Reborn as a DRAGON [STUB]

Chapter 166: Face off

Don’t forget to give The Abyss dweller a try, I’d really appreciate it. I will be posting dailies over there for a while. Thank you!

Standing on the ground, a small clearing was created in the middle of the colorful forest. I kept my gaze on the goddess, ready to react in case she made any move. She, however, stared back at me with an emotionless gaze. 

"Are you going to tell me the reason why you are attacking me?" I asked with a frown. My mana continued swirling around my body forming a protective layer of sorts. 

My question caused the goddess to glare at me. She raised her spear and pointed it at me, before replying. "Here I come little dragon!" 

"Ah, fuck you!" I cursed. A roar escaped my mouth uprooting several trees. 

The goddess was not intimidated, however, as the ground broke beneath her feet. She then launched herself like a meteor, with her blade aiming at my neck. I calmly watched her approach, since she broke through my range, I instantly twisted my body and attack her with my tail. 

My counterattack forced her to redirect her spear downwards, warding off the attack of my mana-clad tail. The impact of the clash sent both of us tumbling backward a few steps as another shockwave followed, clearing more of the forest around us. 

Without giving me any time to think, the goddess shot towards me once again. This time, her entire body began to glow. A frown made its way to my face, the glare of the light coming off her body made it harder for me to anticipate her attacks. 

Still, I wasn't helpless. Wielding my water mana, I instantly coated my eyes with it. The mana acted as a shield of sorts, dampening the glare coming off the goddess's body. 

With that out of the way, I immediately moved to block her attack with my claw. As she was aiming for my side, I easily parried her strike. Following that, we both exchange a flurry of blows, with none taking the upper hand. 

The shockwaves from our fight flattened the terrain and destroyed the once beautiful forest. Still, none of us was concerned about such a matter. Just as I was getting used to her attack pattern, the goddess's spear began emitting a strange but dangerous aura. 

My heart felt uneasy as I continued to block her attacks, all the while trying to send a few of my own. It was then that it happened, the spear that was supposed to attack my right flank never came. Instead, the goddess twisted it masterfully and changed direction towards my neck. 

An earth pillar pushed my claws from the ground and send me back dodging the attack. Or at least trying to. With my sharp senses, I immediately reacted, yet her spear still managed to graze my neck breaking my scales and leaving a small gash. 

I frowned as I moved my water mana to heal the tear, my eyes, however, widened in shock. I was unable to do so. The gash remained open as blood dyed part of neck and chest red. When I moved my water mana to my wound, an unknown power interrupted it. 

The power was similar to mana, no I was almost sure it was mana. Though the way it was used, was somewhat different. The mana attempted to invade my body through the small wound the goddess inflicted. And because of that, I was unable to heal and was forced to focus a strand of my mana to keep hers in check. 

"Why are you acting so surprised little dragon? Isn't it time we got serious?" She asked, her gaze was frosty as she flicked my blood off her blade. 

"Serious? This crazy bitch, just why the hell are you attacking me?" I growled. 

This seemed to annoy her as she brandished her spear and added, "Here I come!" 

'Shit! Wait, if she can do that why can't I? She wasn't using her mana to block my regeneration earlier, so I guess this is what she meant by getting serious,' I inwardly grumbled. 

I then carefully coated my claws with water mana and waited for her to make the first move. I didn't have to wait for long as she quickly came flying leaving a streak of light behind. Before she could reach me, however, another earth pillar rose before her, blocking her view. 

Her charge was unhindered, as she rammed it down sending debris flying everywhere. Right after the pillar, however, came a barrage of ice spears. This time, she didn't parry them, instead, she chose to trust the faint glowing mana shield surrounding her body and ignored my attacks. 

I wasn't planning on sitting down idly either, this time it was my turn to be on the offensive. Meeting her halfway, I slashed mid-air with my claws sending a large water wave attack her way. The wave was massive, easily the size of a mountain, yet the goddess heroically hacked right through it and continued with her charge.  

This time close combat was inevitable. As her mana-coated spear came aiming for my head. My eyes glowed with determination, my extended left claw shot out with unprecedented speed. I quickly grabbed ahold of the spear, though not without paying a hefty price for it. 

Her blade cut halfway through my left claw, almost splitting it in the middle. The pain overwhelmed my senses, yet a savage grin overtook my face as I glared at her. It was but for a split second, her body came to a halt. And that split second was all I needed. 

Opening my mouth, a spinning orb quickly materialized and attack the wide-eyed goddess. She had tried to recall her spear, but it was firmly lodged in my left limb. Her moment of hesitation was the cause of her downfall, as my dragon breath engulfed her.  

With a loud thud, my body collapsed to the ground. My eyes, however, were strained on the figure a distance before me. Half of her right body was pulverized. She was missing her right arm and leg, and bits of her side. 

Her eyes though continued to glare at me as she attempted to regenerate. A weak chuckle escaped my mouth. To guide my dragon breath, I had to use mana, and since she so kindly showed me another use for it, I would be a fool to let her regenerate just like that. 

I weakly stood up, her spear was still lodged on my left claw. It seemed almost impossible for me to remove. The goddess was in no better shape, though she was miraculously standing. 

'Looks like that wasn't enough to finish her off,' I sighed as we both continued staring at one another. 

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