
4.14.5 – Motivation

I'm watching the Director's Letter for the new patch of FFXIV with friends right now... >.> 7/22/2020 2:27 PM
Anyhow, it's like 5 hours... that's going to be more time consuming than I thought, but I'll write as soon as we're done and I've prepared a meal for my grandfather.  '^^

You've noticed that my motivation is pretty low right now! *purring*  Thanks to Geerpolio's surge of comments and all the hearts I see, thanks to those people too, I'll write another chapter tomorrow morning! <3  It's my bedtime right now, but I wanted to assure everyone that the story continues, of course. I have no intention of stopping in the middle, though I might be late some days. <3 I've needed some good MMORPG therapy to feel happy! <3  Something about a mind-numbing grind soothes the soul. (if you're weird?)

XD  Nini everyone! <3

See you in, ummm... 10-12 hours.  It takes an hour or two to write a chapter and two to edit it, unless it's a shorter one.  We'll see how long the next one ends up being. It's as long as it needs to be, usually.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.