Slime Girl

Chapter 193


- Shari -


After my little stunt, I now have to listen, for some time, to everyone's unwanted input about it.


"I'm very sure you could've gone differently about this." (Michael)

"Oh damn! Who's going to clean this up?!" (Jacob)

"That's not an issue. Slime vanishes by itself." (Liqu)

"Sorry, but I didn't see any other way to make him believe." (Shari)

"No other way, my ass! There'd be countless different ways to go about this than making your head explode! Seriously, I'm quite sure you're just getting a kick out of this!" (Jacob)


I can't deny that I wanted to cause a reaction.




Yeah, I guess an explanation is in order.


"As the, as you now can see, blue one said before, those two women are slimes. That guy I don't know. Anyway, we met them before. Back then they kinda saved our lives. After this, we worked together for a while, and they more or less proved to us that they're trustworthy. However, we had an unfortunate fallout." (Jacob)

"A fallout?" (Lorel)

"Basically, the guy you're replacing was a misogynistic asshole and tried to kill us. Obviously, he didn't succeed. Nonetheless, I'd like to point out that we held our part of the bargain back then, despite this unfortunate incident." (Shari)

"Seems like you got over it quite well." (Jacob)


He says so with a deadpan face.


"I cried for quite a while and was rather depressed at that time, but if you ask me if this act of self-defense will haunt me for eternity then the answer is 'no'." (Shari)


With a sigh, he turns back to Lorel.


"So that basically summarizes our relationship to them." (Jacob)

"I'd like to point out here, that Liqu is also a slime and for this reason can't be hurt physically. Also, we have a form of communication that requires direct contact. I'm by no means someone who hits their partner. We aren't a couple, by the way." (Shari)


The last part had to be said.


"Yet! We're at least 'partners'!" (Liqu)


Just in time, I can dodge her attempt to hug me.

It's not even possible to say that we're not partners.
In addition, I'm pretty sure she just openly admitted that she's about to go beyond a purely platonic relationship.
And for some reason, I fear it was my fault that idea is in her core.
Lorel, the cause of the current weird situation, appears to be still quite disbelieving about what is transpiring here.


"So just to confirm, if you're not a misogynistic asshole and don't plan on trying to kill us then you have nothing to worry from our side. You aren't, right?" (Shari)

"Excuse me, but this is just a bit much to process." (Lorel)

"He said 'excuse me'! That's enough in my opinion! If he wouldn't be nice, he'd have already turned hostile." (Liqu)


As I said, low standards.

After some time of processing, it seems like we can continue.


"So, about our offer..." (Shari)

"You know it needs a group vote." (Jacob)


This makes me look at the one in question.


"May I ask for your opinion?" (Shari)

"I'm still seriously confused, but... What even would this job be about?" (Lorel)


Damn, that guy lives up to high standards regarding being honorable.


"Essentially we'd like to receive all kinds of information about illegal slave trafficking. We know there's something going on and we have to deal with a big organization, but we still need closer insight. Most importantly, where are they gathered once brought outside of the town." (Shari)

"Why would you come to us with such a request? Doesn't this sound like something to tell the guard?" (Lorel)

"It's not a secret that people regularly go missing. Yet almost exclusively the poor. In all this time the guard never did a thing and I suppose they aren't even too unhappy about the slums getting less crowded. Space is scarce, after all." (Jacob)

"The same apparently goes for the guild. They don't want to get involved against the nobles who back the slavery. However, they told us we're free to ask anyone. They just don't want to act officially." (Michael)

"I, I can't allow such injustice! Jacob, we need to help!" (Lorel)


Did this guy jump straight out of a fairytale?
He's so cliché about being the good guy.


"Slow down for now, Lorel. Shari, what would our part in this event entail?" (Jacob)

"We would need some seasoned adventurers who could either track down the slaves or speak with colleagues to gain information." (Shari)

"Speaking of trackers, where is ours?" (Jacob)

"Myra still wanted to come for the team talk, but I see certain issues in that regard." (Lorel)


Like killing her oldest friend, for example.


"So Myra is still with you?" (Shari)


She had more than enough reason to quit after all.


