Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 28: Hyperbeam How???

What the hell is going on wasn't that supposed to be no attack as it didn't know Hyperbeam then it will get knocked out by Gible and then tournament will go on with others and Snorunt in limelight and he will remain Unbothered such a happy ending why, why I didn't got the happy ending. Was that Snorunt just like me not showing real potential by hiding such a powerful attack.

And that powerful hyperbeam also doesn't make any sense. Even though Snorunt has blue potential but it's not that much powerful to learn such powerful attack which can one hit KO the Gible and even crack the barriers set by professionals. And even If assume that it somehow has learned such great attack how can it execute in less than half a second , shouldn't it take something around 3-4 seconds to get ready for attacking Hyperbeam???.

As I was thinking about it I looked surprised and changed my sight in the direction of Grandfather who also looked serious and was looking at me , then both of our gazes landed on the Snorunt who was stading there confused as if it didn't know a thing.

"Snorunt... Snorunt?? "

Buttler who was also astonished by this move composed himself quickly and continued his role.

"Gible is unable to battle. Rex has defeated the Gible and has won this tournament!! "

As these words were heard by others they came out of their shock and excited shouts and crowd began to buzz.

This was first time many they witnessed hyperbeam live in action. Feeling the power that attack just the presence they felt was terrifing. And also the Gible has lost so there is winner this time?

As all people started staring at Rex.

"What , such a powerful move!! , can old Duke really favoured youngest so much that he gave such powerful pokemon to defeat the Gible"

"Even I can defeat that Gible if I had such a powerful pokemon"

"But still youngest showed a decent strategy and did surprise attack"

"What surprise attack even if that Gible knew that attack was coming he wouldn't have able to dodge such fast and precise attack"

"Yes I still couldn't believe if he has such powerful attack what was the waste of time before he could have used this to end it with first attack"

As many people talked the arena was buzzing all over. Even in the main area main family members were also startled and confused.

First and Second brother still couldn't believe what has happened. Fifth brother has still smile on his face with less emotions sighed deeply...

"When will I get my chance to rise"

lightly murmuring to himself.

Lucan and Meson were still confused about the Hyperbeam.

While ignoring the commotion a clear voice came

"Ok everyone this time's tournament was very entertaining and I enjoyed a lot , we also got winner this time. Rex your performance was very good as this was only your first match. "

Saying this he raised his hand and the two pokeballs one from Rex and another from Reiss directly appeared in his hands.

He also took Snorunt back in his pokeball while the Gible was also teleported on his shoulder.

"As the tournaments winner Rex, you can ask me for any pokemon which you want and I will give it to you of course if only I if I am capable of capturing it"

As he said he waited for my response.

Now?? I thought he will ask me after I got above 5 years. Well even though I know many people can get there pokemon starters before 5 it is not recommend in this kingdom as many children have suffered attacks from there own pokemon or there bodies are not strong enough to endure a pokemon battle. Even though my body is also not strong I am being protected by professionals and everyone didn't have such background. Well who cares I have decided the pokemon from the start and as my starter is mostly fixed I currently don't want any other powerful pokemon either.

"I want a Turtwig!! "

After hearing this again crowed started buzzing..

"He really decided Turtwig."

"What a waste of opportunity he could have gotten very powerful starter from other Kingdoms or even from Empire!! "

"Well he still is one year old I don't think he knows how much big this world is"

Reiss who was seeing this has sad expression. He didn't resent Rex it's just that his 4 year younger sibling got to choose his starter before him and that starter will most probably stronger than his starter even if it is Turtwig.


"Now everyone enjoy this meeting"

Saying this Grandfather disappeared from the spot.

Well using psychic power and teleportation is not a surprise to many people as even though psychic type pokemons are rare there existence is known and seen by many.

I also got back to the place where Lucan and Meson were, they were looking at me amazed.

"You did it Rex!! "

"I knew it, that Snorunt was very strong but you still commanded it very well!! "

They were happy for there friend but were also slightly Jealous at same time as they hadn't got such opportunity yet.

"What are you saying before the strength difference strategy is nothing that Snorunt was just powerful"

"Yes that's true but when did you learn he can use Hyperbeam?"

How would I know, I also wanted to ask the Snorunt but it was taken away by grandfather. I also have some thoughts in my mind but I will think about it after I got my starter.

"Well I also didn't know it can use it I just got nervous and blurred out that attack and it actually work it was pure luck"

I told him the truth it's not like I planned this.

After hearing this both Meson and Lucan started laughing. They were with him when Snorunt showed attacks and they knew Rex didn't know about Hyperbeam so they also guessed it would have happened.

After some chatting we started to leave the stadium. We were not the first as before when Grandfather left everyone started discussing the event and the talented people of new generation.

Rex was in spotlight for some time but after they didn't paid much attention to him.

Even though he won the event they knew how he won so it's like seeing a guy win a lottery which comes every five years. The choice of Turtwig was also caused dissatisfaction.

After leaving the stadium for a while I bid farewell to those two and returned to my resedence.

Three days passed and my life is still the same exercising, reading books. Currently I am thinking about which combo of pokemons should I make in this using the pokemons available in this kingdom or more in this Dukedom which I have higher chance of getting.

I am searching for those pokemons which are nearby the Dukedom in wilderness which I can explore.

