Start from covering the sky and become invincible

Chapter 4 Palace

Chapter 4 Palace

"Qing'er, how do you feel?" Zhou Wuji showed a smile, and he and Zhou Qing sat cross-legged on a futon. He happily looked at his son who looked like a god descending to earth in front of him, with too many emotions in his heart.

"Practice is really wonderful. It feels like I have experienced many things and understood many truths in one moment."

Zhou Qing's expression was also a little strange. Excitement, joy, surprise, all kinds of emotions seemed to be condensed together.

With the end of Zhou Qing's practice, the visions between heaven and earth have slowly disappeared, but some traces remain.

For example, the elixir plants are much more mature than before. Each elixir plant seems to be watered by a fairy spring, with bits of crystal luster emerging, revealing a fragrant aroma, which is refreshing.

For example, the spring water on the ground is dotted with brilliance, as if it was formed by the gathering of divine liquid.

Zhou Qing used the mysterious method in the Zhiyang Sutra, and a seven-colored light spot immediately appeared under his navel. It was only the size of a sesame seed, but it was as bright as a star, shining brightly.

Most people's sea of ​​suffering is either pitch black or dark green, and is basically lifeless, just like the name of the sea of ​​suffering. Only those with special physiques can have extraordinary seas of suffering, and the light can shine through, such as the golden sea of ​​suffering for the holy body, the purple sea of ​​suffering for the hegemonic body, etc., while Zhou Qing's sea of ​​suffering is colorful and full of vitality. , like a condensed rainbow, the divine flower is bright.

What's even more different from ordinary people is that the sea of ​​suffering, which is no more than the size of a sesame seed, actually has a trace of divine power flowing around it. This is an incredible thing.

When ordinary people first open up the sea of ​​suffering, there will basically be no fluctuations in divine power. It is often necessary to open up the sea of ​​suffering to the size of a soybean grain before a slight fluctuation in divine power can occur. Only when the sea of ​​suffering is as big as a goose egg can there be any slight flow of divine power. However, these practices Common sense didn't fit Zhou Qing's case at all. He was as big as a sesame seed and already had divine power flowing through him. Although he hadn't formed divine patterns yet, it was still very terrifying.

Zhou Qing used his mysterious method and thought, and suddenly a seven-color divine flower rushed out from the sea of ​​suffering, flew dozens of meters away along his finger, and drilled a small hole as thin as a finger in the ground.

"Amazing, really amazing. Qing'er's performance now is much better than mine back then. It can't be compared, far from it!"

Zhou Wuji looked at the scene in front of him with endless emotion, both surprised and delighted.

Zhou Qing's face was also filled with joy. The feeling of mastering extraordinary power was really hard to be unhappy about.

"Cultivation in the Wheel and Sea Realm is very simple. Except for the disaster of getting lost when you are at the Divine Bridge, in other realms, the most important thing is resources."

"Lun Hai doesn't pay too much attention to understanding. The understanding of the great road is mainly revealed in the four-pole secret realm. In that secret realm, you must have enough understanding to advance. As for Lun Hai, if you have enough resources, you can continue to progress."

Zhou Wuji was very serious and explained many secrets of cultivation to Zhou Qing, which Zhou Qing did not know.

Along the way of cultivation, there are many details. Zhou Qing only knows the names of some realms and understands some general directions, but he is a novice on the details of cultivation. What Zhou Wuji is talking about now contains too many details. This is the experience of the seniors of the Zhou family when they were practicing in the sea of ​​suffering.

He talked from day to night, with Zhou Qing occasionally asking a few questions. Zhou Wuji was meticulous and serious in answering all Zhou Qing's doubts. He would not continue talking until he thought Zhou Qing completely understood the reason. It wasn't until the moon hung high above his head that he finished explaining the secrets of practicing the Wheel and Sea.

"Very good, very good. Qing'er, I have seen your attitude towards practice. It seems that you are not just a temporary thought about practice, but you do have a firm determination."

The more Zhou Wuji talked, the more satisfied he became. The questions asked by Zhou Qing were very tricky, and some of them even he couldn't answer immediately. He needed to think for a few breaths before answering. It could be seen that he was really listening attentively.

"Okay, that's it for today. You also need to go back and thoroughly absorb what you learned today. The family will provide you with all the resources you need for practice. When you are ready in a few days, you can start real practice. "

Zhou Wuji and Zhou Qing both stood up from the futons, and then Zhou Wuji stretched out his hand and put the two futons away. These are also two treasures. When people sit on them, they can understand something more easily.

"Father, what level of cultivation do I need to reach before I can go out?" Zhou Qing asked. There are still many opportunities outside. Of course, he is not in a hurry now. After all, he has just embarked on the path of cultivation, but he is worried about the elders in his family. The transcendent realm set for him is too high, so he will have to stay in the clan for an unknown length of time.

Zhou Wuji thought for a while and replied: "We haven't reached an agreement on this matter yet. Now you just need to practice first. Don't worry too much that we will let you stay in the clan until you reach adulthood. After all, monks have to see blood. When you arrive When you reach a certain state, I will take you out to experience the fighting between monks."

"Okay, I will work hard to cultivate to a higher realm." Zhou Qing said helplessly, there is no way, he is so favored, some old people always want to protect themselves in the clan, the most important thing now is to hurry up Cultivation, after all, in the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea, as long as there are enough resources and a little understanding of the content of the scriptures, the realm can grow rapidly.

Zhou Wuji moved his hands, and a misty avenue appeared, quickly spreading to other small islands in the sky. There were thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors. Zhou Wuji led him onto the avenue and left here in the blink of an eye.

In just a few breaths, I arrived from this medicine valley to the palace where Zhou Qing lived.

This is a very majestic hall, the whole body is made of a kind of golden crystal, the golden light is shining, exuding crystal light, which is both real and illusory.

Zhou Wuji placed Zhou Qing here, then crossed another misty road and left in an instant.

Zhou Qing walked up the steps. These jade steps were full of light and splendid. At the same time, there was also the fragrant fragrance of flowers, which were some of the exotic flowers and plants around the palace.

When we arrived at the palace, the fairy air was thick, and the colorful mist was rising, hazy and very ethereal. The white mist was almost a foot high, and all the utensils were shiny. They were carved from a strange spiritual marrow, as if they were made into A sacred pure land.

In the center of the main hall is a suspended altar, the whole body showing an icy blue color, with streaks of auspicious colors hanging down from the dome, like a gauze curtain.

Zhou Qing lay on the altar, feeling relaxed and very happy. The extraordinary power really made people feel very happy. The feeling of suddenly becoming stronger was very fascinating.

Then Zhou Qing closed his eyes, sank his mind into the sea of ​​consciousness, and began to watch the Gate of Destiny on a daily basis. This has almost become a habit for him since he learned about the existence of the Gate of Destiny.

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