"Before she arrives, I believe you might be about to get into some trouble with her." (Jacob)

"Trouble? It's okay if she doesn't want to work with us, but she's a gentle soul, right?" (Shari)

"Gentle!?" (Lorel)

"Uh, you know, Myra is..." (Jacob)

"I am what?!" (Myra)


There she is!


Oh my god!


The moment Myra enters I start to believe that life, or rather only the recent months, were hard on her.
She's sporting a new, fairly bad scar, right below the left eye, which doesn't seem to bother her.
Also, she has got a fierce gaze and looks all about quite a bit tougher.
Not sure if she grew some centimeters, but she certainly added some muscles and her stature is now far firmer and thus straighter.
All in all, she looks like someone who went through tough times and grew on them till she beat up what bothered her.
The issue with looking at her to make that assessment is that her gaze settles on me in return.
And I'm not sure if I'm not as well on the list of things that bother her.


"You!" (Myra)


The harsh tone with which she says this promises nothing good.


"Hi, Myra!" (Liqu)

"Shut up!" (Myra)


Damn, it doesn't happen every day that Liqu actually listens to this kind of remark.
But her intention was quite hard to overlook, and her will more than clear.
Yet now she turns back to me.


"Uh, hi?" (Shari)

"What are you doing here? We separated quite clearly." (Myra)


There's nothing of the insecure girl I met back then.
Only this hard war veteran.


"Ehm, I was in the area and thought I might pay you a visit." (Shari)

"They're scouting us for a job offer!" (Jacob)


Wrong moment, Jacob!


"After everything that happened, they have the audacity!" (Myra)

"Money is money. I wasn't going to leave you out of the decision whether or not we'd take the job." (Jacob)

"And you, Lorel?" (Myra)

"I, I just met them. I don't have a finished evaluation yet." (Lorel)


Is he afraid of her?!


"What is the job about?" (Myra)

"We'd pay you for information on slave camps around Ekoras. One gold coin for any relevant information, three if you can directly point us at the main camp. Everything in between is negotiable." (Michael)


I need to say, this is generous.
Considering usual price rates this much should equal several months of work in their profession.
Also, I'm glad that Michael spoke in my stead.
Since he's unaffiliated he might have better chances.


"Who's that?" (Myra)

"An associative officer, it seems." (Jacob)

"Tsk!" (Myra)


My hopes to convince them to help us get smaller and smaller.


"The issue I see, aside from personal feelings that shouldn't influence our decisions, is that taking this job would put us at odds with the guild. Maybe not enough to make them expel our team, but enough that we could draw some harassment on us." (Jacob)

"This can't keep us from doing what is right!" (Lorel)

"Myra? Your vote?" (Jacob)

"I'm tempted. It sounds too good to be true, but if Liqu didn't suddenly become a proficient liar, we should be safe. However, there's still one thing standing between us." (Myra)


Why does she speak so ominously?
With wide steps, she walks up to me.
Once she is pretty close she guides her arm behind her back.


"I thought long and hard about what I'd do if I met you again." (Myra)


Is she going to attack me?!
But how?
My core is still hidden.
Nonetheless, I focus more resources on moving my core out of the way if necessary.
Abruptly, Myra jumps up and swings her fist in my direction.
The thing is, I'm slightly confused as there's not even a weapon in her hand.
It rushes forward and I seriously don't know how to react.
And since even with high-speed processing I don't get to a conclusion and thus fail to dodge, I get hit.




The impact was enough to obliterate my face.
Myra just smirks at the result.
Yet the surprise comes after this.


"You killed my friend! I know you were forced to and I have no justification for revenge. Still, call this a petty act of vengeance for a friend long dead. Sorry, Chris. This has to suffice!" (Myra)




She just spat into me!
Any idea how bad it feels to have saliva in your system?
That's basically the pinnacle of rudeness!
You just don't insert stuff into others without consent!
Damn, now I may dissolve it away but the troubling image will remain.


"Now we're even!" (Myra)


I should probably be happy that this apparently was it.
Nonetheless, it's hard not to feel offended.


"The offer is good. We should take it." (Myra)


The vote is with this concluded and it seems like I got what I wanted.
Sadly, I was also reminded of my past deeds.
However, as inappropriate as it may be, I involuntarily ask myself this question.
Just what happened to my little squirrel girl!?!


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