System in Assassin's Creed

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: They're All F*cking Poor

Night had fallen, and Alaric was on his usual rooftop.

'Is there some way I could maybe buy a house? I mean... I'm practically very rich.'

Alaric mused while gazing at the clear stars, admiring the beauty.

'I need to do something, I can't just lay around like this.'

With that, he leaped off the rooftop and landed on the ground, startling Solomon, who was loading cargo at the back of the house.

"Blimey!" Solomon gasped as Alaric landed just beside him, "Where'd you come from?"

"Who knows," Alaric grinned, then walked away.


"Damn… what the fuck am I gonna do now?"

Alaric was walking east, or at least that's what the stars indicated. Hours had passed since he slipped past the city gates, and he still wandered along the road with no clear destination.

'I need to train... when I fought against the thieves, I was only alive due to Hashirama's physique.' Alaric thought as he continued walking in the dark. 'But how the hell am I supposed to have some free time if our family can't even have a fucking place to live!?'

The youngest Kenway kicked a pebble hard, throwing a slight tantrum. 'I mean, who's going to believe a child that he has so much money? I know for sure, if I go up to my family and just tell them "Hey I have thousands of pounds!" they'd view me crazy or get horrified.'

'Wait... I could just use Henge, how could I have been so stu-'

Before he could finish his thoughts, something caught his eye.

'A wagon?' He thought as he dashed towards it and began to inspect it. "This is definitely a rich man's wagon, especially with these intricate designs... was he robbed?"

Alaric looked around for footprints or any clues but found nothing. "They're good at covering their tracks," he murmured.

He then closed his eyes and began to remember the feeling of being able to sense his family back in Helena's house.

Seconds... until few minutes passed as he failed.

"Hmm..." Alaric hummed as he opened the System Interface. 'Since I'm not talented in these types of things... let's just buy one.'

'Sensory Abilities...'

[Mind's Eye of the Kagura (Karin Uzumaki) - Grants Chakra Sense of 20km, distinguish chakra types and track specific individuals, detect lies, analyze one's mental state, hide one's own chakra, instant battlefield awareness. - £2500]

[Godspeed Reflex Sensing (Tobirama Senju) - Grants Chakra Sense of 15km, predicts enemy actions based on subtle chakra fluctuations, Can track multiple fast-moving targets at once - £1875]

[Eagle's Horizon Perception (C - Kumo Sensor) - Grants Chakra Sense of 10km, detection on incoming attacks, can detect Genjutsu presence. - £312 10s. 12d.]

[Foresight Pulse (Fu Yamanaka) - Grants Chakra Sense of 8km, detect hostile intent before an attack is launched, track chakra patterns to predict an opponent's next move, instant detection of genjutsu. - £234 7s. 5d.]

'Hmm... can't do Karin's Mind's Eye since it's too expensive... Tobirama's Godspeed Reflex is awesome but is too expensive either, wait...' Alaric thought as his eyes widen a little bit. 'Why's the Foresight Pulse cheaper than the Eagle's Horizon?'

'I get that it has shorter range, but to detect hostile intent and track chakra patterns? That's gold!' he thought, smiling as he clicked [Buy].

'And another set of kunais too, these ones are rusty.'

[Foresight Pulse - - £312 10s. 12d.]

[Kunai (10x) - 12s. 5d.]

[Current Balance: £2,600 5s. 2d.](83,208R)

Alaric felt goosebumps all over his body as he used a little bit of his chakra...


His first chakra pulse.

A few seconds later, the pulse returned, carrying with it the sensation of mapping the entire area it had passed through.

Alaric smirked as he looked south-east. 'So you're there huh...'

He fired another pulse, watching it expand and return even faster. After a few more tests, the pulse became nearly instantaneous.

"Good… the only downside is that I have to keep firing it to sense anything," he noted as he channeled chakra into his feet and dashed toward the robbers. "But that's more than enough."

One thing about Hashirama's chakra was that the more he uses it, the more control he had. 'Obviously, but at this rate, it won't take long before I can control this chakra like Hashirama's.'

When using chakra, it was still wasteful since he couldn't control it that much. This actually made him want to buy something for chakra control in the System Interface. 'But I shouldn't rely in the System too much. Wasting money on something I can eventually learn to do isn't smart, especially since I'm only five. This is already impossible for anyone in this world.'

Shaking off the thought, Alaric leaped onto a tree branch overlooking a camp below. There were a few bandits/robbers, eight of them. 'So the Coachman's dead, this means these rich captives cannot escape.'

There were another two people, but they were tied, an old man and a teenager. They were wearing fancy clothing while eyes were covered by bandanas. 

"So these bandits hit the jackpot, eh?" he muttered.

Alaric scanned the camp with his foresight pulse, mapping the terrain and noting every guard's line of sight. Gripping four worn kunais, he leaped toward the nearest bandit while simultaneously throwing kunais at the others.

As the kunais sped toward their targets, Alaric quickly drew two more from his pouch and drove one into the temple of the bandit below him.

"UGH!" (5x)


"Blimey! Dan's dead!"

Everyone was now alerted as the nearest bandit to the captives looked everywhere but the bonfire in the middle of the camp didn't burn that bright since they didn't fuel it as they were going to leave soon.

"Everyone, to the center!"

"What's going on!?" The old man in fancy clothing fearfully asked, not able to see.

"D-Dad... I'm scared," The teenager couldn't help but confess to his father, "I don't know what's happening, but... I'm sorry for being a rude son, father."

"Shut the fuck up!" One of the bandits exclaimed as he looked everywhere. "Where the hell are you, you son of a bitch!?"

Alaric grinned as he was now back standing on the branch, 'I should finish this fast. I can't risk them hurting the victims... or worse, killing them.'

He channeled more chakra into his feet and leaped toward the bandit closest to the captives.

"I'm here dumbass."

"Wha-?" The bandit couldn't even mutter one word as Alaric drove a kunai into his neck, using the body to break his fall.

"There!" One of the two bandits remaining grit his teeth and ran towards Alaric but stopped midway as he finally saw the Kenway's appearance.

"W-Wait... a kid?"

"Yes!" Alaric grinned and he pulled out the lodged kunai, infused it with a bit of chakra, and hurled it at the stunned bandit.

The throw was powerful enough to drive the kunai through the bandit's skull.

"Damn!" Alaric grinned yet again as the last bandit dropped on the ground, terrified.

Before the remaining bandit could cry out, Alaric activated his Dojutsu, 'Genjutsu: Sharingan!'

The young Kenway's eyes turned bright red with three tomoe's spinning swiftly, making the man's eyes dull and immediately using his own weapon to stab his throat, killing himself.


'I should've asked him if they hid any treasure or something... got too excited.'

Not wasting another moment, he looted the bodies and sold the bandits' clothes and weapons.

[+ £12 5s. 3d.]

[Current Balance: £2,612 10s. 5d.](83,600R)

"What the fuck?" Alaric muttered, raising his eyebrows. 'They're all fucking poor...'

He sighed as he finally went towards the captives, 'Well... £12 is actually a lot, not for me though...'

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