Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 11: First Family Dinner 8

As room went quite the a robust man entered the room. With each step of his strong aura surrounded the hall besides him was walking an infernape he also has same aura like the man.

As I observed the infernape blue colour radiating from him. It was the strongest pokemon I have seen based on potential I can't major the strength but just by looking at it I know that's the strongest pokemon I have seen as they both walked in the hall they both went on the stage where the seat of the main family was it was like a imitation of King's room where king seats in his seat and other important people occupy there seats which are on both sides of the hall.

After he sat there was another seat besides him. It was only there for the strongest person in the family and was always empty when for every event I have attended but today was different as from the door entered another man he was also very robust and just by looking he looked like a 50 year old if not for the white hair or he should have looked even younger. But his real age I don't know but it is atleast 70 considering his fathers age which is 45.

As he walked his footsteps rang throughout the silent hall. He walked in carefree manner like there is no restrictions on this man and he also watched everyone while walking towards the seat as everyone froze when he looked at them they also watched in astonishment.

There was one thing that happens everytime when grandfather attends the event. He has some new pokemon which is not yet evolved walk with him.

Sometimes it is from this kingdom or sometimes from another but it is always a very strong pokemon. This is also one of the reasons I and everyone was looking forward to the meeting for seeing which pokemon this time he shows up with.

And as everyone watched in astonishment there a pokemon on his head biting , biting his head. Well if someone with no context saw that seen it looks very funny but for all present there was a look of astonishment as the pokemon biting him was a gibble.

Gibble is not a ordinary pokemon he is a psuedo legendary in even animes and here it is very rare pokemon.

Even if king wanted to find one gibble it will be very hard to find in wild and even if they find one it is very hard to catch as Garchomps are very aggressive and protective pokemon if someone even tries to steal gibble they will attack them even if there is kingdom they will attack and it is very hard for even Army to counter as such colony has at least one champion Garchomp well at least many colonies have more than one so it is not possible even for royalty to get hands on one.

And as I observed the gibble very strong blue color was radiating from it.

If you want to compare the infernapes blue color is slightly less dark than gibble and it is important to note that infernape with each evolution has increased its potential and now it's this much blue but gibble is not yet evolved if we say it evolves 2 times in garchomp the least level it will reach is dark blue and it has very high chance to go into a relam of purple that's could be in the realm of Guardians well even though it will be in light purple it's still very low chance to go in guardian level but having chance is also a very big thing.

As he went and sat on the seat of strongest everyone was still in daze looking at that gibble the pokemon which they have seen only in books or heard legends about it is also a rumor that Empire which is current stongest has a very powerful Garchomp present as one of the champion level pokemon.

After Grandfather took the seat he first pooled out the gibble from its head and placed it on its lap while patting him on his head to keep it calm.

After some time father got up and greeted him first.

"Welcome back father"

"Welcome back father!! "

After him my uncles also greeted then

"Welcome back Grandfather!! "

All grandchildren welcomed in Unison.

"Welcome back!! "

Others present in the hall also welcomed him and then everyone took the seats.

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