As the morning sun ascends, Kuma, Magnis, Drais, Tobey, and their fellow fighters stand atop a hill, clad in their soul armors. Below them, a grassy field stretches out, where 5000 of Belfar's masked bandits slowly advance, armed with stolen soul weapons. Observing the approaching bandits, Drais notes that these individuals are not Naras, but outsiders. Tobey adds that these bandits also wield Nara soul weapons, Kuma then explains that those weapons were stolen from the outer villages of the Nara kingdom. With determination, he channels his formidable magical power and summons his dual blades. Taking a look at Runica's magic staff in his hand, Magnis proposes summoning Runica for assistance. However, Kuma cautions that Runica may not be fully prepared yet, needing more time to rest and replenish his energy. Nevertheless, Kuma pledges to do his utmost to emerge victorious. 

Suddenly, all the bandits cease their advance as 500 archers take aim and unleash their magic arrows toward Kuma and the group on the hill. Reacting quickly, Drais summons his platinum shield and casts a magic barrier around them. Tobey commands his fighter students to channel their magic into Drais, fortifying the barrier. The barrage of arrows rains down upon the magic barrier, causing Drais to sweat and strain as he struggles to maintain its integrity. Tobey remarks on Belfar's thorough preparation for war. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Kuma issues a warning, urging everyone to keep their distance from him during the battle, as his unleashed power may inadvertently harm those nearby. With resolve, Kuma charges out of the magic barrier, surrounded by an aura of magic, and plows into the army of bandits, triggering a massive magical explosion.

Subsequently, half of the bandit archers direct their aim at Kuma, releasing a barrage of magic arrows. Some bounce harmlessly off his enchanted armor, while others find their mark, piercing his chest, shoulder, and leaving cuts on his face. Despite the injuries, Kuma presses on with unwavering determination. Observing the situation, Drais determines that his magic shield has absorbed sufficient energy and prepares to launch a counterattack. With the surrounding magic barrier, he unleashes a volley of magic arrows from it, intercepting the incoming arrows from the bandits. Taking the signal from Tobey, his fighter students and Magnis leap into action, joining the fray.

Each student fighter skillfully evades the bandits' attacks, swiftly countering with powerful strikes from their armored fists, sending several adversaries hurtling across the battlefield. Tobey leaps into the air, executing a devastating dive kick that shatters the ground, sending dozens of bandits tumbling away. Meanwhile, Magnis wields Runica's magic staff, knocking aside a couple of bandits with each swing. As the chaos unfolds, everyone pauses for a moment, awed by the shockwaves reverberating through the battlefield from Kuma's relentless fighting. Sensing an opportunity, Drais joins the fray, while many of the bandit archers are already incapacitated by Kuma's onslaught. Amidst the battle, Magnis notices a fallen bandit with a broken mask. Intrigued, he approaches and removes the mask, revealing a familiar face beneath. Surprised by the unexpected discovery, he takes a moment to process the revelation.

Despite being heavily wounded, Kuma persists, utilizing both his angelic and demonic magic to hurl numerous bandits into the air, where they collide with one another, resulting in gruesome explosions of blood. In a swift motion, Kuma deflects Belfar's oncoming bronze dagger and propels himself towards where it was thrown. Identifying a nearby bandit with a bronze dagger in his hand, surrounded by a swirling aura of immense magic, Kuma descends upon them with devastating force, decimating several adjacent foes as he subdues the bandit to the ground. With a powerful gesture, Kuma releases his angelic blade skyward, where it transforms into a colossal angel wing. Within its center, a gigantic eyeball materializes, its lids opening to release a barrage of magical feathers that sweep across the battlefield, dispatching numerous bandits in their wake.

Kuma shatters the mask concealing the bandit's identity, revealing Belfar, who coughs up blood. With a decisive strike, Kuma impales Belfar's chest with his demon blade, proclaiming to the bandits that their leader has been vanquished, signaling an end to all the bloodshed. A momentary hush falls over the battlefield until Magnis's voice pierces the silence, calling out to Kuma. Suddenly, Belfar's dagger hurtles from amidst the bandits, quickly caught by Kuma's bare hand. In a quick and coordinated attack, a masked bandit materializes with his hand holding onto Belfar's dagger's handle, swinging a mace upward with his other hand, slashing open Kuma's chest and striking his jaw, in which launches him airborne. As Kuma hurtles skyward, the massive angelic wing fastens itself to his back, propelling him back towards the fray. With a quick motion, he cleaves the mace-wielding bandit in two. Magnis's revelation echoes across the battlefield as Kuma realizes that all the bandits bear Belfar's face beneath their masks. As the horde of Belfar impersonators closes in, Kuma struggles to track the bronze dagger, which teleports between the hands of each assailant. Roaring in defiance, he employs his angelic wing to ward off incoming assaults while wielding his demon blade in fierce counterattacks. 

