Sleeping Princess

Ch.27 What Will Never Change (1/5)



My phone began to chime its message sound, waking me from my deep sleep. When I opened my heavy eyes, the time was revealed to be around 5 AM in the morning. Groggily, I reached and grabbed it.

[Hey <3]

That is what the message title read. With a cute heart at the end of it, I first thought it was from Saitou-san but that was cast in an instant.  It was from no one other than Mae-chan. So, I responded by calling her instead of sending one back.

“Oh…I know you worked and didn’t mean to wake you…but I wanted to chat with you, Mado-chan.”

Her tone of voice was a bit somber, and it worried me as I sat up on my bed, brushing my bangs away from my eyes.

“Oh no, it’s fine, Mae-chan. What’s up?”



She moaned.

“I had a chat with Sophia-san the other day about…well…about what happened between her and Taylor-sensei. I take it…she told you the same thing.

My heart sank a bit as my mind raced back to that night when I held her in my arms. Now clear from the dreamy state I was in, I nodded softly.


We both exhaled together now. Seems we both were depressed over Sophia-san’s struggles. Strangely though…it warmed my chest knowing we were in sync right now.

“After our chat, I lied in bed…thinking about what to do, but I couldn't come up with an answer as I fell asleep. “

“I don’t know what to do about it either, Mae. Their situation is…difficult to say the least.”

From the other side of the phone, I could hear her adjust herself as she mumbled in contempt. My mind imagined her curling her blue hair and slightly tugging it, something Mae-chan usually does when she’s upset.

“…I’m feeling more useless than ever now, Madoka. I know this isn’t about me…and it’s selfish of me to even try and put my feelings in this…but…as her friend…who has also known her longer than you…”

“Oh no, Mae-chan. Don’t think like that. We all know you’re struggling just as much as…”


Mae-chan cut me off with her words. Quietly, I leaned down as I listened to her speak.

“My inability to motivate myself and my lack of energy and concentration…can’t measure up to your struggles or Sophia-san’s.”

She groaned harshly now as she ridiculed her emotions.

“…I know there are more problems you're having…that you haven't told me about…either.”


My heart began to tense up. I wanted to express to her that what she believed wasn't true in the slightest. That her struggles were just as important as anyone else's…but something told me that right now, no matter how much I explained that to her, Mae-chan would just brush it aside.

“So, Madoka…I was wondering if we could hang out today…just the two of us?”

Her tone of voice was a little shaky as she asked. The kind of tone a child would have when asking for something they believe is going to be denied. Now that I thought about it…it’s been a while since Mae-chan and I did something together without others, hasn’t it?

“I have also been…keeping a few things inside, and I want to…talk to you about it, Madoka...So, if you would like…”

I nodded vigorously as I sat on the side of my bed. I was getting a bit excited at the idea of it being just Mae-chan and I for a hangout.

“Oh! Sure. I would love to, Mae-chan. Ah…what would you like to do?”

Her cute snicker caught me by surprise as I calmed down and listened to her.

“Hey, I got that planned. Think of it as a surprise! You just get more sleep, and I’ll take us there.”

Mae-chan sounded a tad excited too. Well, that’s to be expected, I imagined. With all the things that happened recently, we haven’t spent any time alone together…

“O-Okay, Mae-chan.”

How this reminded me of the old days, before my coma. That feeling of nostalgia made my chest warm up. I instantly concluded that I wanted to confess everything to Mae-chan. I know Sophia-san and Taylor-sensei already know my feelings for my stepmother and how I feel about other women, but…


I want Mae-chan to be the first of my friends I talk about…my sexuality. And what I found out about my past…What Mari-san did for me, and the strain it’s causing on everyone in my family.

I…want to confess everything to Mae-chan.


“Okay, just make sure to bring warm clothing and gloves. Dad gave me a few coupons and tickets, so I want to take you with me for the entire day...if you don’t mind.”

“Coupons and tickets?”

I parroted, earning another cute giggle from the already cute Mae-chan.

“It’s a secret, I told you that! See you around 8 AM, Mado-chan?”

“Sure. See you then, Mae-chan. How should we meet up?”

“I’ll come to your house! You relax until I get there!”

The hurricane called Watanabe Mae ended abruptly. There I sat, looking at my phone. She was always good at pulling me along to do things. How…this reminded me of the past.

After resting a bit more, I finally got up and went downstairs. There were sounds like oil crackling coming from the kitchen. When I entered, I was met with Mari-san inside, cooking up a storm. She was dressed in her blue polka-dotted and white apron as she diligently made breakfast for everyone. However, the look on her face was strained as I approached.



“Thanks for making breakfast.”

As if I just shattered her concentration, she perked up and turned to me in an instant.

