The Divine and the Damned

Chapter 24: Wielder of Flames

My mother's eyes blazed with anger as she scolded us. "I had to use my mind compulsion on those in the house... thankfully, they were a few at the moment, to pretend they'd heard nothing! And we're all lucky that the immune girl isn't in now!"

Azrael ignored her and hissed at me again. I hissed back, unwilling to back down.

"Enough!" She snapped, "What is the origin of this madness?"

"Azrael wants to get rid of Dawn" I answered coldly.

She turned to glare daggers at Azrael. "Ce e in neregula cu tine?! (What is wrong with you?)

"He's in love with her, Mother" Azrael replied.

My mother's head snapped towards me, her eyes locking onto mine. "Is this true, Dragos?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to articulate what I felt. "I'm not certain it's love yet, Mother. But..."

"Yet?" A vicious slap landed on my face and my jaw tightened as I fumed with anger, but I kept it restrained, forcing myself to remain calm.

"After centuries, I've finally opened up my heart again. Shouldn't you at least be happy for me?"

"I'm not angry because you've chosen to love again, I'm angry because you're doing it now when you should be focused on your duty, especially after wasting centuries in that cursed slumber!" She exclaimed furiously. "And you've chosen to fall for a nobody. A human, which is against the rules. You are royalty, Dragos. You should marry royalty."

"That isn't even the point, mother. Now is not the time to fall in love! And the girl isn't who she seems to be. She's no peasant, she is the Divine Purge!"

My mother's face went blank suddenly, reflecting her surprise. "The Divine Purge? Are you sure of what you speak, Azrael? That's impossible"

"Except it isn't!" Azrael's voice rose. He stepped closer to her, touching her shoulders. "I've been doing my research, and I've found my answer. Think, Mother, think. Of all the people who applied for the job as a manager, why was it Dawn who was chosen? It wasn't chance, it was fate! Dragavei has revealed this to us, giving us time to act before she destroys us all."

He glanced at me "You think these things are merely coincidental, but I assure you, there's more to it. You've always spoken to me about greater purposes, Mother... about Dragavei having something in store for me. This is it. He has shown this to me first."

I let out a sharp breath, unimpressed. "Just listen to how stupid he sounds, Mum"

Azrael started to speak again "It is said that the Divine Purge's manifestation could take on the pristine essence of fire. In this sacred state, she wields and shapes the very flames themselves!"

He turned back to our mother, desperation sounding in his voice. "Dawn is going to destroy us, mama. Unless we destroy her first"

"Anyone who dares lay a hand on the girl shall die" I swore.

"Enough of this!" our mother interrupted angrily. "Let me think." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I've heard of the Divine Purge since I was a little girl, but for something so powerful to be Dawn?" She shook her head, trying to piece the puzzle together.

Azrael snatched the book from me and thrust it into her hands. "Read it. Look for yourself"

She started to read the book.

"Azrael," she said slowly, her voice calmer but still uncertain, "I don't dispute your words, but I don't believe we have enough proof that it could be Dawn"

Shaking his head angrily, he turned and started to walk out of the room, "Perhaps it is when the girl does significant damage to one of us that you all would be ready to take this more seriously"

The door slammed shut behind him, leaving Mother and me alone in tense silence.

"Dragos…" she began softly, but I interrupted.

"It can't be her," I said, turning toward the window and staring out. "Not after I've finally started to feel something again after so long. Not after finally opening my heart after centuries."

She sighed, "Azrael has a point"

I didn't respond.

"She shouldn't be able to resist your compulsion if she isn't a divine being"

My mother gave me a gentle pat on the shoulder "We'll figure this out. Okay?"

I turned to face her, my face contorted in worry. "Even if Azrael is right and she is what he says he is, I can't"

I shook my head "I can't put her down, mother... I can't..."

"We won't have to. There should be some other way"

"You sound so confident"

"One thing your father always taught me was to never give up easily. You are the Alesul, you'll figure out a way"

"Thank you, Mother"

She stretched out her arms for a hug, and I moved into her embrace, suddenly feeling comforted by the feel of her.



I could sense the tension in the house when I returned. Mrs Vlad and her sons were seated in the living room, engrossed in a serious conversation, but as soon as I walked in, an awkward silence fell over them. Azrael was glaring at me so furiously, I wished I could disappear into my own skin.

And once again, I couldn't help but wonder what I had done to upset him.

My eyes flicked from Dragos to Mrs. Vlad, before finally settling on Azrael, and I instantly regretted it.

His eyes burned with a fit of anger barely contained, his glare cutting through me in a way that made my skin feel like it was being singed by an invisible flame.

"Ma'am" I began, moving forward "About the cherries, I was able to clear the disturbance at the..."

Before she could reply, Dragos got up immediately and started in my direction.

"Lord Dragos, do you need someth..."

He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me towards the door.

I was confused, stealing a glance back and half-expecting Mrs. Vlad to voice her objection, but instead, my employer appeared rather preoccupied with the task of soothing Azrael's temper.

"What is going on?" I asked in confusion after we were out of the house "Why did you drag me here? Why is your brother angry? Why isn't your mother displeased at you dragging me out in such a manner? What is going on??"

Dragos looked troubled, he paced around restlessly, threading a hand through his long hair, and I started to equally worry.

I assessed him worriedly "Are you alright? What is happening? Please talk to me, Dragos, you're scaring me"

He stopped pacing and stared at me "I need to get you away from here for a while"

My face blanched in surprise "Why?"

Dragos exhaled and stared at me before speaking. "Azrael," he said slowly "He saw us in the garden this morning, and he's very mad"

I felt the blood drain from my face.

Suddenly, I started to feel faint, so I wrapped my arms around myself.

"This is bad" I muttered "This is really bad"

It meant trouble for me. I already had my hands full struggling to tolerate his temper without even offending him, and now things had gotten worse. Now, he had a reason to unleash more of his hatred on me.

Dragos continued to watch me closely like I'd suddenly manifested three heads.

"You're not safe here. At least for now"

"Not safe???" I questioned in a panicky voice "What do you mean 'not safe?'. Where do I go? Home? And what do I tell Mrs Vlad?"

"My mother knows"

"Oh god," I whispered, feeling lightheaded. "I'm going to lose my job"

My stomach churned.

It was my turn to start pacing "B-but seeing us together in the garden doesn't mean anything. I could go in there and try to convince them that there's nothing between us. It's just a misunderstanding and..."

"Dawn" he interrupted, his voice taut with seriousness "It is not a misunderstanding"

I stopped in my tracks, growing silent.

"What do you mean?"

"It has come to my realization that..." His golden brown eyes drifted to meet mine "I have feelings for you"

I stiffened, my face paling in surprise. "What?"

The question came out in a whisper.

Dragos stared at me. "I have feelings for you" he repeated.

I tensed in shock. Yes, I felt the same way towards him, I just never thought it was mutual. He'd hinted at it that morning, but I just wasn't expecting this confession.

Dragos was a master at masking his emotions, and besides I never imagined he'd be serious enough to admit it, especially to his family.

My heart fluttered, and at the same time, it pounded in fear and excitement.

Before I could say anything, he walked over to his Chevy and pulled the door open "Get in. We're leaving"

I scurried forward "Where are we going??"

"Your place. Till the tension here dies down"

I could hear Azrael angrily rambling like a madman in Romanian to his mother, and her trying to calm him down.

He sounded crazed, and one would think it was something more serious that had happened. Without any objection, I got in Dragos' car, grateful that he was willing to take me away from there, and also happy deep down that I was once again in his presence.

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