Magnis quickly use the magic staff to deflect an axe blow from a Belfar clone, only to witness Belfar's darting dagger striking a fighter student's shoulder. In a chilling sequence, another Belfar clone materializes at the dagger's handle, wielding a sword that severs the student's head. Enraged, Tobey launches into action, delivering a punishing kick that rends a hole in the bandit's abdomen. Meanwhile, Magnis grapples with the axe-wielding assailant, shattering his mask in the process. Seizing the moment, Magnis confronts the Belfar clone, questioning how he manages to replicate himself into an army of 5000. Belfar scoffs, tauntingly inquiring about Runica's whereabouts, recalling their previous encounter where Runica narrowly escaped death. With resolve, Magnis charges forward, as their weapons clashes he lets go of the magic staff, barely dodging the attack and unleashes a barrage of strikes, systematically fracturing Belfar's bones.

As additional Belfar clones converge, Magnis summons his platinum butcher blade, cleaving through them with ruthless efficiency. Suddenly, he sees Belfar's dagger soaring overhead, a Belfar clone teleporting to retrieve it while launching a salvo of magic arrows that hits many student fighters. Drais intervenes, shielding Magnis from the arrows, while Tobey dodges the arrrows and vaults into the air, delivering a forceful blow that hurtles the clone downward, crashing into the other clones. Drais suggests to Magnis that this battle has become unexpectedly more challenging than they thought, hinting that it might be wise to summon Runica before they suffer any further casualties. Magnis observes the fighter students attending to each other's wounds with potions, while Tobey fights fiercely to protect them from the relentless onslaught of Belfar clones. Magnis employs the magic staff to summon Runica, directing a luminous beam emitted from the staff toward the Draconic village.

Meanwhile, in the Draconic village, Alice awakens to find herself encased in a floating bubble within her room. Initially bewildered, she soon realizes the astonishing feat accomplished by Runica – the ability to preserve a living being within a flower bubble. With a gentle poke, the bubble bursts, and Alice hurries outside to witness the unfolding battle through the many screens through out the village. Seeking answers from the villagers about the duration of her slumber, she learns that it has only been a day, she rushes to Runica's room, bursting with excitement over his groundbreaking achievement. Despite her clamor, Runica remains sound asleep, drained from months of magical exertion. Recognizing his need for rest, Alice tenderly kisses his forehead, vowing to handle matters in his stead. Suddenly, a magical beam targets Runica, prompting Alice to shield him, the beam then pulls her away from the village at a tremendous speed.

The arrival of Alice on the battlefield catches everyone off guard, as she emerges through the magic that was meant to summon Runica. Brandishing her dragon wand, she asserts her readiness to take charge. Enveloped in immense magic, she employs her abilities to mend the wounds of the injured student fighters. Then, she conjures numerous magic circles and instructs the fighters to strike them. Each blow triggers a surge of magical energy that hurtles towards the clones Belfars. In unison, the student fighters unite, delivering synchronized punches that unleash a barrage of potent magical blasts across the battlefield, igniting numerous magical explosions. Alice employs her magic, extending it towards the heavily wounded Kuma. Surprised, Kuma recognizes the familiar aura of Alice's magic and wonders how she managed to recover so quickly, despite her recent task at Demon's Gate. Reinvigorated by Alice's magic, Kuma renews his vigor and charges back into the fray. Observing the tide of battle, Magnis discerns that they are gaining the upper hand, with Belfar's forces already dwindling to 35%.

