From a guy who was in being on the front lines in combat to being in perfume commercials with supermodels. That sounds… surreal.
"It definitely is," Derek admitted. "But it's a change I've embraced. Life after the military can be tough for a lot of guys, so finding these opportunities and embracing these experiences helps keep me going."
"That's inspiring to hear." Joe paused for a moment, watching Derek. "And how do you maintain that balance now? Are you still involved in fitness training, the veterans community, on top of everything else you're doing?"
"Yeah. I run my own gym and still train a lot of Nike-sponsored athletes. Plus, I always try to support my former service buddies and be involved in initiatives that help veterans. I think it's important to never lose that connection."
Joe looked impressed.
"Man, you're an example of what someone can do after leaving the service. I think a lot of guys can learn from your journey. It's always about adapting, right?"
"Exactly," Derek agreed. — You have to adapt and keep moving forward, no matter the challenges.
The conversation continued with a lively exchange of ideas about challenges, personal growth, and the importance of supporting the veteran community. At the end of the podcast, Joe thanked Derek for participating and for the incredible conversation.
— Derek, it was a great pleasure to have you here. I think our listeners will love hearing your story.
— It was my pleasure, Joe. Thanks for having me. Who knows, maybe one day we'll find out if we're actually related? — Derek joked.
Joe laughed.
— I'm going to do some research on my family history!
Chapter 96: Media Impact
Derek Rogan's episode of Joe Rogan's podcast was an instant hit. As soon as the show aired, social media exploded with comments and reactions. The audience was intrigued not only by the amusing coincidence of their last names, but also by the deep and engaging content of the conversation. Derek, with his natural charm and captivating stories, gained even more followers and admirers.
Early the next morning, Kylie was at home with Derek, Stormi, and Aire when she saw the notifications on her phone.
"Derek!" Kylie exclaimed, looking at the screen. "I think the episode with Joe Rogan just blew up! It's all over social media."
Derek was in the kitchen, preparing a simple breakfast, when he heard the excitement in Kylie's voice. He smiled, moving closer to her and peeking at his phone.
"Really?" he asked, a little surprised. — I knew the podcast had a big following, but I didn't expect this kind of response.
"Look at this!" Kylie shared a few tweets and comments on Instagram, many of which praised the interview, while others joked about the "family reunion" between the two Rogans.
"Joe Rogan and Derek Rogan together? Seriously, this needs to happen more often!" read one tweet, while another commented: "Derek Rogan is a true legend. This interview was one of the best I've ever seen on the podcast. Inspiring!"
"Looks like people really enjoyed it," Derek said, crossing his arms and staring at the screen. "And these jokes about us being related are everywhere."
"It's funny," Kylie replied, laughing. "But seriously, people loved the way you talked about your life at MARSOC, and how you were able to transition to what you're doing now."
"That's good to hear," Derek admitted, sitting down on the couch next to Kylie. — I really wanted it to be a candid conversation, to show the human side behind everything. I think a lot of veterans can relate to that.
Stormi, who was playing on the floor with some building blocks, interrupted the conversation.
"Daddy!" she said, holding up a building block. "Will you build a castle with me?"
Derek smiled and quickly joined her, while Kylie continued to check the reactions on social media. When she opened TikTok, she saw that several clips from the podcast were circulating there, with people highlighting specific moments from the interview.
"Check this out, Derek," she said, showing one of the videos. "Someone is editing out parts of the conversation. Here they are talking about the Paco Rabanne commercial."
The video showed a quick edit of the interview, followed by footage from the commercial of Derek jumping out of a plane and meeting Gigi Hadid. The audio of the interview played in the background, while the comments exploded with praise.
"This guy is awesome! He goes from Marine to model in the blink of an eye," read one comment.
"I think people are really impressed with your life change," Kylie commented.
Derek laughed as he helped Stormi stack the blocks.
"I'm still getting used to it. It seems like everything is happening so fast."
"Well, you deserve it," Kylie said, giving an encouraging smile. "You worked hard for all of this."
That afternoon, while Derek and Kylie were relaxing after breakfast, Kris Jenner called. Kylie answered, putting her phone on speaker.
"Honey, you two have to see this!" Kris said excitedly. "The whole media is talking about the podcast. They're praising Derek's interview on all sorts of platforms!"
"Seriously, Mom?" Kylie asked, already imagining how intense the news would be.
"Yes!" Kris replied. "And not just the tabloids. Even big media outlets like Forbes and the New York Times ran stories highlighting the episode. They're talking about how Derek has brought a new perspective on the military afterlife and how he's inspiring other veterans.
Derek looked at Kylie with a surprised expression.
"Wow, I didn't expect that."
Kris continued.
"And the lifestyle magazines are also talking about your transition into fashion. I think you've just become the public's darling, Derek!"
Derek laughed, but there was a hint of humility in his voice as he answered.
"I just wanted to share my story, really. If it's inspiring other people, I'm so happy."
"It is, honey!" Kris said excitedly. "I'm so proud of you! Kylie, you two are killing it!"
Kylie smiled at Derek, who seemed to still be taking in everything that was happening. When they hung up, she said,
"You seem to be on a whole new level now, Derek. People are looking to you as an example of resilience and reinvention."
— This is all pretty crazy — Derek admitted, scratching his head. — I didn't expect people to connect with my story so much.
— Well, now you're in the spotlight, Kylie said, leaning in to give him a kiss. "And I'm here for you through everything."
As the day wore on, word of Derek's interview continued to grow. Articles were published praising his candor, highlighting how he managed to balance military life with success in the civilian world. Several outlets highlighted the way he addressed difficult issues, such as the challenges veterans face after leaving active duty.
On Twitter, topics related to Derek Rogan trended, with thousands of people commenting on the impact of his interview. Users from all over the world shared snippets of the conversation, praising both Derek and Joe for bringing up important issues around mental health and veterans' reintegration into society.
Amid the praise and discussion, some fans began creating memes and jokes about Derek and Joe's "family reunion," which generated even more visibility for the episode. Soon, Derek's interview was being shared by celebrities, influencers, and big names in the media, becoming one of the most talked about episodes of the week.
That night, as Derek and Kylie were getting ready for bed, he reflected on the day.
"Who would have thought that a simple conversation with Joe Rogan would have this kind of impact?" he said, as he lay down next to Kylie.
"I always knew you were special," Kylie replied, lying down next to her. "Now, the whole world is finding out."
Derek smiled, holding her hand. "I think I'm so lucky to have you by my side through all of this."
Kylie snuggled into his chest, whispering,
"And I'm lucky to have you."
With the world now knowing more about Derek and his journey, the future seemed full of new opportunities. He knew there was still a lot to do, but he was ready for any challenge, with his family by his side and the support of the public who saw him as an inspiration.
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