Starting from Pirates, Myriad Worlds Simulation

Chapter 71 Wood who fell from the Red Earth Continent

Boss Tiger, I just think that if you go back to help that brother now, you will die in vain. There is no other way here except to trust him.

That's right, Boss Tiger, when we fled here, we encountered a lot of pursuit.

Now that you plan to go back to take care of that brother alone, you will completely disappoint that brother's kindness.

In the fringe area of ​​the Red Earth Continent, a large number of murlocs and slaves escaped from the holy land of Mariejoia on a luxuriously shaped ship, and all of them gathered here at this time.

If you haven't completely escaped from the Red Earth Continent area, you don't really escape from birth. At this moment, everyone on the boat also has a sad expression on their faces.

Because they are quite clear that the longer the time drags on, the worse the situation will be for them.

Don't forget that although the headquarters of the navy is a little far away from the holy land of Maryjoa, as long as you take the special passage for the navy, it will only take a short time to resist here.

Although they have left Marie Gioia now, they are not completely out of danger. Once they are surrounded by the warships of the Navy Headquarters, they also have the possibility of being buried in the sea!

As for why the boat did not leave for a long time, there was actually a reason, because the murlocs refused to agree.

The number of murlocs on board accounted for as much as half, and for people of other races here, the murlocs who rescued them were also benefactors.

The murlocs listened to Fisher Tiger, and Tiger said they would wait for their benefactor, so naturally no one dared to seek death and set sail first.

The waiting time passed slowly, dawn was approaching, and even a glare of light began to appear on the sea level.

Aaron thought that they couldn't wait any longer, otherwise none of them would be able to leave when the navy arrived here, so he talked to Tiger.

Tiger looked at the many compatriots on the ship and the rescued slaves, then looked up at the peak of the Red Earth Continent, and finally made the decision to let Jinping and the others leave first, and he went to meet Wood.

As Aaron said, once the warships of the Navy Headquarters arrived, in their current exhausted state, there was no possibility of escape at all.

The longer the delay, the more dangerous it will be for everyone.

However, for Tiger, he also couldn't help Wood who had saved them before.

Unable to part with each other, Tiger could only make this decision, let Jinbe take the others to go first, and stay behind to meet Wood.

If Wood hadn't died, even without a ship, it would not be difficult for a murloc of their level to escape.

And if Wood really dies unfortunately, Tiger will also accompany Wood to die here, which can be regarded as repaying the other party for saving his life.

Regarding Tiger's decision, Jinbe and Aaron naturally firmly opposed it. After all, Tiger is not only their idol, but also the hero of Mermaid Island.

If there is hope to save Wood, they are naturally willing to give it a try, but going back now is undoubtedly pure courting death.

Now that a murloc hero has been sacrificed, then this place should live up to the sacrifice made by the other party and work hard to survive.

It's a pity that even though what Jinbe and Aaron said was well-founded, it didn't work at all for Tiger, who took the lead in righteousness.

After pretending to be persuaded, Tiger took the time to bring down Jinbe and Aaron, and threw them on the boat, and then ordered the murlocs on the boat to sail.

Without Jinbe and Aaron who dared to challenge Tiger, the other murlocs were intimidated by the majesty of Tiger's boss, and finally announced their departure with tears and gritted teeth.

And after seeing the ship gradually sailing away against the dawn light, Tiger looked at the towering red earth continent, and planned to climb up again!

He Tiger will never disappoint his compatriots, let alone betray his benefactor!

The other compatriots have left safely, so he has nothing to worry about next.

But just when Tiger supported his tired body and began to climb up the red soil continent again, a figure suddenly fell from above at an extremely fast speed, and passed by Tiger who was climbing up, and fell directly into the nautical mile.

In order to escape from the pursuit of Wood, after knocking down two CP0s, it can be said that he traveled all the way, and soon came to the place where Tiger and the others left.

The rope ladder has been lowered, which means that Tiger and the others have left, which also makes Wood breathe a sigh of relief.

And when he saw a large number of chasing soldiers behind him, Wood also jumped off the red earth continent...

For Wood, who has learned moon steps, climbing slowly with a rope ladder is a fool's choice.

However, Wood, who jumped off the Red Clay Continent, somewhat overestimated his remaining physical strength and ignored his injuries.

Moon step is one of the skills that can only be mastered by a person whose physique exceeds that of ordinary people. Naturally, it consumes a lot of physical strength when using it.

The Red Clay Continent is so high, and Wood's injuries have already accumulated to a certain limit, so in the air about tens of meters above the sea, Wood finally fell into a coma directly due to exhaustion and injury outbreak.

Falling into the sea from a height of tens of meters may be life-threatening for ordinary people.

But this is Pirate Time, common sense has no reference meaning here, not to mention years of exercise, Wood's physique is far stronger than ordinary people.

The salty sea water entered Wood's lungs through his mouth and nose, choking him awake.

As a navy and not a Devil Fruit user, Wood naturally has a fairly high level of swimming skills.

However, at this moment, Wood wanted to swing his limbs, but found that his body could no longer squeeze out any strength, a strong sense of fatigue hit him, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

If I had known that it would end in this way of death, I might as well have died fighting in the holy land of Mariejoa.

For the sword hero who was drowned, this way of death is too frustrating, it will embarrass... the crossing army.

In the gradually blurred vision, Wood could see a red figure swimming towards him quickly, but at this moment, Wood had no energy left to analyze what kind of creature the opponent was, and slowly closed his eyes, his limbs were weak. The body is also slowly sinking...

Tiger, who had only climbed tens of meters of the red earth continent, saw a figure falling from above. Although it was only a glimpse, Tiger had already recognized that the other person was the brother of the former sword hero.

So when he saw Wood falling into the sea, Tiger almost didn't hesitate, and jumped into the sea directly from the height of tens of meters on the red earth continent.

Due to the erosion of sea water, the oil paint on Wood's skin has faded, and all the fins and other parts used for camouflage have also fallen off at this moment.

Tiger looked at the human teenager in his arms. Although his expression was full of doubts, he took Wood to the surface of the sea to take a breath, and then left this place of right and wrong at a very fast swimming speed!

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