“Oh…good morning, Madoka-san. You’re the first to wake up.”

I sat at the table as I watched her move about a bit before she turned back to me.

“Here, give this a try for me.”

Gladly, she raced over and handed me a warm cup of coffee. It was a milky color and smelled wonderful. I rarely drink coffee, so when I tasted it, the flavors took me by storm. It was rich, satisfying, and overwhelmingly delicious. Like a wave of candy assaulting my tastebuds.

“This is wonderful.”

Mari-san put her nose to the ceiling as she put her hands on her hips. She’s getting a little cocky as the best cook in the house. I decided that I’ll likely have to learn a few new tricks to knock her down a few notches.

“Yeah. I woke up remembering this recipe. It was something my mom used to make. I hope you enjoy it.”

“I love it. Thanks for the drink.”

“I’m glad.”

We both smiled at one another. It felt like our worries were in another universe as we idly chatted about food on a cool morning. Silently, I wished for this to be normal.


From the living room, mom came out and caught us in this playful banter. With tired eyes, she slowly made her way to the table.

“Morning, mom.”

“Morning, Ayumi.”

She yawned uncharacteristically as she sat down. Mari-san placed a warm cup of coffee next to her. Her blue eyes gazed at the cup for a moment before she turned back to her lover.

“…Thanks for making breakfast…Mari.”

Mom sounded tired, even a little depressed. Maybe…this had something to do with Mari-san sleeping in the living room yesterday? My mind began to race as I sat in the awkwardness. The both of them said nothing else, and that spoke volumes as their bodies moved about. Mom didn’t even comment on the coffee as she sipped it every now and then.

“Morning, everyone.”

Hana-chan walked in next, holding a large red bag in one hand. She was already dressed, with her hair cleaned up, and ready to go.

“Oh, what’s that, Hana?”

Mom questioned as she gripped her cup of coffee in both hands.

“Sora-chan asked if I could come over to her house today. She wants to get a bit more studying done before finals. After that, she just wants to hang out with me.”

She was clear, cut, and dry…just like Hana-chan always is. The flower set her bag to the side and jumped in her seat. Mari-san wandered over, looking over her child.

“That’s great. Would you like me to take you, Hana?”

“No, that’s okay mom. She doesn’t live too far away. I’ll be fine if I run over there alone.”

Something was different about her expression though. Hana-chan smiled tenderly as she turned to Mari-san. I could tell that she was doing her best to be that much more understanding of her mom. Mari-san nodded as she put down her food next to her.

"Okay, dear. Just…make sure you eat a lot for Ayumi.”

As if my mom’s name coming from Mari-san’s mouth jump-started her, mom grinned and started her lecture.

“Yeah, don’t nibble at your meal, and eat everything, Hana. I don’t want my baby growing hungry on her way there.”

Our little flower perked up as she looked about the room. We were all watching her, causing her cheeks to turn bright red.

“Eh, mom and mom, stop bullying me!”

But my mom didn’t give up that easily and pulled on Hana-chan’s cheek. I realized how long it’s been since she’s done something like this. How this reminded me of how it was only a few weeks ago. Even if this situation was forced, the fact of the matter is that it’s happening, and it warmed my heart all the more.

“Oh…Mae-chan asked me to go with her somewhere today, Mom, Mari-san.”

“Hm, where are you two going?”

My mom questioned. All I could give her was a shrug of my shoulders as I giggled.

“Mae-chan said it was a surprise. So, I guess I’ll find out when I get there…”

Not to her liking I supposed, mom sighed sharply.

“Madoka, you know I don’t like…”

But before she could complete her sentence, she paused before nodding to herself. Gently, she looked back at me.

“When you get to wherever you’re going…make sure you call me, Madoka. And not just me, call Chie too.”

“Oh…ah…yeah, I will mom. I promise.”

Instead of openly scolding me…mom held back and accepted it. She’s been doing this a lot more lately and likely trying to give me more freedom. So, as it stands, Hana-chan will be going with Sora-chan today…and I’ll be out with Mae-chan for a while too.

“Are you going anywhere, mom, Mari-san?”

I asked, turning to both of them. With a deep groan, Mari-san admitted.

“I have to chat with Yashiro about the big incident she made at work and the direction of her book later today.”

I could feel the enormous weight placed on Mari-san’s slender back. I'm not sure what happened; I can only speculate by all the noise coming from mom's phone the other day.

“Good luck on having her hear you out…Mari. That woman has her own agenda.”

Mom crossed her arms in seeming annoyance. It was forced but…at least Mari-san and mom attempted to chat with one another. The rest of the breakfast was fairly quiet, and after our delicious meal, I went up to my room and got on my winter gear. Mae-can warned me to dress a bit heavier, and I did just that, adding some cute mittens to my set.

