Resetting Lady

Chapter 122

“I sent you a gift, yes?”

Donna’s arm.

“I wish to present you with another one. I’m looking forward to seeing how you’ll react to it.”

He pointed out one box to show Carynne.

Would it be Donna’s leg next? However, considering what Crown Prince Gueuze was pointing at right now, it didn’t seem like it’s going to be a leg.

Carynne didn’t even notice that it was there until now, but there was a chest over at that corner there. It was a lot bigger than the first chest.

As if in a trance, Carynne stood in front of the chest.

“Open it.”

Crown Prince Gueuze handed the key to Carynne. The chest itself was chained and fastened with a lock.

She pushed the key into the lock and turned it. Rattle. Then, she lifted the heavy lid with both her hands.

Amidst the darkness of the chest, the gift was revealed.

* * *

“His Highness Prince Lewis and Miss Carynne are both missing.”

* * *

Prince Lewis, son of Crown Prince Gueuze, was inside the chest.

Carynne stared down at the young prince.

“Are you not entertained?”

Gueuze laughed.

He’s breathing. His chest was slowly going up and down.

Prince Lewis was not yet dead. And unlike Donna, his arms and legs were all unscathed. His clothes were rumpled here and there, and he had a few cuts and bruises.

Carynne closed her eyes for a moment, then she opened them again to glance down at the young prince.

“…Your Highness, I cannot fathom the depths of your thoughts… I am young and immature, so I am still unwise.”

What did the crown prince just do?

Why did he bring his own son to this place? Crown Prince Gueze was not very fond of his son, that much was something many people knew. The reason the old king was still holding out without ever abdicating the throne was because he’s intending to hand it over directly to the well-behaved Prince Lewis instead of Crown Prince Gueuze. That’s why Crown Prince Gueuze hates his son.

“With the way things are… Your Highness won’t gain anything from this at all.”

Still, the current king was too old now.

He was already at the age that even moving was too difficult for him. A character who was not too far from Carynne’s true age, that was the king.

She had seen his face only from afar before, but she knew that it wouldn’t be strange if he’d drop dead any time now, considering his age.

Crown Prince Gueuze was a son who the old king sired late in life, and likewise, Crown Prince Gueuze had also sired Prince Lewis a little late in life. No matter how long the current king would try to hold on, it was unlikely that he’d be able to hand over the throne directly to his grandson.

“Are humans driven to action only for the sake of gaining something?”

Nevertheless, there was an extent and a reason behind it.

Carynne turned to look at him. She could not understand Crown Prince Gueuze himself.

“Humans have various motivations. Even more so when one becomes king.”

But, at the end of the day, the fact that Crown Prince Gueuze had sired Prince Lewis was the very thing that solidified his stake at the throne.

The upper-ranking nobles who had noble blood, who were around the same age as Gueuze, had yet to birth any sons like Prince Lewis. Even if Crown Prince Gueuze loathes to admit it, the young prince was a boon to him. Even if you say that he’s already middle-aged, yet still just the heir to the throne.

Prince Lewis was a child sired late. Additionally, the crown princess had been quite dead for some time now. The more children that a member of the royal family had sired, the more secure their future would be. Since the next in line would eventually need to pass on the throne to their children as well, the more bright and strong children this next in line had, the more reliably they’d befit the throne—especially compared to a member of the royal family who did not have children.

That being said, Prince Lewis' existence was also what actively strengthened Crown Prince Gueuze’s throne. Prince Lewis would need to live on.

“You really don’t know?”

Crown Prince Gueuze grabbed Carynne’s shoulder.

Carynne knew. Gueuze wasn’t considering the pros and cons when it came to killing Lewis.

She knew how much Crown Prince Gueuze hates Prince Lewis.

So, he’s going to kill Prince Lewis.

Despite all the benefits he would gain from the child.

And, with reasons that Carynne would not understand.

This man did not bring his son here on impulse.


