Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 18: First Family Dinner 15

As we went back to the main mension we also saw Reiss returning from the opposite side.

"Hey Reiss so how is glaceon? "

Meson asked curiously knowing it will be powerful.

"Well it was very powerful than expected Meson, this glaceon grandfather gave is not just because I don't have starter yet but because he knows I have a chance to win this so he gave me a capable pokemon to win this"

As Meson was trying to interrupt in between me and Lucan stopped him as if saying let him cook.

After Reiss started telling us the great moves glaceon had without anyone asking.

Well Reiss is smart and knows how to behave but in front of someone who has not much value in his eyes he likes to show off and I knew it as he has done it many times in front of me.

But it was a good thing as I gained much information from it like now he was giving glaceons information on his own that's why we stopped Meson from interfering him.

After Reiss show is done we gave some surprise looks so that Reiss was happy and we all entered the mension again together.

After we entered the mension there were again some curious looks they also wanted learn our pokemons strength as these were one of the grandfather's pokemon which many see very rarely. But they will not ask come and directly ask such information.

But there are some people who can.

As we were walking 2 girls approached us one looked like an adult and another looked like a college girl but there ages were just 15 and 10 they were 4th and 6th sister. 6th sister came besides me while streching my chicks she just looks like college girl but very childish her name is Lisa. A Pachirisu was also standing on her shoulder. Even if she had chimchar as starter I have never seen chimchar together with her as she only likes to be with cute pokemons like Pachirisu, I have also heard roomers she is looking for a good munchlax to catch. These thoughts were coming to my mind as she was streching my chicks.

"Oh look who is here our cute little Rex and he also got a pokemon now for pokemon fight"

She said still streching my chicks now they are started hurting.

"Pachi Pachirisu!! "

Pachirisu also jumped on my head playing with my hair, ha this was destined to happen.

"Stop it Lisa you will hurt him"

Lina asked to stop Lisa. Lina is my 4th sister, she is like a real big sister looks and behaves responsibly and also shows elegance in what she does. She also likes to have elegant pokemons besides her like budew who she has on her shoulder, I have also never seen her with chimchar before.

"But I wanted to see the pokemon he got from grandfather it was so cute !!"

"Yes but you can see it when competition starts and it will start soon there why not wait for some time"

"Hmm fine"

Then she went to munchlax to play with him, her pachirisu also went with her.

"So how was the glaceon Reiss"

She asked Reiss first

"It is good pokemon and also have powerful moves"

He gave a vague answer, he is smart enough to not reveal the information which he was revealing to us to his competitors well he also knows we will also not tell the information too to others.

"And how about you Rex how was snorunt"

"Snorunt is very powerful it also knows ice shard"

Well take this info who cares if you know it. If I keep many secrets openly then many people will have eyes on me but if I release some information showing my naiveness others will not be much interested much as it will come out my mouth at one point so I needed to give such answers.

After doing that Meson and Lucan were looking at me like what are you doing Rex. And I followed it by stopping giving information.

"That's it ice shard was only the move Big sister Lina ha.. ha"

"That's good move with your ice type advantage and powerful moves you can also try to win this competition"

"Yes I will try my best"

I said with confidence. I also wanted to get some information now.

"So how about you big sister Lina which pokemon are you going to use? "

"You will see during competition"

Ah.. who wants her info

"What about you big sister Lisa"

"Oh I have not decided yet, but if that gibble looks stronger I will mostly not participate in it"

Well she acts childish but she is smart rather than loosing while also showing your moves to others it is a good choice to not show anything.

Others also know this but they also know that grandfather don't like such things not participating while given opportunity so mostly all participants participte in it. This is also more than competition where you will be ranked based on performance obviously it is unofficial but all family members will knew it.

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