Slime Girl

Chapter 176


- Shari -


We're leaving the coach somewhere between the market and the inner district.
It's certainly a weird feeling to have returned to Ekoras.
I wouldn't necessarily call our time here a complete failure, given that we were able to obtain quite some assets, which ultimately built the foundation of our current position.
This one, while certainly complicated, has its advantages.

Yet as we also had to escape from several murder battalions with a price on our slime heads, it can't be called a pure success either.
I can only hope that these months we were away worked in our favor to divert the interest in our persons.
It's not like they even have faces to look for.
Now that I think about it, I'm not all too sure anymore if our current position is really the right one to make any greater purchases that would bind me to this place.
On the other side, one shouldn't digress from one's plans without a good reason.
Last doubts don't count.

So we reach the town hall, right next to the gatehouse leading to the lord's fortress.
The fortress itself is a prominent stone structure that is visible from the whole town.
Compared to the royal palace it's still a much smaller and far less impressive marvel of a building but I'm sure it's defendable.
Oh, and now that I'm close for the first time, I see that it has a filled moat, right next to the outer walls.

I guess this relates to the reason why there is a dedicated administrative building right next to the place that should really be responsible.
And this is that the lord of this town wants to keep people out of his place.
So everything regarding public life in this town is concentrated in this still fairly big place in front of us.

The guards in front of us give way as soon as we show them our adventurer cards. It doesn't look like they want to check us any closer than this.
Did I mention that I, especially for today, put on the masking powder and wasn't stopped even once yet?
Well, this place is simply not one where you would break in.
And that is not only because there isn't much of interest to steal here, aside from the official seals which are properly secured.
It's also quite full here.
People are coming for all kinds of reasons.
Be it asking for permission to use a street for a stall, temporarily depositing stuff, trade rights, and naturally buying a house.
I look for the first open counter I can find.
Or at least the one with the shortest queue.
The clerk working there finishes the request of the woman in front of him with, in this line of work, accepted disinterest.
But that changes when I step up to him.


"How can I help... Whoah, what's with that mask?!" (clerk)


Wow, that's the first time that someone actually dares to ask this directly.


"I'm terribly sorry for this inconvenience. I and my friend, we are both kinda disfigured due a skin ailment. I hope this isn't going to cause any problems." (Shari)


At least we don’t align with accepted human standards.


"Ahem. What would be your request?" (clerk)

"We are looking to buy a house within the town at short notice. If possible a cheap one. The south would be fine." (Shari)

"Buying property? Not for rent? There are some available places in decent areas." (clerk)


While the latter would certainly be cheaper, I'd rather have my own place.
Anything else would mean that I'm granting someone else power over me.
Even if it's expensive I believe having a place that we have absolute control over has its advantages.


"No, it's buying. We're looking for something permanent." (Shari)

"I apologize if this sounds rude, but you aren't native to Ekoras, is this right?" (clerk)

"Yes. Is this a problem?" (Shari)

"Permanent ownership of property within the walls is restricted. For something like this to happen, there are several hurdles to overcome. Especially, for someone who has no ties to the realm or reputation to speak of. You're required to bring proof that you have a way to make a living and need a guarantor to vouch for your character." (clerk)

"Wait please. I know the slums. Are you telling me that all the people there brought something like that?" (Shari)

"No. Those units are usually bought by citizens of suitable reputation who act as intermediaries to rent them to their workforce or those unfortunate who are unable to buy one of their own." (clerk)


That sounds like the perfect system to enable slum lords.
Yes, I could rent a house but that would mean I'd have to deal with the owner. Which sounds like a recipe for disaster.


"What about adventurers? That's what we are. Here's my identity card. I'm pretty sure I heard it's not uncommon for them to buy houses. And just to clarify, we have the necessary funds." (Shari)


And most adventurers start out somewhere else.
He gives it a quick glance over.


"For adventurers, the guild is acting as a guarantor. Yet usually only in the case of veterans who have proven to be trustworthy enough and for a fee. Pardon me, but since your group's name isn't familiar I'm quite sure they wouldn't do such a thing for you. You might nonetheless apply, but as far as I know, it requires a thorough screening that might take several weeks." (clerk)


I'm so close to showing him the royal envelope I have with me.
How does that kind of guarantor work for you, huh?

But he's right.
My relationship with the guild mostly consists of quick visits to the hall to get business done and aside from this general avoidance.
Which I don't plan to change in the future, given that my employer basically put a bounty on my head.


"I'd like to move in rather sooner than later. Isn't there a way to expedite things?" (Shari)

"If not for this you might instead pay an extra fee of thirty-five percent of the price of the unit you have in mind. Twenty-five to cover for the possible risks of leaving the property with individuals of unknown reputation and another ten for the faster service." (clerk)


That's blatant robbery!
And not even stealthy, but in broad daylight!


"And if I bring a guarantor? Who would be suitable?" (Shari)

"As I said, people with a strong reputation. Naturally local nobles, wealthy citizens, influential merchants, famous adventurer groups, or even well-known individuals of the district. If you manage to bring such a person to vouch for you the risk payment won't be necessary. We might cut down the fee to ten percent." (clerk)


You don't need to keep up that professional smile.
I know you're ripping us off.


"Fine. I know a local of sufficient influence." (Shari)

"Your guarantor will have to sign this document." (clerk)


I look through the paper.
Actually, it looks like a mere formality as there aren't even any punishments for the guarantor if I mess up. I'd dare to say it's merely to bully newcomers.


"Before I'm going through all this hassle, may I first see some of the places you have to offer to see if there's even something free that would work out for me?" (Shari)

"If you wish so. But preparing the documents might take a moment." (clerk)

"Do what you have to." (Shari)


The clerk leaves me and Liqu alone to procure everything about free houses.
As alone one can be if angry people are lining up behind us because this is dragging,
And now Liqu finally speaks again.


"Can I pleeease dissolve him?" (Liqu)

"Not so loud! And no! How do you even get on such ideas?" (Shari)

"Because he's annoying. Even I notice that he's making things difficult for us." (Liqu)

"You still can't dissolve a public official in the town hall." (Shari)

"So somewhere else would be fine?" (Liqu)

"No!" (Shari)


Shit, that was too loud.
People are starting to look in our direction.
I can't even smile them off with that mask on.
Waving must suffice.
Finally, the clerk returns.


"Here's an assortment of currently free buildings. I took the liberty to exclude the northern and central district. The prices increase profoundly in those." (clerk)

"Please, let me look through them." (Shari)


These new gloves I got are actually perfect for this situation.
Not only don't they soak as much, but they also look pretty darn good, so no one can complain if I touch something with them.

I only flip through the pages, flying over the rough descriptions about the places. Disappointingly, there aren't too many cheap places available.
And the price range is surprisingly high.
If I go by the statement I just heard then the cheap buildings are all taken by slum lords.
This means, only bigger places one wouldn't use to accommodate a desolate family are still free.

At least I see some that would fit the bill.
Due to the nature of my core I won't be able to memorize them, but it's already enough to know they exist.
I hand the documents back and nod.


"Thanks for the service. We'll be back." (Shari)

"Always a pleasure." (clerk)


Sure, screw yourself.
Now I need to get away before the waiting people behind me become deadlier than any army I ever fazed.


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