Chapter 102: Chapter 102
Arthur's Point of View
The Slums
I might've gotten a little carried away as my energy started to increase to an unneeded level. One of the succubae rushed me, and it was easy enough to ignore the wild swipe she took at me. Slamming my fist into her side, cracks rang out as she floated into the air for a moment before hitting the ground hard. Gasping for air, she convulsed as she struggled to bring her arms down to hold her side. Needless to say, she didn't look like Mara anymore.
"I tried to hold back, but I think I held back a little too much." Looking up at the remaining adversaries, I spoke in a low tone. "What do you think?"
They looked at their gasping comrade, and another two rushed me. This time, I moved towards them and put more strength into my blows. Kicking one was easy, and they straight-up exploded into mush and blood. I twisted and planted my foot into the other one as well. Needless to say, I didn't hold back this time either. Both turned into chunks of flesh splattered on the walls as they also covered their remaining buddies.
"And then there were three." Landing on one foot, I shook my leg to remove some of the blood. "Question is, are any of you going to tell me anything?" Using my energy, the stains were quickly removed as I looked down at the one who was likely dying from internal bleeding. "I doubt she's going to tell me anything and likely doesn't have long to live."
"You'll pay for this!" The leader shouted as she backed away from me in fear. "Do you realize what you've done!?"
Picking up the one by my feet by her hair, the others watched in horror as I plunged my hand into her stomach. I refrained from doing so to her chest because I am a gentlemen, if nothing else. She screamed in pain, which I ignored as I slowly released my energy inside her and turned it into fire. The smell was awful, and I imagine having your internal organs melted was worse.
Fire soon shot out of her mouth and other places as I dropped her on the floor. "Now that this husk is out of the way, I'm going to ask you again. Anything you want to tell me?"
Stepping closer to the two that were backed up against one of my walls, they quivered in fear. "We're sorry! Please let us go!"
Stopping directly in front of them, I glared down at them. "Letting you go doesn't seem likely. Not without answering my questions." I stated as they looked up at me before falling to their knees in a submissive manner. "Who sent you?"
The leader responded but kept her head down as she refused to look at me. "The Queen." So, they did work for Thana.
"What is your purpose here?"
"We were to capture Lucia Delmaris."
Crouching down, I steepled my fingers together in front of the two succubae. "Why?"
"I don't know. We were just following orders."
She still wasn't looking at me. "What are you? Demons?"
The other remaining succubae confirmed my suspicions. "We're succubus. We take the form of those who people desire to see the most in that moment."
Pointing over my shoulder at the dead Mara look-a-like, I replied. "I figured, but that didn't go too well for your little group, did it?" They shook their heads softly. "How many others are here in Helmsforth with you, and are there any Ghouls with you?"
"Ghouls?" The leader Succubus replied, confused. "What is a Ghoul?" Frowning at that, I eyed her, which made her freeze in fear. "We don't know what Ghouls are! We swear!" She pleaded and reached out to touch me, but I merely broke her arm in response.
She screamed out in pain, and I spoke in a low tone. "You even think about touching me again, and this gets even worse for you." Slamming my palm into her mouth, they both looked at me, alarmed. "And stop your whining. You're lucky that's all I did. Now, how many are with you."
"This was it." The other stated in an urgent tone as she tried to help her friend. "We're the only ones left."
Removing my palm from the leader's mouth, I grabbed her by the hair as she winced and gasped in pain. "Is that true?"
"Yes!" She replied urgently.
"Mmh." Letting her go, I looked behind me when I heard the shouts of the Town Guard getting closer. "It would seem our time together is coming to an end."
Before either of them could do anything, I slammed my fist into the leader's head and killed her as the other one screamed in horror. "You said you let us go!" She shouted fearfully as blood splattered over the both of us.
Shaking the blood and brain matter off my hand, a chuckle escaped my lips. "She wasn't going to get far, and I do want you to do something for me." Looking over at her, I smirked. "I'd like you to deliver a message to your Queen. Tell her, I'm looking forward to seeing her soon." Slapping her cheeks lightly, but in a condescending tone, I spoke. "Can you do that for me?"
Nodding her head with slightly red cheeks, she replied. "Yes." A few tears escaped from her eyes as she stood.
However, before I let her go, I gave her a warning. "If any of you return, or I catch any others of you in Lestrania, this will be considered a mercy compared to what I will do to them." I told her as I gestured across the area with her dead companions. "And if you decided to interact with another Lestranian on your way back, I'll hunt you down and take my time killing you." Leaning over her as I glared down, she tried to make herself as small as possible. "I'll pull your bones out from your body, one by one, starting with your knuckles."
Creating a hole in the earth wall, she slipped out the back and quickly ran away. The commotion of the Town Guard got louder, and I soon heard them pounding on the wall at the entrance of the alley. Looking at Alwin, who was still unconscious, I rolled my eyes and removed the alterations I had made to the surrounded area.
As soon as the walls went down, Greigh, Ziah, and Lucia all ran into the alley with several other guards. Their eyes went wide as I looked at them, covered in blood. Lucia was covering herself and clearly worried about Alwin, but the sight of my massacre caused her to pass out. Ziah caught her and laid her down carefully. Greigh and the others stepped forward carefully as they looked around.
"What happened?" Greigh inquired.
I shrugged. "Spies. What else?" Was my simple response.