In the forested hills adjacent to the battlefield, Belfar sits upon a throne chair, adorned with a swirling golden crown and flanked by two large magic mirrors displaying the ongoing battle. A group of Belfar's bandits approach and report that their forces have been diminished to 35%. Belfar exhales deeply, expressing surprise at the strength of the guardian team from the Draconic village, before declaring that it's time to deploy everything they've prepared over the years. Half of the bandits make their way to a nearby location beneath the hills, where a massive box containing numerous stolen soul weapons and armors is situated. The remaining bandits assist in setting up numerous tubes connected to Belfar's back. These tubes are then plugged into the large box, and upon activation, the box vibrates with magical energy. Amidst Belfar's agonized cries as magic leaks from his body, the crown upon his head begins to glow. A soul weapon and armor disintegrate into magical particles, which travel through the tubes and merge with Belfar's body. Utilizing the crown's magic, Belfar converts the soul armor into a form of energy, summoning a clone of himself and linking the soul weapon to the clone's essence, enabling the clone to wield the weapon with proficiency. Belfar persists in summoning thousands of clones, adamantly declaring his willingness to do whatever is necessary to see his plans come to fruition.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Alice notices another wave of 5000 Belfar clones approaching. Drais observes the endlessness of Belfar's army, prompting Alice to summon a magical dragon head in the sky. This dragon breathes fire magic, deterring the incoming clones from joining the fray. Kuma, riddled with stab wounds from Belfar's teleporting dagger, collapses to his knees. Magnis leaps into action, using his magic staff to repel the clones from Kuma. He soon switches to his butcher blade to dispatch the clones, only to be disarmed and subsequently stabbed in the chest by Belfar's flying dagger. As Magnis and Kuma find themselves surrounded by Belfar's clones, the clones are suddenly swept away by a long golden rod. Looking up, Magnis sees a squadron of 20 knights from the kingdom arriving on the scene. The captain, June(27), clad in golden armor and wielding a transforming golden staff, introduces himself and declares that he's come to rescue his younger brother, Runica.

June and his army seamlessly integrate into the battle, quickly dispatching many of the clones with the assistance of Alice's magic. As the sun begins to set, they eventually overcome the 10,000 clones, eliciting a victorious roar from the fatigued fighters. However, their celebration is short-lived as a distant roar, louder than their own, fills the air. Another 10,000 Belfar clones approaches, their footsteps echoing ominously. Recognizing the futility of the ongoing battle, June asserts the need to locate the source of the clones. Alice, seizing Runica's magic staff, rallies everyone to gather around. She announces that Runica has rested sufficiently and is now ready to join the fight. June jests that he expected Runica to be already involved in the war, having come to save him rather than the other way around. Undeterred, Alice emphasizes the necessity of pooling their magic to summon Runica, granting him the energy boost needed to defeat Belfar. With everyone touching the staff, it radiates with intense light before emitting a colossal energy beam that streaks toward the village.

The energy beam makes contact with Runica, stirring him from his slumber as he is propelled through the roof and spirals around the village before finally landing on the battlefield. As he rubs his eyes and stretches, Runica senses the collective magic energy coursing through him, vowing not to squander it. With a call to Belfar, he summons his silver armor, platinum butcher blade, and silver magic staff, positioning himself for action. Determined to bring an end to this battle, he utilizes his magic staff like a skateboard, propelling himself into battle. June marvels at the unprecedented display of magical prowess from such a young Nara. With a single mighty swing of his butcher blade, Runica decimates the 10,000 clones, leaving a significant void on the battlefield. Witnessing Runica's transformation, everyone is awestruck by how strong he has become, which his strength has drastically altered the battlefield landscape. With a swift maneuver, Runica heads towards the forest hills, where the dozen bandits stand in defense of Belfar. Emitting a shockwave of magic from his staff, Runica incapacitates all the bandits in one fell swoop.

As Runica approaches Belfar, Belfar erupts in frustration, lamenting his perpetual misfortune and the unfairness of life. Determined to exact revenge on the Nara kingdom, he sees it as a chance to address his grievances. In response, Runica extends a hand, suggesting that chaos isn't always the solution and there may be another way to resolve Belfar's issues. However, Belfar's anger intensifies, dismissing Runica's perspective due to his youth. Utilizing the crown's power, he summons hundreds of soul weapons aimed at Runica, but Runica's silver magic staff conjures a protective dome, halting the incoming assault. With blood streaming from his eyes and nose, Belfar's rage amplifies as the crown radiates with intense light, summoning a lightning bolt from the sky that strikes Runica, causing a barrage of explosions. Emerging from the explosions, Runica calmly walks through them, using his sword to quell the explosions. Observing Belfar's eyes, he says that Belfar has much more than revenge that there's a deeper pain, that his eyes shows the loss of a love one, that his eyes resembles the eyes of his mother when his father left them, this prompts tears to well in Belfar's eyes. Belfar asserts that he has come too far to back down now, persisting in wielding the crown's power to conjure a tempest. As the storm swirls around them, Runica maintains his stance, unwavering amidst the tumult.

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