
Chapter 164: The Four – Part 2

"What's this about Realm Travelers?" Hukarere questions, then continues to suck my Cock and stare me in the eye as she waits for an answer.

Well, it doesn't hurt to tell her even though she hasn't agreed to be a concubine because she's just around us so much that it's a pain to keep it a secret from her. And I think she actually deserves to know as a reward for being so dedicated to sucking my Cock.

But first, we explain to her the existence of Cycles and other Realms before we tell her that I'm a Realm Traveler.

"Huh…" she hums and continues to suck, but her eyes go out of focus as she starts to reflect on it. I just love seeing her long white fangs dangerously wrapped around my Cock while her bright red tongue caresses my engorged head.

While another cumshot slowly builds up in my balls, I soothingly explain, "I know that this is confusing, but what you should understand about this is that I was purposely brought here, possibly by the Humanoid Gods, to serve a purpose, which is likely why they've given me this quest to find the Lord of Storms."

"This just makes me more eager to serve you," she casually confesses with a shrug.

"Then do it with pride," I huskily whisper back.

And she smiles as she intensifies her milking while staring deeply into my eyes.


Today is the 27th, Fis, day of Nature. Gify is actually a bit disappointed that she can't play with the other nature spirits in her personal room. She did put quite a lot of effort into making a comfy nest, but we've been away on adventures so much that she's starting to miss her home.

But she's a big girl, and she'll cheer up as soon as we're served breakfast.


I wake up with a beautiful crowd staring at my Cock, and the brightness of their smiles cheers me up like a warm sun on a chilly, dewy morning. Alissa is teaching the Companions how to suck The Cock, and they're eager for their morning blessing of my hallowed cum.

But I notice that there's quite a lot of MP missing from my pool, so I think they've already had quite a lot of fun with my body. And Alissa grins while her fluffy tail wags adorably as she gives them a practical example of how to deepthroat and fondle my balls at the same time.


For breakfast, Aoi and I fill our bellies with soft-boiled Dragolite eggs, which appeal to the lizard inside us. And our meal is enhanced by heavenly girlish giggles as we get to know the detachment of Companions that have been assigned to us. I just wonder what Sandoro thinks whenever he has to choose which pretty young women will be sent off as our sex slaves.

"Are you getting sucked under the table?" Caterina flatly asks, one thin eyebrow raised high in a very elven expression.

"Not the only one," I cheekily reply.

And Roxanne casually chimes in, "Try to guess who's getting fingered. You'll be surprised."

That's because I've ordered that Ciel and Lina both be given orgasms while we eat, so there are two very happy Companions exploring their beloved Queen's erogenous zones.

The mature Punisher seems to be in quite the playful mood, for she casually hums and starts scanning the table, "Alright…" But she doesn't take long and confidently gives her answer, "Ciel and Hana?"

I chuckle softly. "Close, but no cigar. Ciel and Lina."

And the surprised golden elf turns to the shy little girl, but she struggles to read Lina's gloomy expression, so she shrugs and gives the fiery dragonkin a glance. "Well, I think I see a blush, but why isn't Hana getting fingered?"

"Because I'm not horny?" the (mostly) insatiable woman replies confusedly.

"Wow…" Caterina hums, seemingly unable to process such an outlandish claim.

But Hana isn't offended, for she has the opportunity to act like a very obedient sex slave, "You forget that Wolfy can actually satisfy me, so I'm quite often not horny."

Urmeie then casually chimes in with a surprising amount of self-awareness, "That's exactly why I want Wolf to fuck me. Seems like a good way to fix my behavior problems."

"Then bend over, and I'll give you multiple, mind-blowing orgasms," I command with an imperious tone.

But she effortlessly resists my charm and grins defiantly. "Make me," she growls sultrily.

And I snort in amusement, but I don't take the bait.

"'Close but no cigar'? 'Mind-blowing'? Such odd expressions you use," Caterina changes the topic as the sexual tension starts to relax.

Mama bear then very impudently makes a sensitive joke, "It's almost like he's from somewhere far away and very different. Like how these Chimera customs are so outlandish to us."

