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Chapter :  Federation Ruling Structure Overview

The federation is governed by 12 ruling families who control the future path of the entire continent. These families operate from behind the scenes, influencing political, economic, and military decisions. After the appearance of the Space Gate, all the continents merged into one big continent. The central region, being the most powerful, consists of four families. The other regions—North, South, East, and West—each have two families that support two families from the central region.

1. The Federation Government

- Head of Government: 12 ruling family heads (Cultivator Lords, Tier 1 Martial Cultivation Realm).

- Provinces: 24 provinces in total, with the central region having 8 provinces and other regions having 4 provinces each.

- Cities, Towns, and Villages: 240 states, with each province containing 10 states. These states house cities, towns, and villages, all governed under the federation.

- Military: Each family controls its own private army, but 1/4th of the army from each family contributes to the Federation Military. This military protects borders, manages intelligence, and enforces the laws set by the Federation Council.


2. Federation Ruling Families and Regions

- Central Region (4 Families)

 - These families are the most powerful in the federation and they control 8 provinces. They influence most of the important decisions and have direct power over other regions.

 - Family 1: Fitzgerald Family 

 - Family 2: Von Hohenberg Family 

 - Family 3: Al-Mansur Family 

 - Family 4: Volkov Family 

- Northern Region (2 Families)

 - Family 5: Björk Family 

 - Family 6: Ahn Family 

- Southern Region (2 Families)

 - Family 7: Nashit Family 

 - Family 8: Ishikawa Family 

- Eastern Region (2 Families)

 - Family 9: Abara Family 

 - Family 10: Jiang Family 

- Western Region (2 Families)

 - Family 11: Moretti Family 

 - Family 12: Garcia Family 

3. Provinces and Their Names

Central Region (8 Provinces)

- Province 1: Corinth Province (Fitzgerald Family)

- Province 2: Talmira Province (Fitzgerald Family)

- Province 3: Westwood Province (Von Hohenberg Family)

- Province 4: Eckhart Province (Von Hohenberg Family)

- Province 5: Saffron Province (Al-Mansur Family)

- Province 6: Riyadh Province (Al-Mansur Family)

- Province 7: Volkov Province (Volkov Family)

- Province 8: Dvin Province (Volkov Family)

Northern Region (4 Provinces)

- Province 9: Helsinki Province (Björk Family)

- Province 10: Nordic Province (Björk Family)

- Province 11: Taean Province (Ahn Family)

- Province 12: Junggi Province (Ahn Family)

Southern Region (4 Provinces)

- Province 13: Nashit Province (Nashit Family)

- Province 14: Alzarin Province (Nashit Family)

- Province 15: Ishikawa Province (Ishikawa Family)

- Province 16: Katsuragi Province (Ishikawa Family)

Eastern Region (4 Provinces)

- Province 17: Abara Province (Abara Family)

- Province 18: Kenya Province (Abara Family)

- Province 19: Zhen Province (Jiang Family)

- Province 20: Liyang Province (Jiang Family)

Western Region (4 Provinces)

- Province 21: Moretti Province (Moretti Family)

- Province 22: Sienna Province (Moretti Family)

- Province 23: Garcia Province (Garcia Family)

- Province 24: Andalus Province (Garcia Family)

4. Federal Government Structure and Titles

- Federation Council: 

 - Composed of 12 Family Heads, who act as the highest rulers of the federation. 

 - Title: Federation Ruling Council 

 - The head of the council rotates annually among the central region families.


- Provincial Governors: 

 - Each province is overseen by a Governor, who is appointed from the ruling family of that province.

 - Title: Provincial Governor

- State and City Officials:

 - Each province contains 10 states, and each state consists of cities, towns, and villages.

 - Title for each state leader: State Governor 

 - Title for each city/town leader: City/Town Mayor

5. Military Structure

- Each of the 12 families controls its own private army. 

- A portion (1/4th) of each army is sent to the Federation Military, which operates for defense, border security, intelligence, and enforcement of federation laws.

- Federation Military Command: 

 - The Federation Military is overseen by a Federation Military General, chosen from one of the 12 families on a rotating basis.

This dynamic structure ensures that the balance of power is maintained, with no single region or family having more influence than the others, fostering a stable federation for ruling the newly unified continent.

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