
5.11 – Word from the frontline

Hey, everyone! *purrs* I'm feeling very happy today! I have a few things to say!  This chapter went up unedited (6:18pm EDITED! I didn't have to adjust much! <3).  I didn't think you'd mind a few errors that might squeak through.  <3  It's more important to give you all the chapter a bit earlier.  I intend to do an announcement in an hour or a bit more. It'll have the standard spoilers! *winks* For those who miss them!  This arc is coming along beautifully!  Come the middle point of the arc, you'll know it! And I expect that we'll have the usual chapter count, around 30 by the end! <3 *grins*  My progress is up to 5.16 (that one's next).  <3 <3 <3


Bombshell shrugged. “I knew you couldn’t keep your smart mouth shut.” She grinned and looked at Aurora. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to brain her or anything. I just won a bet with myself.  I’m going to get a gigantic ice cream sundae when I get home since I was right.”


“You’re such a stereotype.” Mocha grumbled.


“Blah, blah, blah, whatever.” Bombshell waved an arm at Mocha. “Good luck, Madame Mouth, or whatever your codename is. Mocha mouth? Whatever.”


Mocha blushed and glared at Bombshell.


“Yeah, yeah. Keep staring. You’ll never have a body as good as mine,” Bombshell said.


For some reason, Aurora had visions of Mocha picking up one of the tables to slam it down onto Bombshell’s head.  Sweat drops.


Redline dashed over to Mocha. “Heyheyhey… come…” She took another breath. “Come on, please Mocha, just leave her alone.”


“But, she---!”


“Come on! You did kind of make fun.” Redline turned her eyes onto Aurora as she asked,  “Didn’t she, Aurora?”


Mocha looked at the angel with everyone else with another hurt-and-pleading expression.


Aurora was very tired. She shook her head. “Come here and park it, Mocha.” She grinned around her exhaustion.


Mocha hesitated and did as asked, taking a seat next to her.


“Don’t be so hurt.” Aurora sighed. “Take a moment to consider your situation. Bombshell is thankfully in a better mood, so I don’t think you’re going to end up in a fistfight even if it seems like you’re spoiling for one.” Aurora said with a wry expression, patting Mocha’s head. “Some of us heroes may not be giving you a good impression, but you probably gave Bombshell the worst first impression possible… and you know what they say about first impressions.”


“That’s alright.” Bombshell smirked. “Some people don’t like me at first either, but they usually get lured in pretty quickly, I think.” She looked at Mocha. “When you develop a little more, you’ll understand.”


Mocha blushed. “As if I’d care about something so… so vulgar!”


“Hey, before you go,” Redline interjected, looking at Bombshell. “You still up for that beach day I’ve been planning?”


Bombshell grinned. “Hell, yes! I am, now that my arms are better.”


“Great! Maybe we’ll arrange to do it soon.” Redline’s smile was warm.


“Soon as I get some strength back, we’ll do it.” Bombshell laid back.


Aurora put an arm on Mocha’s shoulder to pat it gently. “Sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun. I wonder how everything’s going for Vanguard and Dynamech,” Aurora mused.  And Sarah.


“If your friend is still free at that time, bring her if you want,” Bombshell said, pointing at Mocha. “She can be your plus-one.  We all get one for these kinds of functions.” She grinned. “But no forties full-body suits, please.  This is going to be a bikini bash!”


Mocha cringed.  “It’s a little lascivious of you.”


Bombshell shrugged and laughed. “Okay, well, I doubt Dee-Em is going to ‘port me back.  I’m thinking I should probably stick around, since I don’t necessarily want to go outside and expose this base.”


“Yeah, the more the merrier,” Redline said with a smile.


Mocha looked up at Aurora and crossed her arms to sigh again.


Aurora giggled. “We can use all the support we can get. And maybe if you make an effort to put these internal politics aside, you’ll make a few friends.” She winked.


“I’m not being a smart ass,” Mocha said quietly.


Redline removed her card and stood. “I’m going to contact Dynamech to see if he needs any help, okay?”


