Sacred Gear Shadow Light

Chapter 55: Sparring Match 6

"Are you going to change your plan?" Asked Kurama.

"Nope, it's not going to change, but it is going to be more effective than what I thought it would be," replied Naruto.

"Hmm, be careful, Naruto. You will walk on eggshells in this case" warned Kurama.

"Yes, my friend. I'll be careful" assured Naruto.

"I'm sorry if I have brought bad memories back, but I thank you for your help," said Jiraiya in a low tone, in sadness and gratitude.

"Don't worry about that. By the way, did Naruto-kun really get curious about me?" She asked in a cheerful tone.

"Yea. That's why I'm here. Keep your ears open, you might hear something from him soon" said Jiraiya and Roygun nodded at that. With a final goodbye, he vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"What a different personality. He is not the same as what I've heard" said Roygun and closed her door and went back to enjoy the sparring match.

With Clone Naruto

After a sparring match between their respective Peerages, which ended in a draw, the time came for the Kings to fight again, but this time it was serious.

"Relaxation time is up, Rias, Sona and Naruto-kun, can you please come here," asked Reni, taking her role as the proctor. The 3 Kings in question stepped with determined looks in the case of Rias and Sona and a calm look on Naruto's face.

"Ready, Begin," said Reni, cutting invisible air with the chop of her hand.

"Absolute Ruin" yelled Rias and blasted beams of PoD towards Naruto, not hold back anymore.

"Dragons," said Sona and sent a few Water Dragons towards Naruto. Naruto understood their serious intent and knew that the playtime was over. So he also used Shadow Magic instead of other magics he used before.

"Shadow Dragon's: Black Slash," said Naruto and a black wispy arc of shadow magic went towards the incoming attacks, dispersing them in all directions.

"Wow. That was a great counter-attack" said Rias in surprise.

"Yes, it managed to cut my Dragons as well," agreed Sona.

"I think we should use our most powerful attacks to peg him down," said Rias.

"Seems like it"

"On the count of 3," said Rias and Sona nodded.


"All Ruin" yelled Rias. All Ruin is her most powerful attack which has the raw PoD swirling within without any restrictions. She learnt it from her brother's attacks. All Ruin is the attack that gave her the title, Crimson Haired Ruin Princess in the Underworld.

She also learnt that the amount of control the user had in their magic, the more effective the attacks will be. But because of the chaotic nature of her PoD, she didn't have enough control to destroy everything.

"Sea Bed," said Sone. A large wave of water started to swirl in her hands and with a thrust, they were released at high velocities towards the Blonde boy. At her current level, Sona can destroy the town with this attack as the pressure of the attack is very high.

The attack has a high velocity with the pressure equivalent of the deep sea. The water was compressed to form this attack and can destroy anything in its way with its pressure alone.

Naruto was impressed by their strongest attacks. If Rias learn to control her magic, the attack she sent his way can destroy cities while Sona should concentrate on her power to reach the same level but she made up with her control.

Overall, their teamwork is good and their attacks are strong and he decided to show them his strongest attack as well. He started consuming air and his stomach expanded with the amount of 'Air' he inhaled.

"Abyss Decay'' said Naruto. Large amounts of shadows were released from his mouth towards the incoming attacks. The shadows engulfed the PoD and pressured water. It looked as if the shadows were eating the attacks.

Both attacks which were consumed were discharged into magic particles and the shadow disappeared from view.

Sona and Rias watched agape as their attacks were discharged into magic particles by Naruto. They didn't see anyone having a power like this to 'discharge' refined and nature changed magic like this.

"Well done, girls. You did well" said Naruto cheerfully.

"What! Does your magic discharge other magics?" Asked Rias in confusion.

"Didn't I tell you Skiadrum had developed a counter for Ddraig and Albion, this is that one. That's why it is called Abyss Shadow" said Naruto.

"So it can discharge the powers of the Heavenly Dragons, huh. No doubt it is a Longinus Class Sacred Gear" said Sona, analysing the attack she saw. Naruto smiled at her.

"Yes, dear Sona. I appreciate your cooperation during our spar. See ya" said Naruto and vanished into an Orange Magic Circle with Reni.

"I guess we can't bend him to our whims," said Sona. Rias nodded solemnly. They thought of winning this match and use Naruto for themselves. But it seems the blonde boy is stronger than they anticipated and bested them without a scratch.

"No problem. I'll just find another way to get to him" vowed Rias in determination. Akeno just smiled at her King's determination.

Roygun saw it through her window. It was amazing to her. It's been so long since she participated in her last spar or fight in general

'What an interesting person. I should talk to him sometime' she thought and left to do tend to her works.

And Cut.

That's it for this chapter folks. Hope you like it.

See ya in the next chapter.

Suggestions are welcome.


Black Infinity1289,

Ja Ne.

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