“That’ll do it.”

I confirmed before leaving my room.

As I walked down the steps, Mari-san wasn’t in her sofa spot, to my surprise. She was lying on the floor with a book in hand. I don’t think I’ve seen Mari-san read much. I was aware she had a bunch of books, but this was a new sight to me.


“Hm? Oh, what’s wrong, Madoka-san?”

“Oh…I just wanted you to know that I was leaving soon. Just giving you a heads up.”

She nodded.

“Stay safe, alright? And make sure to call your mom when you get there. You know how she gets when you forget.”

As if repeating my gatekeeper word by word she reminded me. She spun around as she turned back to her book. Curiously, I paced behind her and leaned over to see what she was looking at.

“Hm, what’s this?”


Surprised, she whirled around with a bright red blush on her face. The deep red cover made me believe it was a romance novel of some kind.

“Oh…I was just catching up on a novel I used to read back in college.”

"Hm, are you bored of the dramas on tv?"

Usually, Mari-san would be neck-deep into some strange drama because it was the weekend. But here she was, on the ground reading a random book out of nowhere.

“I need a change of pace.”

She lifted the book over her nose, causing her eyes to peek up from the top. With a rub of her head, she bowed.

“I’m…a pretty introverted person, you know, Madoka-san. I don't do much besides reading and watching TV. Going out and doing things like you and your mother…even Hana was never my thing."

In a way…it felt a tad lonely hearing her say that. She rubbed her socks on the carpet as she leaned forwards to me.

“Really…I’m just trying to get ideas on what to say to Ayumi while you both are gone. After my scolding with Yashiro today…I’ll likely come back before the both of you. I want her to know…that I do…care for her. But I need time to gather my feelings...”

She admitted as she looked towards the room they share.

“Right now…she wants little to do with me. And for good reason. But…I want to at least show her that I do care. Because…I do care for Ayumi…”

She moaned.

“…It’s just I want to tell her that in some way.”

I leaned down and looked her in the eye. Her dark bangs cast over her eye slightly making her feel all the more mysterious.

“Finding a place to start is always the hard part…”

Mari-san nodded.

“Yeah, that’s the truth, Madoka-san.”

The cry of the doorbell broke the mood between us. I perked up, raced over, and made my way to the door. When I opened it, the blue-haired sprite known as Watanabe Mae-chan leaped into my arms.


“Eh? Mae-chan.”

Her full weight was on me as I fell on the floor, and she fell on top of me. Here we lied in a stupid position brought on by the equally stupid Mae-chan. Our bodies sprawled out like a sorry-looking octopus washed up on the mainland.



“Goodness, Mae! Never change.”

Mom laughed as she exited the bathroom, seeing us in this strange embrace. We both stood up and watched her come over to us. When she met us at the front door, she gave Mae-chan a brief hug while petting her lush blue hair.

“It’s good to see you Mae-chan. Are you taking my Madoka out on another date?”

She saluted, kicking her feet together.

“Yes, ma’am!”

Mae-chan cried like a soldier in combat. I could hear Mari-san giggle from the other room as she kicked her feet on the carpet.

“Oh, Koda-san?”

Mae walked in and waved to her. She didn’t go in all the way else she’d have to take off her shoes.  In a cool manner, Mari-san waved back.

“Good to see you, Watanabe-san! You take good care of my Madoka-san, alright?”

"Will do, Koda-san!"

After that brief hello, she rushed back to my side. She brushed her slightly taller body up against me and held my shoulder.

“I’ll have her back later tonight, Ayumi-san.”

“Thank you, Mae. Have a wonderful day, you too.”

Before we made our way out the door, I walked over to my mom and gave her a brief hug.

"Hey, mom…"

I begged as I looked her in the eye.

“Have a good day too…please?”

For a moment we stared at one another. I wasn’t being subtle about it, and she knew it. For a moment, her brow dropped before giving me a slight nod.

“…Okay, sweetie.”

Then I gave her a sharp kiss on the cheek. I wanted her to know how much I do care for her…despite what was going on between us. I was hiding things from her…things I wasn't ready to admit just yet. But that doesn't change the fact that I still…love her.

“Bye, bye!”

I called out.


They both cried back as Mae-chan and I walked out into the winter elements.

“So, where are we going?”


She giggled as we made our way down the streets. The day was chilly, colder than the night before, so I wore gloves, and so did Mae-chan. It was a tad foggy and a bit gloomy if I had to be honest. Calmly, we walked as she reached out her hand and took mine. How casually we did this reminded me of how close we truly are.



“Your hands are warm, Madoka!”

“We both have mittens on, dummy.”

There was little to be afraid of when I was with Mae-chan. That’s why I decided that today will be the day that I confessed to her all that is going on with me now...





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