“Sure.” Aurora nodded. “Thanks!” Aurora grinned, looking down at Mocha again. “Being a smartass implies that you’re a child and don’t have a right to speak your mind.  I wouldn’t say that you should be censored, but there are times when you should speak your mind and times when you should be concerned about the impact your words might make on others.  It can lead to the opening and closing of important doors or windows.  If you make an effort to co-exist, it’s worth the time.  This leads to making friends.  You opened a door with me by showing me your heart and soul.  Because of that, you’re my friend, Mocha.  That’s why I want you to keep your mind open with all the Society’s members.” Aurora hugged Mocha.


Vanguard’s face appeared on the big screen of the computer.  “Hello, everyone. I decided that this would be the best way to make contact since I can see and address you all.  It’s important for you all to hear this.”


Everyone turned towards the screen.


“I’ve spoken with the Seaside police.  After long discussions, I’ve managed to buy us time.  They’re suspending charges at the moment and are giving us twenty-four hours to work this case.”  He paused.  The sky was shifting and sliding past in a blur behind him when clouds appeared and disappeared.  He turned the card to show him standing before a panoramic shot displaying him standing between the two cities with the sparkling bay stretching between the two.  One shone and the other stood proudly, yet dirtier.


“We’re going to need to do the following as a condition within the timespan allowed. First, we will need to turn over the person or persons responsible for the robot attacks.  Apparently, San Isidro is already giving Aurora some leeway on this.  I’m going to see if we can consolidate and coordinate on this.  In any case, if there’s any property still missing from inside the crates owned by Extensive Enterprises, we will also have to turn that over to them to prove its a danger to national security, at which point, we will liaise with A.R.I.S.E. to determine what to do with it.”


Vanguard turned again to show a helicopter approaching. “The news smells a story here, I suppose.” He turned the card to capture his grin.  “I’m heading over to San Isidro’s police next.  Dynamech, if you’re monitoring this, Red, please stay in Aurora’s base until I return. However, Aurora, please join me at the S.I. Police Department.  I believe you have a close relationship with Detective Kirby.  The Avenger is already waiting there for us.  Vanguard, signing off.”


Bombshell grinned. “Dyna took off?”


“He’s helping Aurora with another case of hers,” Redline said quickly. “He’s already trying to take her to dinner.”


“Ha! That’s not going to work.” Bombshell laughed.


Aurora gaped, wondering if Bombshell knew more about her than she thought.  


“Well, of course not,” Redline replied.


“No… no… I mean that she’s not interested.” Bombshell added.


Bombshell knew her that well? Jeez.  HOW?!  She was right.


“I know.” Redline shrugged and huffed.


Bombshell rolled her eyes. “Okay, you know. You’re too cute sometimes.”


Mocha looked at everyone and her forehead wrinkled as she looked at Aurora. “You’re a little flushed.  Are you sure you’re okay?”


Aurora did blush but wondered if Mocha meant that she looked tired. “Y-yeah… I’m fine.” She couldn’t help wondering if and how Bombshell might know that there was something between her and Mistral.  Or even just how obvious she made it that she only liked girls.  Aurora fidgeted a bit.  “Um… anyways, can you fill in here for Dynamech, Bombshell?” She turned her eyes on Mocha.


“It’s best if I go and help, as… restful… as it has been here.” Aurora laughed.  “If anyone needs a shower, this clubhouse-to-be has one for use at the moment with supplies like towels and such.  Relax and treat this place like your home even though it’s a bit meager.  Thanks to everyone for supporting me.”  She sighed and smiled. “I think getting some more sun will help me to recharge.  Just what the doctor would order.”


Bombshell grinned. “Want me to run pickup lines on you while Dynamech’s gone? That what you meant by standing in for Dyna?” She chuckled.


Redline rolled her eyes. “Ugh, don’t be creepy.”


Bombshell shrugged and winked. “No problem, I’ll keep watch.  You do what you need now.” She looked at Aurora.


“I can keep watch.” Redline grumbled.


“Yeah, but Society rules.  Two sets of eyes, remember.  I might not be as fast as you, Red, but I pack a pretty big wallop.” Bombshell said.


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