Chapter 120: Ch.120: The Price Of Loyalty
Ch.120: The Price Of Loyalty
A grim air filled the room as Walter crawled on his sides, blood leaking out from him. "Apologies lord Hades but..."
A loud growl penetrated into the room causing even my body to rattle a little. Hecate held her breath and cursed. "That is unexpected."
Experience tales at M V L
I steadied my gaze and muttered. "What is?"
The loud growls slowly calmed down and so did the oppressive pressure. "Its Ceberus. They rarely appear in that form, I guess you managed to rile them up today."
That menacing aura from there was as a result of Cerberus awakening. Did that mean those dogs actually merged together to become the feared protector of the underworld.
Walter heped himself to his feet, blood dripping down his chin. He huffed out and sighed. "Apologies again Lord Hades, I will tend to my injuries now." He bowed and walked while clutching to his side.
I stood there dazed and unable to fully comprehend what had just happened. Hecate perhaps sensing this spoke my mind. "Where the dogs combine they unleash their dangerous nature as the demons they always were. They rarely take a liking to anyone but fortunately for me I'm on the green list. Unfortunately for Walter he's on the red list. I sometimes still wonder how you managed to take them."
Something came into my mind then. "Does that mean I would lose control over the underworld if I lost control over the dogs?"
She leaned back into the seat and stretched her weary frame, her breasts bulging hard against the buttons. "I doubt it but you would lose some authority. Sometimes I wonder why you even rule this realm when you clearly don't like the role, well you did like picking strays but never one to dictate rules. That was more my department."
I dug my hand in my pocket and dug out the small black book. "Then how about ruling the underworld as queen, have you considered that."
She shrugged off my words and glared at the black book with intensity then back at me, her gaze questioning. "You--? How and why did you split your soul into that item?"
I knew she would sense the soul of Hades in the book, initially I wanted to have her look at it but now I would rather keep it to myself till I could establish and even stronger bond with her.
I sensed the urgency to shift the subject and said. "Have you perhaps heard of black amber?"
She gave me a look of complacent. "It sounds cryptic, what is it."
"Black amber is a rare mineral, a deadly poison as far as I know. I heard of it from my encounter with the snakeman tribe's fourth ruler." I omitted the fact as to what my initial experience with black amber was and waited her to response.
Naturally she rarely gave off any unnecessary thought. Compared to Talos, Hecate was slightly similar in terms of calculations and brilliance but I terms of vastness Talos was on a whole new level. Hecate maybe due to her ability to interact with souls has developed a calm temperance with people. Talos on the other hand relied solely on logic to interact with people.
"I have heard of the snakeman tribe and their magics. I also heard they chose not to interact with us for obvious reasons." She crossed one leg over the other and said. "But why do you know of this and what does this black akber have to do with the ruler of the underworld?"
I had rehearsed this moment quite a few times to make sure I would not slip up. "You noticed how in chaos my aura and soul were, signs of a struggle and a part of my soul in the book. This is all because I was poisoned by the black amber,, my life was threatened to the point if death."
Hecate's face exploded in a fit of rage and worry as it grasping my words accurately. "What? You don't mean to say, was it Walter? But Walter has been here too long. He will answer for this."
I raised my hand to silence her, "I will be seeing the snakeman king tomorrow to finalize our plans on catching the culprit responsible for creating this poison. The venue is a black market."
She dropped her head and gritted her teeth, her bloodlust filling the air like soot from the flames. "Why are you telling me this? Do you want me to tag along?"
"Though it would be more safe to go with trusted companions, it will drop the overall efficiency for the stealth mission." I said calmly. "I just wanted you to know beforehand."
Hecate banged her fists on the table rattling it. "I swear Hades I will find the culprit who tried to kill you--"
I understood her rage, she felt herself my closest allily and friend so she was most affected. Also a poison that could kill a god was unheard of as it was, my prior experience with the situation gave me unparalleled comprehension in this case.
"No need for that! I'm right here." Hermes said as he stepped out from one of his portals.
I did not expect him to be listening, so was he going to come clean with her? Takes a lot of guts to.
"Just what are you talking about Hermes, and why do you look like that? Is that why you were avoiding me?" Hecate had a deep concern rarely showed anyone except me.
Hermes dropped his head and said. "I was the one that tried to kill Hades."
Hecate's face faltered and broke, her eyes trembled with her breathing as she spoke. "Hermes, you?"
The study became a furnace of tension, the air thick with the weight of unspoken emotions. Hecate's eyes were wild, glistening with unshed tears, as she turned her full wrath upon Hermes. If not for the pitiful sight of him— crumpled and weak— I had no doubt she would have struck him. Her fists pounded the table, and with each blow, cracks spidered across the wood until it gave way beneath her fury.