Kaatohe seems to be getting a bit annoyed at the Princess' insolence. The truth of my origin is a tightly guarded secret, and here's a woman who learned of it without our approval or trust, yet she's making light of it. For my bronze Bengal cat, Urmeie's joke must feel demeaning to her pride as a concubine.

And the Companions listen closely, their curiosity piqued as they, too, wonder where the hell I sprouted from. But this is a topic we don't joke about in front of those who don't know the truth.

"Urmeie, behave…" I warn her with a subtly disdainful tone that perfectly reminds her of Sa'Haa.

And the Princess has a complex reaction. She wants to get angry and defiant because of my tone, but even she knows she's playing with a sensitive topic, and the fact that I've cornered her like this appeals to her bantering personality.

She has no choice but to bend over and get her pride fucked in the ass so that she doesn't get kicked out of this expedition. And she actually enjoys it a bit, getting fucked this way.


After we eat, we receive Prince Hekeman and the Diplomat Tamapa in the mansion. Then we begin the serious talks, but it's Kaatohe, Yunia, and Oritiki that participate the most. Urmeie listens for a bit but then asks to have a stroll through the garden, both to give us privacy and because she's bored as shit.

First, we review the trade agreements we've secured between our territories, which are simple things, like lower taxes for certain products to encourage their trade. Second, we confirm the exchange of goods, like elven skin care products for a number of small airships, which will be sent to the Institute for study. Third, we begin more serious talks about the trade of technology, like the Raki in exchange for Sky Lander enchantments and weapons, which are seemingly more developed than the Trinity Cannons the ancient Chimera have.

Kaatohe is a good appraiser of Chimera goods, so she gives Yunia a lot of advice on what sort of trade is valuable to us. Oritiki is also surprisingly good at negotiations, but the Celestial Horns were like a mix of knights, acting as agents of the Divines while also being trained as an elite combat unit, so it isn't that surprising.

But now we decide to make things even seriouser.

"Prince, may I have a word with you in private…?" I quietly request as the others talk to Tamapa.

The big rhinoceros gives me a blank look, likely not understanding my expression at first, but then he lightens up and nods soberly. "Very well," he hums with his deep voice.

We walk to the balcony, and I lean on the railing as he stops next to me, seemingly a bit tense. Then I stare him in the eye as I request, "I wish to have a private meeting between both our families. There's a topic that we must talk about that only your King and Queen can decide upon."

He subtly frowns, which is extra subtle on his rather inexpressive, large, thick-skinned gray face. "Both? Not just the Queen?" he asks for confirmation, and it raises eyebrows in my soul space, as it's a rather odd question.

I stoically reply, "Yes, both, or whichever is available. But this is an important topic, so this meeting must happen as soon as possible."

He stares at me with his beady eyes, hands behind his back in a dignified but stiff posture, and I struggle to read his expression. The only thing we can make out is that he's tense… but why? It's starting to get concerning.

"I understand. I'll inform them immediately," he finally replies with a gravelly tone.


He whispers something to Tamapa, who nods stiffly, then the Prince leaves the mansion. We continue the negotiations as usual, but Tamapa's attitude becomes more cautious as he doesn't have full authority in the negotiations without the Prince. Things still proceed promisingly, though nothing gets settled yet.

An hour later, we get a message telling us that the royals are ready to meet with us.

And Yunia shares an observation through [Bind], "It's curious that the King and Queen didn't meet with us yet since we're both of the same social standing, but it didn't get to the point that it could be considered an insult."

Indeed, the Chimera behavior is quite peculiar, so there's definitely something going on.

Since we'll be meeting with only the King and Queen, I decide to just take Ciel with me to put emphasis on the religious aspect of what we'll be talking about. Gify tags along, of course, but she doesn't count.

We both put on one of our best sets of clothes, which are made of form-fitting, silver Snow Weave, and I love how Ciel's massive tits, large nipples, and juicy ass are perfectly contoured by the superior cloth of her dress. My bulge and athletic form are also noticeable, but I look so shiny and dazzling that you'd need to look really hard to see it.

As the cherry on top, the black horns of our heraldry are over her womb and over my heart, though perhaps there's room for another cherry, as we still don't use crowns even though we're royals. But I think we should leave crowns for after we've dealt with Heretic's Rest.

