Resetting Lady

Chapter 125: 06. Judgment

Crown Prince Gueuze was the king’s son.

Nothing else was more important than this fact.

What Crown Prince Gueuze looked like, what his voice sounded like, what kind of food he liked—none of that really mattered.

And, even if he had the quaint hobby of killing people, it’s simply nothing of consequence compared to the fact that he was the king’s son.

Of course, with his pedigree in mind, it also wasn’t all that important what kind of woman he loved.

“I am too old to welcome a new queen.”

The king said this when his vassals had suggested that he take in a new queen. And what he said was not wrong. It’s true that he had lovers, but no new consorts.

He did not want to create any rivals for Crown Prince Gueuze.

“However, Your Majesty, it is too dangerous to have just His Highness Gueuze alone. We don’t know what might happen in the future.”

Then, shouldn’t there be a law properly enacted so that it wouldn’t be dangerous? Wasn’t it more dangerous to welcome a new consort and sire more princes with her?”

“No matter how many heirs to the throne there could be, it would never be enough, Your Majesty. Besides that, public opinion is swaying due to Crown Prince Gueuze’s predilection of neglecting his studies in favor of seeking carnal pleasures.”

“So then, I must create competition for him? Do you mean to say that the next coronation will be after poison and swords are exchanged between brothers—yet again?”

“No, sire. The mere existence of brothers will be enough to refine His Highness’ actions.”

“Leave. I am done listening.”

Be that as it may, the vassal who told the king all of this was a relative of the former queen, who was the biological mother of Crown Prince Gueuze.

The king stroked his chin. Then, he had Crown Prince Gueuze summoned.

“The future of this country rests in your hands. Always be mindful of your actions.”

“Who was it that spoke ill of me to Your Majesty?”

“Gueuze, I listen to the advice given to me by my vassals. The fact that such words had reached my ears means that a problem has arisen regarding your actions.”

“That’s absurd.”

Crown Prince Gueuze replied sardonically.

The king asked his son about it, but he didn’t think that his own words would be refuted like this. Nevertheless, he was still more partial to disciplining Crown Prince Gueuze rather than siring new princes.

Instead of thinning it out across several princes, it was better to concentrate your all on one person and hand over all power to him when the time comes.

“If you continue to act that way, who will be there to trust and support you?”

“I’m going to be king anyway, who would not support me?”

The king glanced down at his son.


Silence stretched before them.

Taking notice of the king’s thoughts, Crown Prince Gueuze knelt before him.

“That was imprudent of me. I will do my best.”

And so, Crown Prince Gueuze grew up amid some anxiety and doubts about him. There were criticisms against his arrogance, but this arrogance of his was well warranted. Not anymore was he lacking when it came to his studies, and besides that, he had a robust health. His outward appearance, too, was outstanding.

As he grew older, any mentions of welcoming a new queen naturally subsided. The king was getting old, and the only prince of the country was healthy, so there was really no choice.

The crown prince would sometimes assault the servants, or sometimes kill hounds for fun, but none of that was revealed to the public. He also knew how to control himself whenever he was in front of the king.

Just like that, Crown Prince Gueuze—who was a little cruel, and a little arrogant—eventually met a woman.

* * *

“Your Highness, what’s the matter?”

Here, they were in the palace garden that was full of red roses.

As she had been called by Crown Prince Gueuze here, Catherine was sitting in a chair at that garden, wearing a white dress. And, as he was glancing down at her, he said—

“I love you, Catherine.”

Crown Prince Gueuze thought that he loved Catherine. Well, that’s probably what he thought. He didn’t put much meaning to people’s emotions, and he did not tend to share his feelings nor evaluate what they meant.

However, Crown Prince Gueuze was young, and he wanted Catherine to love him completely.

So, in this rose garden, Crown Prince Gueuze confessed straightforwardly to the woman he loved.

He loved her. This was the obvious truth.

“But I cannot marry you.”

She didn’t seem to have expected this. Her violet eyes became subtly unfocused.

“…Why is that?”

Catherine bowed her head and quietly asked.

After seeing her eyes like that, Crown Prince Gueuze felt heartbroken.

Still, nevertheless, he could not marry her.

“You know why.”

Catherine, you must know it. I am a man destined to be king. And I have to marry someone of royal blood to consolidate my stake at the throne. It’s true that your maternal grandmother was the late Grand Duchess Catryn, but your mother married only a count. I love you, but you do not match my rank.

“Your Highness, be frank with me.”

Catherine raised her head again, begging with those wide, doe eyes that looked straight up at Crown Prince Gueuze. Her eyes seemed to be hoping that it’s not the reason that she was thinking.

But as he would have to disappoint her, Crown Prince Gueuze pitied her a little.

“There is someone else I have to marry. You know that. Even before I was five years old, I’ve been promised to marry that person.”

“But you hadn’t even held an engagement ceremony.”

“I’m sorry.”

“…Don’t you love me?”

That’s not the case. Crown Prince Gueuze had never felt the same way towards any other woman as he did towards Catherine.

He could never bear the ferocity of all those other women, but he was able to be more patient for a longer time in front of Catherine. She was special. Maybe. But that was a different matter altogether.

“I love you. However, marriage is impossible. King Lethuos had pledged ten gold mines in the White Mountain Range and agreed to build a railway from our country to their—on the condition that I marry his daughter… So many people can live better lives because of this, and that’s what’s on the line.”

It was all because he was a man who was to be king. That’s why Catherine had to understand him.

Wasn’t that a given?

Crown Prince Gueuze explained this to her eagerly, but Catherine’s expression did not brighten.

She looked like she could not bear to endure any longer.

“…I understand, Your Highness.”

With tears in her eyes, Catherine rose from her seat.

“Please be happy.”


He caught her hand.

“Your Highness, please let go.”

“I can’t live without you. I need you.”

“There is no place for me next to you.”


Was she saying this on purpose? Couldn’t she just give him the answer that he wanted to hear?

Crown Prince Gueuze lamented the woman’s cleverness, and this was what inevitably made him acquiesce first.

“I love you, but we don’t have to get married, do we? Marriage is just a formality.”

“…Your Highness?”

Catherine’s eyes went wide open, as if she wasn’t expecting this at all. She was usually very tactful.

Crown Prince Gueuze inwardly suppressed his irritation and pleaded.

“You are the only one that I truly love. You know this. Don’t leave me.”

“Your Highness… You’re going to marry someone else. How can I remain by your side?”

“I can’t go on without you, I really can’t. I feel like I’m going to die. Please… Catherine.”

“Your Highness.”

What should he give just to pacify her? What kind of present must he give her?

“I’ll give you a palace for you to stay in. I will always sleep there. I’ll have my meals there with you, too. But marriage—it truly cannot be. I love you, but I carry such an enormous weight on my shoulders.”

Without a word, Catherine looked down at their hands.

Crown Prince Gueuze had never seen her so quiet. She had always been a chattering woman, like a twittering bird.

But right now, it’s as if she had turned into a doll—the mind of which he couldn’t read at all.

“…But Your Highness, I… Me and my future child… Will we continue to live as if we are the seed of sin?”

“Then let us go to hell together. If you are to sin, then it is my sin as well.”

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