Red sand dust

Chapter 115: Like a duck in water

"Could it be that it's a puppet disguised as a dummy?"

If this is the case, then the Konoha ninjas present are basically being toyed with by the Suna ninja.

Ninja Parker and Aburame Shino, who felt completely teased, were silent for a while, not wanting to bring up the embarrassing topic again.

It was Haruno Sakura who broke the awkward atmosphere and said:

"While that sand ninja is attracted by Xiao Li, how about we test that side directly?"

"You can try it!"

Parker agreed, not having to take the risk himself anyway.

"Okay, I'll do it..."

Aburame Shino's parasitic bug is still good for blanket detection in a small area, but...

The parasitic insects that sneaked up on them while they were not paying attention, died mysteriously one after another when they were still some distance away.

"what happened?"

Aburame Shino increased the intensity of releasing parasites, but there was still no improvement.

"Could it be that the previous tracking with parasites aroused alarm? But what is the method to kill parasites? 』

The contracted parasites passed down from generation to generation in the Aburame family may seem small, but they are actually not delicate. They feed on chakra and are far more adaptable than ordinary insects.

"Failed? Didn't any news come back from the bad bugs..."

Ninja Puck, who knew a little about the Aburame family, asked in confusion.

"Yeah! He was killed instantly. It's strange..."

"Can't you even find the reason?"

"I think it might be poison, and the other party is a puppet master who is good at using poison..."

"A puppet master who uses poison..."

Parker didn't like it very much either.

Many highly toxic substances are gases spread through the air and have a very unpleasant smell, which is really bad for ninja dogs with a keen sense of smell.

"However, the test is not a complete failure. At least we know that there are invisible poisonous areas nearby, and there may even be deadly traps hidden..."

Haruno Sakura looked worriedly at Uzumaki Naruto, whose injuries were stable and improving, and said worriedly:

"It wasn't obvious during the chuunin exams, but once it comes down to it, why is that Suna ninja so powerful?"

"You guys, it's your first time on the battlefield, so you may not feel it..."

Parker looked at Daimaru who was struggling with Rock Lee,

"The Puppet Master who can endure the attacks of Taijutsu ninjas using Kyo Renge for such a long time, how can the average genin on the battlefield easily deal with it?"

Unlike in arena battles, Daimaru can do anything. None of them are particularly outstanding, but they can barely use them to make a few gestures, and they can also use restraint tactics in a targeted manner. He is not comprehensive, but he has a solid foundation. Unless he is crushed with superhuman strength, it is basically impossible to defeat him quickly.

It is very dangerous to fight a protracted battle against the puppet master. If you are not careful, your life may be ended by fatal poison.

It is unwise to get entangled with the puppet. To deal with the puppet master, you should defeat its fragile body. Even if the puppet master's body in front of you is not that weak, you cannot go in the wrong direction.

"That female sand ninja is probably a lie. We were deceived. It's unacceptable that so many people have been blocked by one genin for so long. We must break through here as soon as possible..."

Parker looked into the distance. Uchiha Sasuke was almost catching up with the enemy. Behind him, there was a scent that he had not noticed before, which seemed to be the same as the female Sand Ninja not far away.

Temari, who had been gone for too long, no longer needed to hide her traces. She released her restrained chakra and sped up, chasing Gaara and Kankuro.

Daimaru, who was hiding in the shadow of the giant tree, moved his already numb arms.

Rock Lee, who was injured, was a little slower than during the chunin exam, but he was still very powerful. After a few collisions, his defensive arms were hit by the powerful and heavy whip legs, which made him unable to hold on. .

Of course, Rock Lee is not easy either. Although Daimaru only used the polarizing killing formation on himself and his opponents, it was not restricted to any object. In such a complex primeval forest, Daimaru was quite handy.

No, not long ago, Rock Lee's Konoha Tornado kicked the branch that was hidden by Daimaru. The branch thicker than his thigh was kicked off, and Rock Lee hugged his calf and rubbed it for a long time. A little further forward, the swooping boy with thick eyebrows slammed into a tree trunk that was slightly deflected by Daimaru. He almost fainted. If Shino Aburame hadn't rescued him, he would have been seriously injured by Daimaru again.

The more complex the environment, the more beneficial it is for Daimaru, but there are limits to this.

Daimaru, who could only rely on his elusive visual deception tactics to interfere with the enemy and try his best to dodge, was actually quite struggling.

To make matters worse, Inuzuka Kiba with Akamaru seems to be hiding nearby, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Hyuga Hinata, who has the ability to see through chakra, is also close at hand. As long as the Byakugan opens, everything will be invisible.

This time is not a one-on-one battle. When the ninjas who have their own strengths come together, their strength is far beyond what can be described by the simple sum of their strengths.

During the Chunin Exam, Tenten was completely restrained by Temari and had no power to fight back; but if Temari met Rock Lee, she would probably be knocked down in one encounter.

There is indeed a problem of mutual restraint in fighting styles between ninjas. When fighting as a team, they can make up for each other's shortcomings to a large extent, such as...

Hinata Hinata, who had just appeared, saw through the illusion of "Temari"'s doll at a glance, and also saw where Daimaru was.

Also, Uzumaki Naruto, who stood up with fists clenched at some point, seemed to be eager to chase Uchiha Sasuke.

"One against six?" Don't talk nonsense, I just want to make a splash, what's the matter? 』

Daimaru appeared with a wry smile, conserving the little chakra he had, and then pulled the stand-in puppet and puppet Temari to his side.

Disguise or whatever, it doesn't matter now.

"Aren't you going to hide?"

Inuzuka Kiba had a scheming smile on his face, and he and his companions slowly surrounded him.

"What an arrogant guy, you don't take us seriously at all. You have attracted a lot of attention these days!"

"No way!"

Daimaru glanced warily in the direction of the weaker Uzumaki Naruto. Ninja Puck and Haruno Sakura immediately noticed it and were guarding him.

"It's all because of my colleagues in Konoha! I just did some trivial things."

"How dare you say that! You really think we are all idiots, don't you? Seniors of Sunagakure Village!"

Inuzuka Kiba fed himself and Akamaru a soldier's food pill respectively, his face began to become ferocious, and he couldn't wait to use the four-legged technique, followed by the orc clone...

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