Shadows before dawn.

Chapter 21: So few things.

I like the aftertaste of the beverage that lingers when I drink water from my old pop bottles.

I like the extra meat on the bones

Of all the women I've known.

It goes to show that men can love more than just models.I like the feeling of meeting someone new.

Someone whose world I can explore,

nothing more than a journey.

I love the smell of the aftermath and the ashes that swirl around my feet as I watch our combined worlds burn before me


Don't jump to some negative conclusion.

No I've no delusion Of grandeur I can assure you.

It's just a part of my temperament

I'm only human.

I can love any other, just ask!

I implore you.

Because I like to think that love really is an intricate land that we roam.

A battlefield that won't yield.

A home away from our home.

And I like to think that those swords that we swing,




Are really manifestations of our hearts.

And I like to think that on that battlefield, our mind is our shield.

Because logic tends to pick emotion apart.

And I like the lingering taste of pop as I drink that last watered-down bit that nobody wanted...

It goes to show that all beautiful things can be ugly when flaunted.

And I like to think that my dreams of you are really past lives...

All of the flashing lights are passing years in the daylight.

And that I'm never really asleep when they come so that means you are always here.

Always near.

So on my battlefield, I continue that fight...

I like to think that someone out there truly loves me.

I like to think that all the good folk walk the clouds above me.

I like to think that my tears are symbolic of other people's fears 

And that by shedding them I can keep them safe for years...

And I like to think that everyone on this planet is inherently good

Because why would anyone WANT to take another life?

But that's just the way I see

And some of us will never agree.

But I like the taste of my first breath in the morning.

Those first few seconds before any of the reality sets in.

That's when I think of the world as mine and let that thought fade into the background so that I know that I'm alive when the reality of it all dissipates.

And I fully come to realize

Through sleepy eyes

That God had given me another day.

That's why I like to think that I like so many things but only let near me the things that I can truly keep.

And all of those things are mine thus far

But you...

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