At that moment, Prince Lewis moved. He woke up after hearing Crown Prince Gueuze’s voice.


Inside the box, Prince Lewis opened his eyes, then he reached up to grab the edge of the chest—his hands were not tied. He blinked his eyes. It didn’t seem like he’s fully recovered.

Carynne lent a hand to help him. Prince Lewis rubbed his head and frowned.

“This place, just what… is this…”

“Your Highness, please come to your senses.”

Perhaps it would be better for her to let go, but Carynne grabbed Prince Lewis, thinking that he might scream. Her ears would hurt if he were to scream.

Prince Lewis then held Carynne’s arm with force. Then, his eyes went wide.

He finally saw it, too.

“…That… Wha-what?”

Prince Lewis stumbled back into the box after seeing the ornaments on the walls.

“Father… right now… those things…”

In response, Crown Prince Gueuze just shrugged as he looked down at his son, who couldn’t string two words together. The father seemed to be thinking that his son was overreacting.

“Too weak.”

Crown Prince Gueuze muttered as he watched the boy from behind. Prince Lewis’ reaction was much more rational compared to Carynne’s, however it’s as if it’s still not enough for him. In fact, it’s like Crown Prince Gueuze would hate Prince Lewis no matter how he’d react anyway.

“As expected, you don’t resemble me. Not a single thing about me.”

Seeing as how Prince Lewis did not lose consciousness, he was able to get up this time, with Carynne’s help. Prince Lewis took a deep breath. He tried to collect himself somehow.

“Father, what exactly is the meaning of all this?”

Barely getting up on his feet, Prince Lewis looked straight at his father, though the boy’s hands were shaking. Apparently, he was trying to glare at his father, but this adolescent boy did not seem to have any strength left in his body. He looked like he wanted to just lose consciousness again.

“Isn’t it obviously for fun?”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying. Father, what are all those things hanging over there? Father, where is this place?”

“Don’t feign ignorance.”


“Didn’t you already know about this room?”


Crown Prince Gueuze held Prince Lewis by his shoulders. Then, he lifted his son. The crown prince easily picked up his son and lifted from the chest.

“Tell me, why did you contact Raymond Saytes?”

“…Because he is an ideal knight. Father, let me go. This… This isn’t right.”


Prince Lewis was dropped to the floor. Gueuze stared down at his son. However, the violence done unto him seemed to have awakened Prince Lewis’ resolve. He got up from the floor, his teeth clenched.

“Father, please turn yourself in. It’s not too late.”

“Look at this, Carynne.”

Crown Prince Gueuze averted his gaze from Prince Lewis, then he looked at Carynne. While maintaining eye contact with her, he asked her—though his voice now had a gentle tone, unlike when he was talking to his son.

“By any chance, did you put your hopes on my son?”


Carynne couldn’t very well answer, ‘I didn’t think that far’.

Prince Lewis had made a pledge to Raymond, saying that he would be sure to actively protect Carynne. But right now, the knight was not here, and the young prince himself did not have any weapons to beat his father with.

Looking towards the boy, Carynne could see only a child who was much smaller and thinner than herself. Evidently, it seemed like the boy needed to protect himself rather than someone else.


“I wasn’t talking to you!”

Crown Prince Gueuze shouted at Prince Lewis. Then, he turned sharply towards Carynne.

“Can you love me?”


“Right, seems impossible.”

Crown Prince Gueuze brought one foot over Prince Lewis right then. Prince Lewis curled into himself.

“Stay still. It’s going to be okay.”

Was he saying that to Carynne or to Prince Lewis?”

“…F-Father. Please stop. I’m not the only one who knows about this. Other people know.”

“Did you tell?”

“…Father, please let Carynne Evans go. Please ask for forgiveness from Grandfather, and please repent for your sins, I beg of you.”

“Goodness. His Majesty already knows the existence of this room. Even so, he’s left me alone thus far, hasn’t he?”

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