Star Wars : Arise In The Future

Chapter 92: Star Wars : Chapter 92: The End of an Era III

In the newly renamed Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center on Coruscant, a hypersophisticated prototype Ubrikkian DD-13 surgical droid moved away from the project that it and an enhanced FX-6 medical droid had spent many days rebuilding.

It beckoned to a dark-robed shadow that stood at the edge of the pool of high-intensity light. "My lord, the construction is finished. He lives."

"Anakin?", Ahsoka whispered in a hollow tone as she and the rest of the Council watched intently.

"Good. Good."

The shadow flowed into the pool of light as though the overhead illuminators had malfunctioned. Droids stepped back as it came to the rim of the surgical table.

On the table was strapped the very first patient of the EmPal SuRecon Center. To some eyes, it might have been a pieced-together hybrid of droid and human, encased in a life-support shell of gleaming black, managed by a thoracic processor that winked pale color against the shadow's cloak. To some eyes, its jointed limbs might have looked ungainly, clumsy, even monstrous; the featureless curves of black that served it for eyes might have appeared inhuman, and the underthrust grillwork of its vocabulator might have suggested the jaws of a saurian predator built of polished blast armor, but to the shadow—

It was glorious. A magnificent jewel box, created both to protect and to exhibit the greatest treasure of the Sith.




Everyone became horrified at the familiar sight before them. The black armor and the terrifying mask, the same one that inspired fear that the Empire had ruled through. All belonging to Darth Vader, the Emperor's Apprentice.

Their minds flashed to the same man who inspired fear and tyranny towards the Rebellion.

The same man who had struck down rebels with absolutely no mercy as he went ahead and tried to retrieve the stolen plans.

The same man who struck down Obi-Wan Kenobi, the man responsible for his crippling. And the one who scarred his own son mentally and physically at the revelation on he was.

And the same man they once knew as Anakin Skywalker, the Hero of the Clone Wars.

"Master/Anakin...", Ahsoka and Obi-Wan's voices whispered with a fearful gasp towards the man they once knew, which held no similarities to the Jedi Knight.

"W-what have they done to him?"

The table slowly rotated to vertical, and the shadow leaned close.

"Lord Vader? Lord Vader, can you hear me?"

"Yes my Master", spoke the first words of the Sith Lord, his voice being filtered by the mask that covered the entirety of his face.

The intimidation of those words caused Ahsoka, Rex and Caleb to shiver in fear, recalling the two previous tapes that carried malice and tyranny towards everyone around him.

"They...put him into a life supporting suit that sustained him for the rest of his life...", Shaak Ti spoke out in complete shock, never seeing such procedures being implemented to any medical patient.

"It looked more like a prison of some sort...", Saesee Tiin spoke out, observing the armor. "As if...he is his own prisoner..."

"Where is Padme?", Vader turned to Sidious, who took one step back. "Is she safe? Is she all right?"

"He...He doesn't remember does he?" Depa asked, to which caused the rest to glance at Anakin worriedly as he watched in angered silence towards the Sith Lord.

"His anger must have clouded his judgement." Mace answered his former apprentice in a hollow tone.

"Combined with the power of the Dark Side, he most likely didn't realize what he was doing." Mundi theorized further.

"It seems in your anger, you killed her." Sidious answered him.

" didn't...", Obi-Wan tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault, and that Sidious had been lying to him.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the Chamber went cold, as Anakin's eyes were ingrained with raging fury.

"I...I couldn't have...SHE WAS ALIVE! I FELT IT!" He raged as his power reached out. The droids that had given him life were now being crushed underneath his power, and several testing tubes broke open.

He broke free of his restraints, taking a few steps forward. Looking down at his new limbs, and then his hands, he had become horrified as to what he had become.

Anakin took all his willpower to restrain his anger to the point that every Jedi began to feel the tremor that came from him, hatred and rage directed at the Sith Lord who lied to him for all these years.

They began to reach out for him to calm down as Obi-Wan restrained him, and it wasn't long when Ahsoka joined him in calming down her former Master. But even she gave a resentful glare to the Sith Lord who manipulated every one he could.

But it wasn't enough for Anakin to be restrained as his eyes burned with hatred at the Sith Lord. Jedi or not, Sidious made it personal with him.

