Power Manipulator and his multiverse

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Preparations for Second power & item

Creating the wording for the contract was easy, I just had to use PowerPoint for it and then after creating the contract I just had to make a design for the pages, to make it look more like a contract and not an essay. The reason for why I was deliberately doing this was because no one was going to suspect they were real this way and the fact that I wanted to check if there is any supernatural in this world and if I was going to pinged by them for what I'm about to do. So my contract with some changes were as follow:

"whoever signs this contract aside from its creator will accept the following terms" "1- You accept to giving a copy of your skills (if you have any) alongside the memory of the training you have done for it (both the normal memory and the muscle memory)","2- You accept to giving a year of your life", "3- You accept to giving half you sexual stamina and recovery speed", "4- You accept to giving a copy of your supernatural ability (if you have any)".

That was the contract I made, and styled like the papers of old where contract were signed on. Now the next thing I did was bring a out a few sign's from a few protesting video's as well as paint and a paint brush, and started writing on the signs (I brought out the sign before the protestors actually write something on it, the videos were from the protestors themselves on how the start their protests; 'extra info for those who don't know and keep asking me to clarify things like this').

As for what I wrote on the signs, it was quite simple; "Come make a deal with the devil" on one sign, "Make a deal if you dare" on the second one and "Face you fear and win a prize" on the third one. As for the prize, I just knew what it had to be.

Looking at the laptop and finding "PlayStation 5" videos I went and brought one out. The video was from a guy, a YouTuber, who was planning to unbox his PlayStation5 in front of the camera, so hurray for me. Looking down at where I put the PlayStation 5 and seeing it get to its original size, I was happy like it my birthday all over again, and I got the greatest gift I could ever ask for.

Calming myself down I took the PlayStation 5 (Everything is still in the box and all), and put it in the basin and after a few second I had more than a dozen PlayStation's in front of me. Taking them out I made a few more copies of it, placing one to the side for myself I took the others and put them in a carton and put them in the corner for tomorrow.

What I had forgotten was that the day was almost over while I was making plans so I will do this tomorrow. I mean getting a PlayStation 5 in return for them making this deal was good enough I think. Then looking at the contract once again I clicked print and started printing more than 30 copies the same amount as the PlayStations. 

Then using my power I brought out a camera for recording videos and a wireless microphone for speaking. Seeing as everything was ready, I then went towards another site and got myself some homemade food from the cooking section. When everything was done and I was had eaten, I started to feel sleepy, maybe it was because of all the excitement I had today but it doesn't matter. I knew I had a lot of other things I could have brought out, but I wanted to get other items after I have a place to put those item and be sure no one can steal it or I don't lose those items.

I mean my house was good and all but there is no way I'm leaving magical items here, just in case I don't end up dead by someone, who somehow break into my house (if I'm unlucky), I mean anything can happen, just like how I got these power, maybe the ones who gave me these power will do something as a test for me. So before going to sleep I opened one other video, this one was an anime video called "the seven deadly sins", Episode 8, where ban drinks the fountain of youth. I stopped the video when it showed the fountain and put my hand in, then I brought out the fountain. It seemed that time was stopped for the item I bring out and as for how I knew this, it was because the fountain didn't splashed even a single drop and it didn't move until I put it on the table. After it got to its original size I picked it up slowly and started drinking making sure to not drop even a single drop.

Then I started feeling a new force inside my body, looking around I went to the kitchen and picked up a knife and made a small wound on the tip of my finger, which started bleeding and I drunk the blood just in case because I don't want my blood to create some mutant before I'm strong enough. I mean if you have seen "Nanatsu no Taizai" or "Seven Deadly Sins", then you know how strong ban's blood is when it can recreate the fairy forest and bring someone back to life.

After licking the blood I saw that there was no wound on my finger anymore which meant my test had worked and now I was immortal and ageless just like ban, (meaning he would age but just not get old). I could come back even if my body torn to pieces and just like the episode where ban tried to stop meliodas from dying at the hands of his brother and being torn to shreds. With everything done I started moving toward my bed, and putting my head on the pillow and falling asleep. And at this moment after sleep took max to the dreamland, if someone had looked closely they would have seen a smile on Max's face, a smile that showed the anticipation he had for the future and the ideas he had in mind for his powers and how to get stronger even faster.

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