I knew this kingdom has pokemons similar to Sinnoh region just by seeing the main starters. But not all is same as only really strong pokemons dominate region and not all pokemons live in clan same as pokemon trainers they also like to adventure the world so even in the wilderness here you can spot pokemons from the other kingdoms. You even don't have to go to the wilderness some times strong pokemons just roam around the kingdom in City, I have even spotted a Golem rolling around the this Duke city half a month ago.

These pokemons are not aggressive as they have travelled a lot and experienced lot of things, they don't think humans as enemies and also curious about the development they do.

Guards knowing this don't stop such pokemons from entering the city and even if they want to they don't have strength.

These pokemons like enlightened beings are really powerful hence even if lot of people don't even dare to offend them much less try to catch them.

The people who have ability to catch these pokemons don't need to catch these pokemons as they have resources and connection to get good pokemon baby who has good potential to grow rather than catching already grown pokemons.

So this world is full of pokemons roaming around complete world without any boudries of kingdom's and empire which only humans believe.

Currently I was searching for information about electric pokemons

Hmm... as I thought this world is still in medival era, even though they have electric pokemons they haven't tried to use electricity or tried to make electrical appliances. Even though I can see some records but mostly they will be present in Royal mension but common people don't even have idea about it.

And as progress is not that much people here haven't even ssee Magnezon or Electivire, or this library doesn't have such book with that info.

I personally searched because I really like Electivire it was just too cool to look and I knew it many people don't know about it so elekid is a one time evolution pokemon in there eyes and a weak pokemom compared to other 2 evolution pokemons. A perfect pokemom for me it's just that it will be difficult to find a good potential elekid as they don't live in clan most probably due to abundance of Electivire there strength is not enough to seize a land so they just roam around in groups or alone.

As I was thinking while sitting in my room a voice interrupted me

"Still reading books!! "

Mother came in the room and sat besides me.

"Yes I was checking which is the most powerful electric pokemon in our kingdom which I can ask grandfather to catch if I win such a competition next time"

Rex had a proud expression on his face as he said this.

"Well it was really great performance , you will also be getting a starter soon"

She still has same smile, while talking to her children.

"Hehe I will get starter even before Reiss"

"Don't have high hopes even though your grandfather said he will give you pokemon it doesn't mean he can give it to you right away, if he doesn't have he will need to catch it and next time he comes you will have your starter already. And now that you have asked your grandfather for Turtwig you need to choose some other pokemon as starter which you can think"

"Yes yes mother I know, now I am thinking of getting Chimchar as starter"

In my dreams!!! I will never take Chimchar as starter this whole place is filled with fire Monkees.

Ah.. How many times I need to act like this in front of my mother, I need to start changing my personality as slowly as possible until I become ideal me. I Rex the average pokemon researcher who no one talks about.

As I was thinking this through I was interrupted by messenger saying Grandfather has asked me in his meeting room.

"Ok mother I will be right back!"

I left the palace and went to the main palace of Duke which is also used for official work and old Duck also stays there.

I entered the main palace where an attended guided me to a room where old duke stays.

"Greetings Grandfather"

"Rex!! Sit here"


As I sat I saw him staring at me , after some time he asked with serious tone.

"How did you knew Snorunt can use Hyperbeam? "

I also didn't know!!

"Ah.. Grandfather.. Actually I also didn't know Snorunt could use Hyperbeam"

Hearing this there was no expression change in him he was still staring at me and asked again

"Then why did you command it? "

"So... Actually at that I was pretty nervous and.. I totally forgot.. the attack name I wanted so I just gave random comand I think as I knew I am lost"

He sighed hearing this, even though he was not saying anything I knew there was some serious situation.

Yesterday when me, Lucan and Meson were also discussing this Lucan proposed that Grandfather gave Snorunt to him while instructing it to not show Hyperbeam but when I commanded Hyperbeam it also reacted reflexively to the command. Which is pretty good analysis but if it was true why situation is so serious it's just accident and he needs to give him some pokemon which he catches, even though quality will not be good no one dares to oppose him.

"So when I gave Snorunt to you yesterday I also didn't knew he could use Hyperbeam"

Knew it!!

"And when I took it back and also told him to use Hyperbeam again it still couldn't able to use it"

What? Did it got hit on head or something attack which it used 3 days before it couldn't do it after that?

"This is some kind of fate it's like it only used the attack to make you the winner. You have potential to become lucky star of the kingdom"

"Ha ha.. Grandfather you are joking "

"No I am serious..."

Again the room fell silent I didn't know what to say now I am just praying this incident shouldn't spread to other family members, knowing Snorunt can use powerful Hyperbeam is the ideal result for me.

"So what... now? "

I asked nervously.


As his serious face changed to normal again he got into good mood"

"I just invited to give you this take good care of it one of my old friend gave it to me when I said you like Turtwig and you want it as starter because old king is strongest Hahaha.."

Well mood swing was drastic from serious mood he again came to his happy mood and started laughing and talking about how his old friend also started laughing when he told him about the incident.

Old king!! It really escalated quickly

With this he threw a small pokeball at me which I grabbed.

"This is your prize for winning the tournament , don't do pokemon battles or anything with this for now before you become 5 year old. "

"Yes Grandfather!! "

I said with some excitement

"Now you can go back ,when I come back next time I am looking forward to seeing your progress"

"Yes!! "

I said with excited smile on my face.

No!!!! you don't have to do that there are many children here.

After saying goodbye I left the room and started returing to my place.

Clinching my hands on the pokeball still thinking about the question in my mind.

How did it use Hyperbeam , is it really what I think it is?

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