The royals send two shiny soldiers to guide us to the palace, so we choose a Companion and a Celestial Horn to tag along for appearance's sake, and the elf girl looks elated for a split second before her training kicks in and she nods soberly. I feel very tempted to use her to have some fun inside the carriage, but I don't want to make the Hau-Hou think that we're taking this lightly.

The trip is short since we're already on the palace's grounds, but then the carriage continues and takes us inside. We pass through huge halls with glorious paintings that tell the story of the Sky Landers, just like with the dwarves and their epic carvings, and we even recognize a mostly gray painting of the Petrification Calamity, but the halls still seem mostly empty, giving everything a rather lonely air. At least the air is comfortably warm, considering how chilly the big halls of imperial architecture can get.

Then our carriage stops before a rather ostentatious, large, silver double door.

Our guides open it for us, revealing another not-Sistine-Chapel, My Eyes Hurt From All These Colors Version. Not only is it colorful, but it's also so shiny that it's almost kaleidoscopic.

We see a pair of comfy tall thrones at the center of the hall, and at their foot, there's a clear glass table with four comfy seats, at which the King and Queen are already seated.

The King is a big rhinoceros-headed man with pretty, white hair, a long Fu Manchu, and a silver horn. He's wearing a semi-transparent, flowing golden robe that seems to wave magically, and I actually get a bit envious of his clothing because it looks cool as fuck.


Soul Info
Name Temamana-a Hau-Hou Race Chimera Level 174
HP 100/100 MP 10,375 Magic Power 5,120
Strength 18 Endurance 16


The Queen is a slender and tall, light brown, deer-headed woman with an impressive set of silver antlers. She's wearing a silver veil on her head that covers her hair but not her horns, and a semi-transparent robe that sticks to her juicy, small breasts and pointy nipples, but it's so long that it drags far behind her, to the point that earthling brides would be envious.


Soul Info
Name Patika Hau-Hou Race Metamorphic Chimera Level 128
HP 100/100 MP 8,480 Magic Power 4,950
Strength 12 Endurance 10


I guess both our royal families have a thing for silver, which I find to be the superior shiny color over gold, as that is the color of coin and greed, whereas silver represents purity and dignity.

Anyway, the royals both stare at us with sober and dignified expressions as we approach, and Ciel feels a bit tense because of their stoic behavior.

Then one of the guide soldiers starts the introductions, his booming voice echoing in the mostly empty hall, "King Temamana-a and Queen Patika hereby receive the royals from the High Forest…"

Blah, blah, blah.

We merely nod stoically at each other, and then the Queen motions to the unoccupied pair of comfy chairs.

Once we sit down, she quietly requests, "May we have our escorts stand back to give us privacy?"

"Yes, that'd be desirable," I politely reply.

"Have them stand by the door, and the [Silent Room] enchantment will prevent them from hearing anything."

I turn to the pair, and they wordlessly obey. Then the Queen touches a gem on the table, and we sense trace amounts of mana start to seep from our surroundings. Normally, [Silent Room] covers a whole room because it needs physical walls to define its limits, so it's actually pretty impressive that this enchantment only covers an area smaller than the room.

"We may begin," the Queen calmly states.

"Very well…" I reply in kind and prepare myself as I clear my throat.

Our strategy will be to appeal to their piety. They're simply too protective of the Realm Travelers for us to get in contact with them through any other way without causing a diplomatic incident.

"How pious are you?" I slowly ask, mirroring their stoicism.

They don't immediately react, but the King glances nervously at the Queen, while the girls, who observe intently through our eyes, notice them giving subtle signs of rising stress.

Weepers' dream. They're so stiff, it's almost like they're… scared of us?

But this is the perfect situation for Ciel to perform her specialty: soothing people. She smiles angelically, and her crystalline voice softly echoes like the sounds of heaven, "We know that this is a delicate question since we have a detachment of Punishers traveling with us, but we aren't here to accuse you of heresy. We want to know how far you would go to please the Gods."

The effect on the Queen is immediate, and she answers with a dignified and assured tone that only Yunia could match, "Our nation owes its stability to Ajax Doxa, who selflessly gifted us the invisibility enchantment that protects us from both raiders and monsters. This is a debt we must eternally repay."

