Reborn As Hades In Olympus

Chapter 147: Ch. 147: The Origin Of Pandora (II)

Ch. 147: The Origin Of Pandora (II)

Hephestus acknowledged what I had feared the most with a redundant nod. My eyes caught Talos rubbing her hand over her mechanic arm as if anxious which was not one of her qualities. It made me wonder if she was feeling guilty over being saved by the very thing she sought to kill.

I set down the drink on the table with a clack and pressed my palms together and calmed my aura like a still wind. "Would it be clear to say that this Pandora or Mr Anonymous was a single entity or a cluster of different entities bound together?"

Hephestus caught my gaze with intent and said. "In a way they all exist at the core and need each other to function."

This was hard to stomach at the moment. "So you are saying this entity granted curses to everyone it has come into contact with. But where did Aphrodite contract her curse if she had never met with Pandora before? Could it be that it happened before Pandora was sealed before? Then this means that Pandora is a much bigger threat to all of Olympus and even the world, more of a threat than Poseidon who is just after his mad ambition. Does she have a weakness then?"

Hephestus dropped a small golden box with engraved symbols with a clack and said. "The box that has held the entity Pandora for so long has carried her base energy for over a millennial, it leads me to belive that it can trap her."

"What if I was to kill her." I made sure my intent sounded clear. I had no reason to let such an enemy roam free.

Hephestus' eyes darkened as he spoke again. "That might be possible if I was to forge a weapon from this box but that would take a bit of time. I really am sorry about all of this, it was merely my fault for being so poor with how I handled this situation."

"Indeed you are but how did Pandora escape your watch? That part is still unclear." I intensified my words to give it more power.

I could sense Hephestus' mood change, a god who was seen to have a will as unbreakable as steel was cracking. Was it guilt or something more? Or did he led Pandora loose so he could have his revenge for the gods always despising him?

No, if that was the case he would not have create an advanced technology to the world of gods. Hephestus might have not been loved but instead he channeled it into his work to make himself feel loved. I don't think he meant it on purpose to do what he did.

He finally opened his mouth to speak. "I did not get my curse from the day Talos got here. It happened almost a century ago, I had this assistant. She was a brilliant scientist, beautiful, daring and the only one who truly understood me. She always worked with me and eventually we became close, she was also the only one with access to this place. Times when we were not working she would help watch over Talos. It was like having a mother for my adopted child. How deluded I was."

I could sense his tone bevome more regretful.

"I was too blind to see she had problems of her own, apparently all she was going through had weighed down on her so much that the box reached out to her. The thing about the box is the more you open it, the more of it's power it can use freely."

"It took hold of her and she opened it, by the time I was there, the entity had possessed her whole. I did try to stop her but she cursed me, the more strength I used the more she fed off me. It was then I knew I had created a monster. She got away with an innocent person and I failed to find her, the guilt has weighed down on me since then."

So that was the origin of the antagonist of this story, a being that could not be touched.

"So Pandora feeds on our strengths and makes it hers by throwing us into despair? She gets stronger that way. What's her plan at the coming conference?" I tried to suppress my rage.

Talos tapped at her phone again. "There have been strange movements of unregistered vehicles around some regions of the city. I belive that at the conference Poseidon and the circle are planning to gather most of the people in one place."

"But why?" From the look she gave me I could tell that she was not sure either but she had a guess. If I thought about it since they had freed all the children under their experimentation their plans were mostly foiled.

So what part was I missing? What was the point of the poison experimentation? To kill the gods of the bit twelve but the posion was still far from perfection.

My mind unraveled like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and tried to understand the plot behind this cover story.

A conference, moving trucks, Pandora, Poseidon's campaign.

There was one conclusion.

"They are transporting black amber to use on the residents of Olympus that will be present at the conference. Poseidon is planning to cause widespread panic just like he did in future." I stroke my chin as I thought. "Best to weaken the god and defeat them himself than to fight them at full strength. That's what I belive."

Talos nodded. "My thoughts exactly. At least now you can think again."

"If that's the case then the only loophole is what Pandora actually stands to gain from this." I asked myself.

She nodded again. "That's just the part I haven't figured out yet. It would be baseless to assume that her plan is to witness the despair of Olympus. Despite being a vile entity she must have a goal ad that is what I want to find out before it's too late.-

I stroke my chin again as I thought harder. "If Pandora is working for the circle then why is she also against them?"

Talos stipped tapping her phone and raised her head. "Huh?"

I paused and then spoke. "Remember in the future Mr Anonymous was working with us to stop the circle, she even have us clues. Meaning her goals are not exactly one sided. It's funny how even you did not think that of this possibility. I thought you were a detective."

She puffed up her cheeks and glared at me. "Okay, you heat me to it this time. But you are right, coult it be that Pandora enjoys playing the hero and the villain at the same time?"

I could have laughed at the notion. "That's childish to even think of. She is our most deadly foe, being an enemy that we can't touch and all. So tell me what do you think her goal is Talos? You've met her so what do you think? If she idolizes you then you should he able to figure it out why shes helping out both sides."

Talos wast starting to sweat as her head was fuming. "I feel I just jeed one piece. Dammit! I wont lose to her again."

I waved at the fumes on her head. "Hey, cool it. I dont think this reaction is normal."

Hephestus boomed a deep throaty laugh as he spoke. "All this talk about future and theries and all is creeping me out. But it's fun seeing Talos talk so much to someone other than herself, she must really be fond of goth gods."

He hardened his face again. "But I will work with you if you need my help to put this monster awawy for good."

"Work on creating a weapon to kill this bitch and we're good." I said in a cold warning tone.

He backed off and said. "Back then we could not but now I might be able to. I'll go work on it now, the sooner the better. And thank you for bringing Talos back to me."

As he was about to leave Talos said. "Don't overwork yourself dad."

Dad? I looked at Hephestus show a rewarding smile on his face but as usual he took it too far again. "Did you just call me dada, not say it again, say dada."

Talos glared at him and he shut up and walked away. Who would have thought she was such a domineering woman and daughter.

I threw my hand over her shoulder and pulled her closer to myself. "Yeah I know things are dark and apocalyptic and all but lighten up a bit. I'm here now stronger than ever."

Her cheeks reddened as she picked up her phone again and tapped at it. "So the allaince."

"Yeah, I brought em all. We're supposed to meet at Aphrodite's soon." I said.

She shook her head and said. "Not what I was implying, have you thought of a name yet?"

"This little brat, you can even think of things like that here?" I asked.

She looked up at me and said. "How about shadow g--"

I ruffled her head and said. "We should get going soon before they kill each other."

I pushed myself to my feet and started to walk away when she tugged at me and said. "I am really happy that you came back. It was a hassle talking with myself or trying to deal with these monkeys here."

I nodded. "But are you really and otherworlder? What took you to that conclusion?"

She looked away and said. "Just a feeling."

"You're regaining your memories?" I asked out of interest.

She rose up to meet me. "Not sure yet. I just wanted you to have a heads up."

Hephestus noticed us leaving and shouted. "Are you guys leaving without saying good bye?"

I tucked one hand awawy and waved lightly with the other while Talos said. "I'm not your guard do ya know."

Hephestus boomed and laughed. "Call me dada baby, say dada."

She slapped her face in embarrassment and said. "Grow a conscience already, its getting darn annoying."

I ruffled her hair again and said at a volume only she could hear. " But you love it this way don't you?"

She tried to hide her face but I could see a smile. "Shut up dummy."

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