And there was no turning back now..

"NOOOOOOOOO!", Vader, formerly Anakin, screamed in complete despair and sorrow, having lost everything he had cared about: his best friend, his apprentice, his wife, his life, and himself. His own voice painfully overpowering the filter for a moment before seething down to the deep echo.

And just like that. They witnessed the Death of Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Knight.

And Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, was truly born.


Huge solemn crowds line Palace Plaza in Theed, the capital of Naboo, as six beautiful white gualaars draw a flower-draped open casket bearing the remains of a beloved Senator through the Triumphal Arch, her fingers finally and forever clasping a snippet of japor, one that had been carved long ago by the hand of a nine-year-old boy from an obscure desert planet in the far Outer Rim...

Everyone lowered their heads in respect as they watch the funeral processions go on. Anakin only embraced his unconscious wife protectively as he looked away from the screen, unable to bear the result of his own actions.

Obi-Wan brought over the infant to Owen and Beru Lars, where the latter was visibly joyed in holding the infant. The Jedi, now named Ben, nodded in understanding and took his leave.

"This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi"

"A message?", Master Fisto quipped in curiosity, and soon enough. Those who could still listen lent their ears for the moment.

"I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic had fallen...with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take its place"

"This is indeed the end of an era...", Plo Koon mournfully professed on behalf of the Council, realizing this to be the entire failure of the Order.

"But it is a future that we can still change...", Shaak Ti added, her hopeful voice trying to spur some light into the darkness that had clouded before them.

"This is message is a warning to any surviving Jedi: Trust in the Force"

Cal Kestis wiped the sweat off his head as he finally buried Master Jaro Tapal, fighting back a tear as he placed the late Master's double-bladed saber by his chest.

"Do not return to the Temple"

Caleb Dume hid behind a corner as Commander Grey and his men searched for the young Jedi, the Padawan being filled with uncertainty and determination to live as he tried to move forward without his Master's guidance.

A hand landed on the Padawan's shoulder as he looked up to his Master, his face carrying sadness as she said. "No matter what happens, I'll always watch over you"

"That time has passed"

Ahsoka looked at her remaining lightsaber, and she let it clatter to the ground in front of Jesse's helmet and fought back a tear, as she looked at the remains of the Tribunal and the graves of the 332nd. She pulled up her hood to hide her features and began walking away, back to the Y-Wing as Rex looked over her. "And our future is uncertain"

Rex fought back his tears as they watched the graves of the brothers within the 501st Legion while mourning the loss of Jesse and countless others throughout the war, and the endgame that they were all but exoendables in the end. Ahsoka grasped her hand onto his, promising that they would change the future as they knew it.

"We will each be challenged. By our faith. Our trust. Our friendships"

The Imperial officers inside of one of the Venators looked up to the newly christened Lord Vader, walking over to the new Emperor just as Admiral Tarkin had taken his leave. And the two watched the construction of the Empire's most powerful superweapon to exist, as they establish their dominance in the galaxy.

Obi-Wan pinched his forehead in mourning, as all the three virtues had all tested him in a single stroke. And yet, he knew he had to keep moving forward, even if the road that lies ahead is shrouded by darkness.

"But we must persevere"

Watching over the twin sunsets, Obi-Wan's face remained hopeful and uncertain as he looked at Beru and Owen take the infant to their home from a distance.

Anakin regained whatever courage he had left as he looked up hopefully at his son, wishing him the best to save the galaxy from both his father and the Sith Lord who had used all of them in the oast.

"And in time... a new hope will emerge"

The screen faded to black as Kenobi's final words echoed. "May the Force be with you"


The holotape finally ended there. With silence engulfing the entire chamber as they reflect on the future that hovered above them. To everyone who viewed the first tape, each held a different interpretation for them that allowed them to realize what they all meant.

Victory and Death. Sidious was the ultimate victor in all of the Clone Wars. And the death of all his pawns; the Jedi, the Senate, the Separatists and the Republic.

This was the Revenge of the Sith. They had avenged everything that had fallen to the Jedi Order after hiding in the shadows for a thousand years.

They had seen a New Hope bring back the light that the Jedi had failed to fulfill, holding firm even when the Empire Strikes Back.

All that they desperately wished now, was a Return of the Jedi.


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