The King is emboldened by her words, and he starts to fervently preach, just like a pious priest, "'We shall guide those who ask,' the God of the Sun once said about Him and the other Humanoid Gods. 'We always aid the faithful,' the Goddess of Piety always preached."

And they deem this enough of an answer, for they fall silent, now looking more comfortable and assured in their seats.

I slowly nod, very pleased, and softly continue, "This is great to hear. Now, can I assume that you know that the Gifted are chosen by the Gods for a purpose?"

The King eagerly answers, seemingly far more pious than his wife, "Yes. The Gifted are heroes of legends who have been given the power to perform great deeds."

And now the time has finally come to throw the dice and pray that we get the response we want. I lower my tone further and begin my revelation, "As you might've heard, I'm a Gifted, and I've come here, to the Sky Lands, because the Gods have given me a quest to find the Lord of Storms, which resides somewhere in the Broken Skies. But my case is special… for I'm also a Realm Traveler who came from Earth… and I've heard that a group of humanoids suddenly appeared here on the nineteenth of the month of Color of last year, which would've been the same day that I came to this Realm."

They become like statues as their high-level [Acting] hides all their reactions. A second later, the Queen remembers to breathe, but the King is still too shocked, confirming that we did hit them in a very sensitive spot, making even Ciel and I tense as we wait for their answer.

"We need to discuss this in private," the Queen suddenly states, and the King inhales sharply.

"We understand, but please, keep this a secret," Ciel soothingly requests.

The King exhales, and the Queen replies in kind, "Yes, we will."

Then we nod at the same time, and the two leave their seats.


Intermission – Patika Hau-Hou


The moment we leave the room, Temama grabs my shoulders and stops me in place, his cute beady eyes full of worry. "Are you alright? Has he done anything to you?" he hushedly asks, even though nobody can hear us.

I bat his hands away and snort, instantly calming him down a level. "I'm fine. His gaze is said to be intoxicating, but it's his touch and taste that are enthralling," I calmly remind him.

And he shudders softly. "How horrifying. Still, are you feeling alright? Has his gaze inflicted you with any 'Status Effects'?"

I sigh at his worry and softly smack his thick head with my silver antlers. "Yes. I believe I'm at a high enough level to resist his gaze."

He's quick to change his mind, so he promptly accepts my words and narrows his little eyes in suspicion as he realizes something. "Hm… the maids also reported that they felt nothing besides a 'dazzling aura' from him."

And I mirror his expression. "Curious… could he be suppressing his female domination powers due to this divine quest?"

"It does lend credence to his request for seriousness," he casually hums as he combs his long beard with his claws.

"But let's not carelessly introduce him to our daughters," I caution.

"Yes, yes," he agrees while nodding repeatedly.

But we can't avoid the dreadful topic. I turn away and start to pace as I reflect upon every imaginable future scenario and deliberate, "Now, about The Four… I fear what might happen once they meet. Can we even prevent them from meeting? What will he do if we deny him knowledge? What will they do if we demand that they stay?"

My spouse doesn't share my worries and smiles as he naively replies, "It'll be fine. We've sheltered, protected, clothed, fed, trained, and even honored The Four. They must return some of that favor."

He's missing one crucial detail. "But Wolf has an Imperial Princess with him. Will he hide their existence from her…?"

His smile becomes strained, but he stubbornly sticks to his assessment, "She isn't here, is she? If he wants us to keep a secret about him, then he must also keep The Four a secret from the Empire."

My naive husband is also unable to see the swarm behind the clouds. "We can't hide them forever. There are five Gifted alive, and I don't think the Fortress of Cataclysm is the reason why they've been gathered here, especially now that Wolf has revealed that he's seeking the Lord of Storms."

He frowns in worry as I finally get through his thick skin and skull. "So… you believe there's something even more dangerous out there?"

I nod and stare at him intensely as I whisper, full of dread, "Yes, so we must use The Four to get rid of our problems before the next calamity appears."


Intermission end.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord Duncan Campbel.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord School Work.

Lord Patrick_starz.

Lord Freddie.

Lord Peter Kraushuber.

Lord David England.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble Tony Starrk.

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