Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 13: First Family Dinner 10

After 3rd sister, 5th brother Samon went and greeted both.

"Haha Samon you look as smart as always , you also caught skorupi you sure are following your grandfathers footsteps meet me tomorrow we can have a talk"

Everyone gasped when they heard this. Well it was obvious everyone knows 5ths capabilities even grandfather likes him a lot and to make grandfather happy he even chose skorupi as one of his pokemon.

Well I am not saying skorupi is weak it's just that grandfathers drapion didn't reach champion level and because of that there are rumors that if not for choosing skorupi our family has also gotten a champion pokemon so many people don't use skorupi and I think grandfather also didn't liked this situation so now 5th choosing skorupi made him very happy.

After that is done 2nd mother went and greeted both and then 2nd brother follwed.

"Your Monferno also evolved hmm good now I can enjoy battles between two infernapes"

After him 4th and 6th sisters also greeted him he also complemented them and there pokemons.

After that 3rd mother went with her twins to greet both. Twins were nervous before Grandfather it was only second meeting with him on first they were very small and they should have forgotten about that meeting.

But Grandfather greeted them like everyone else.

"You both have grown so much and now you also have starters with great potential , train hard and you will become strong pokemon trainer like your father."

"Thank you Grandfather!! "

Both were happy by getting compliments from grandfather while they were greeting my mother called me.

"Rex let's go we are going to greet Grandfather next"


And I went near My mother and Reiss and we started going towards the main seats.

After the 3rd mother greetings are complete we went to greet grandfather.

After my mother greetings Reiss went to greet both.

He looked very nervous while greeting Grandfather.

"Oh so you are Reiss come here"


Reiss went towards grandfather nervosuly as Reiss went near grandfather he stood on safe distance from the gibble.

"It's ok you can come near, this gibble doesn't bite"

"Huh? "

"Haha doesn't bite anyone else instead of me"

After he went near, grandfather patted his head.

"Good Reiss I heard you are very smart and also talented , now your 5th year is near choose your starter wisely and keep the hardwork and one day you will also become very strong trainer"

"Yes grandfather!!"

Reiss after having some farewell went away with smile.

Then I went in front of both.

"Welcome back grandfather!! "

I greeted him politely with slight nervousness just like Reiss well showing nervousness in this scenario makes me more normal.

"Hmm so you are the youngest now, Rex"

"Yes grandfather"

For some reason grandfather was looking at me intently than others why.. He is making me a outlier.

"You are one year old right"


"You don't look like one"

What, what is he saying I look like one year old there is nothing wrong with me.

"Ah.. "

"Just kidding you look like a very hardworking boy"

"Yes Grandfather, I am very hardworking, I want to become very strong pokemon trainer"

"Oh and why do you want to become strong pokemon trainer? "

Huh why is this happening to me he didn't ask any questions to others and now he is asking questions to me for some reason.

"I want to become as cool as you and also catch great pokemons like gibble"

Well I was not prepared for this but I gave answer which looked pretty normal for this scenario.

"And do you know how can you become strong pokemon trainer like me? "

Not again..

"Hmm by catching strong pokemons and then train them to make stronger and by also increasing our stamina by running I can become strong pokemon trainer"

Again gave some answer also added the last point thanks Recon for that.

"And how can I make the pokemon stronger? "

Hmm.. why he is asking so much questions to me.

"We can teach them powerful skills and also teach them strategies to make them strong"

This is also simple answer well it will be surprise getting from 1 year old, not much surprise for family because they know I started reading books so I should have read it somewhere and even if I want to figure it out myself it is not very difficult.

"And how you are going to teach them strong skills?"

Now that is a very hard question even Reiss wouldn't know about it and I have also not read about this yet. But giving I don't know answer is still very bad choice I can tell something and say that I think it will work like this.

"Hmm.. the pokemon who wants to learn a strong move that pokemon can observe other pokemon doing that move and learn it from them I think it works like this as children learn from parents "

Grandfather was surprised by that answer because I just came with answer which is mostly a correct way.

"That was a good one Rex and what were you talking about the strategies"

Well this also difficult even for Reiss and I think that's it I stood out quite a lot

"Ah I don't know that"

"Ok good work you are smart, so which pokemon are you going to pick as starter? "

Oh no.. In front of mother I can directly lie by saying a chimchar and after I decided some other starter I can just say I changed my mind. But in front lf Grandfather, father and all other family members I can't just lie also I can't say I have not decided to as it will just make it worse as I need to give him reasons again. I think I will just tell him the truth and check the reactions and then decide.

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