Slime Girl

Chapter 165


- Liqu -


Mhmhm, hunting humans it is.
I'm not entirely sure if I'm ready yet.
Last time I was in this state I was going really slowly.
It took me months to get back to a condition that I deemed acceptable.
Mostly I subsisted on earth and whatever critters came into my reach.
That wasn't so bad, but I knew that I shouldn't go up against something strong while still being weakened.

What makes my current condition so problematic is that it's so deceiving.
My core is still as big as it was before.
This means that I not only retain all my skills, but can also control as much mass as before.
The thing is, I can't.

Yes, yes, I know this sounds contradicting.
What I want to say is that the kind of damage I sustained isn't openly visible.
I overstrained my core, which means that there are countless tiny fissures in it, caused by the strain.
So while moving my mass like before still feels natural to me, it's a trap.
If I strain myself too much before the fissures mend properly, they might instead get worse.
And this is even more likely when I move quickly, which requires far deeper, greater, and more complex control than my core's condition allows.

To get back to my current situation, I'm not entirely sure if I should hunt humans if I can't rush quickly enough to chase them down.
However, if I understood it right, I don't have to.
All those other humans want me to do is to show up and be big and scary to block the way.
I think I can do this.
Shari told me beforehand that I shouldn't be seen in human form, so I simply won't appear as one.

I advance in my proven compressed-slime form.
It's actually been quite a long time since I used it for normal movement.
Ever since I figured out walking, and especially since I started traveling with my Shari, I was using shaped legs.

Yet while walking is a good compromise in speed and energy efficiency there's one advantage to this form.
Funnily enough, if I look like a human then this draws monsters who believe I'm their usual prey.
On the other hand, if I look like any other slime, it's the humans who underestimate me.
As I said, it's quite a paradox.


"A slime?"

"Hey, fetch one of the anti-slime sticks from the shed!"

"Be careful. That's quite the big one!"


Oh, I'll show you how big I am.

Shari told me to avoid killing those who aren't fighters if I can.
But this one, based on his equipment, is surely a combatant, even if all he has is a puny stick, which is kinda unfair.
Anyway, I'm allowed to grab him.
Before he can wind up to strike at me, I extend to my full size and envelop my first prey with my tendrils.




Usually, I don't let them scream, but this is all for the effect. However, now I can just dig in.






With this, I have them.
Nothing makes humans more unwilling to fight than seeing their comrades dissolve in front of their eyes.
That's validated experience.
And it works out since most of them start running in the other direction.
So I'll just grab those who don't and continue.




Conveniently, fear is something that accumulates.
The more you do the more likely it becomes that they flee.
Also, I think I accomplished my goal to prevent anyone from entering this small building.
At least it seems like they're not too inclined to run past me.

This is almost too easy.
They don't even try to seriously fight me anymore.
They have difficulties reaching my core with the range of their weapons.
Even if I can't control my mass as well as usual, they're simply too afraid of getting dissolved.

In the distance, I perceive some fighting.
Those should be the human soldiers.
Basically, all I have to do is wait at this place here.

Fortunately, not for too long.
The other humans who are on our side arrive and secure the area, which is still quite a novel situation for me since I'm not used to having them as allies on my hunts.
I can't say that this is bad.
It certainly makes many things easier.
So I'm quite content with the current situation Shari caused.

Well, they're coming now.


"We've got most of them. As reluctant as I am to say this, you did a good job. But please get inside the hall before you turn back." (Soma)


I suppose he means that I for some reason still shouldn't show those people my human form.
Not like I have a problem with this.
I squeeze back down to my former size and crawl to the hall.


"Oh my god! There are two of you?!" (woman in coat)

"Didn't I say not to call out?!" (Shari)


Ah, it's always so calming to see my Shari.




- Shari -


Okay, I have no idea how to deal with this situation.
Hostage scenarios were never my strong point.
Especially now that Liqu added herself to the equation.


"Who is this?" (Liqu)

"One of the workers here." (Shari)

"Worker!? I'm Irene, the head of production in this bad excuse of a manufactory!" (Irene)


That changes quite a bit.


"Should we dissolve her?" (Liqu)

"As long as she stays where she is, and more importantly, doesn't do anything stupid, we won't do anything to her." (Shari)


Not just because executing someone without just cause feels wrong, but also because those from the royal faction might want to talk to her.


"May I say something as well?" (Irene)

"No! Not a word if not asked!" (Shari)


Could everything please become a little bit less complicated?
That's what I'm hoping for when someone else enters.


"Good to find you here. I wanted to inform you that the plan was a success. We were able to apprehend most of the personnel of this complex. The only issue is that we were unable to find the one in charge yet." (Michael)


Not sure if this makes things simpler, but I can at least dump the issue on someone else.


"Right here!" (Shari)


His gaze follows in the pointed direction and settles on the woman.


"Truly! Quite surprising. If that isn't Irene the heretic sage. Quite the haul." (Michael)


Irene... who?


"I never approved of that nickname. It's insulting." (Irene)

"Oh sorry. That wasn't very considerate towards someone committing most-heinous acts. I'm sure you're far more social when you're not busy contributing to the downfall of your homeland." (Michael)

"As if I did anything wrong! I was only working on the things I was commissioned to work on." (Irene)

"But not anymore! Your production is hereby terminated." (Michael)

"Whatever. Those things only ever brought trouble for me. There I went and proposed a perfectly viable solution of dealing with the rising criminal rate, and all I got was ridicule from my so-called colleagues. Calling me 'crazy' or 'immoral'!" (Irene)


Is she truly claiming to be the victim here?


"You're making goddamn slave collars!" (Shari)


Does she really think I'd have sympathy with someone who makes collars to torture people into submission?


"Do you have any idea how much groundwork research was necessary to make this happen? What was necessary to devise a functional system to create conductors able to hold the magic in such quantity? To alter them into the lightning element? To control the output in a way that they stay functional long term and still cause enough pain to beg for death without granting it? Or figuring out a sensor system to allow for remote control on different settings? These collars are the pinnacle of magical research, and I'm their founder." (Irene)


She's almost... No, there's no doubt!
She is certainly proud of her torture instrument.
Seriously, what went wrong with that person?


"You're a goddamn crazy lunatic!" (Shari)

"I think as well that just pain isn't good. Pain might be necessary, but it shouldn't be the reason." (Liqu)

"Am I now seriously getting berated by slimes about morality? What did your last victim say when you dissolved them?" (Irene)

"Morality aside, you're still guilty of high treason against the crown." (Soma)

"Oh please. Sure, blame me for accepting another job after I was expelled from the institute for 'ethical reasons'! But you need to grant me that the blades at my throat were a convincing argument to take them up on their offer." (Irene)


Hm, I'm conflicted about my opinion about her.


"Be that as it may, the final decision lies not with me. You're going to be judged. Try to flee and I'm authorized to take you down." (Michael)


With this, he proceeds to take advantage of the knowledge of this woman to gather as much evidence as he can.
And I'm still not sure if anything got simpler.


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