Pirates: Become invincible from capturing the Navy Goddess.

Chapter 214

The Source of Misfortune

The next day, the sky was slightly bright.

The girl kept crawling into Lynch’s arms in the biting cold wind. Even with the blanket, she still woke up from the cold.

“Ah, I haven’t slept so comfortably for a long time.”

Hill stood up and stretched out, his slender waist looming under the early morning sun.

Suddenly, beads of sweat broke out from Hill’s body uncontrollably. She fell to the ground, her face turned pale, and scarlet nosebleeds flowed from her small nose.

“Hey, are you okay?” Lynch supported the girl worriedly.

“Six days, I still have six days to live.” Hill grabbed Lynch’s hand and smiled: “Thank you for staying with me last night.”

“You go, my body will get worse in the next few days. It’s getting worse. I don’t want to drag you down.”

“How can this be possible? I also promised to take you to see the outside world. You have to cheer up.”

Last night, Lynch checked the girl’s body, like As she said, she will be alive in a few days.

Elb disease is a genetic disease that targets genes and cannot be cured.

Not only him, but also difficult to treat with the current medical technology in the world. The other party’s life, which is about to wither, cannot withstand the bumps around.

But at least let the other person die in a way without regrets in the last few days of his life.


The grass on the edge of the forest was touched, as if something huge was approaching.

A rough giant carrying a mace peeled away the leaves, and a huge face appeared in the eyes of Lynch and Hill.

Lynch recognized that among the people who beat Hill yesterday, the giant was one of the ones who hit him hardest.

The last kick knocked Hill unconscious.

When he noticed the collapsed house from a distance, the giant’s eyes were vaguely filled with excitement and anticipation. But when he got closer, he saw that Hill had not been killed, and his eyes were full of disappointment.

The giants rarely hide their thoughts, everything they think is written on their faces.

The murderer who caused Hill’s house to collapse was found.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, the house collapsed? It’s a pity that it didn’t kill you,

a little beast.” “Why is there still a human?” The giant strode over with a mace on his shoulder, “How pitiful, little Hill, you have fallen. Have you gotten along with stupid and despicable humans?”

“Ahem…Uncle Burton, I won’t allow you to insult my friends!”

Hill, who always had a smile on his face no matter he was beaten or scolded, raised his head with a smile on his face. His expression was extremely serious.

My mother said that a friend should stand up when his friends are being bullied!

Seeing that Hill actually dared to speak out against him today, the giant was instantly furious, “Friend? Who would be friends with a monster like you.”

“Boy, you don’t know yet, this little beast has a devil’s curse on him, so be careful. Implicated.”

“On the day my son was born, it was because she was in the village that my son was stillborn!”

Lynch shook his head and said: “In my opinion, you are the one who is cursed by the devil.”

“The birth rate of your giant race is extremely low. It is normal for children to die in infancy. Why should you blame Hill for such a crime? What is her crime?” ”

Okay, okay.” I didn’t see the scene where Lynch abandoned Hill. , the giant was very disappointed.

The next moment, he raised the mace ferociously, “You must be a spy sent by humans to hang out with people cursed by the devil!”

“If you want to do harm to my giant family, I will kill you first!”

“Uncle Burton! Don’t!”

In the heat of his heart, scarlet blood spurted out from Hill’s nose again.

“You, you are sick!” Noticing the blood under Hill, Burton took a few steps back like a plague god, and then ran away without looking back.

Like he was afraid of catching something.

“Little beast, why don’t you die!”

“If I see you around the village again, I’ll beat you to death!”

An angry look flashed across Lin Qi’s face, “Coward, aren’t you here to kill me? How can you escape?” Are you scared?”

“Your running posture is like a dog, are you a soldier of Elbaf?”

Lynch’s words accurately stepped on Burton’s minefield.

“The soldiers of Elbaf will never retreat!”

With anger rising, Burton forgot his fear and rushed back like a crazed bull.

“No, Lynch, get out of the way!”

The huge mace seemed to smash Lynch into pulp in the next moment.

Hill wanted to push Lynch away, but she collapsed weakly on the ground. She closed her eyes in fear.

Half a day passed, but the screams he imagined did not come.

Hill carefully opened one eye, fearing that he would see Lynch being beaten to death.

Her beautiful eyes suddenly opened wide, and Hill’s mouth opened slightly, as if she had seen something incredible.

Burton, the famous strongman in the village, swung a mace that was pinched by Lynch with two fingers! ?

The two-meter Lynch faced the eight-meter Burton, but easily caught the opponent’s attack.

Seeing that Uncle Burton’s face was turning red and he couldn’t get the mace back from Lynch’s hand, this…

“Oh my God, how strong Lynch must be.”

There was only one thing left in Hill’s mind at the moment. Thought, “It turns out that Lynch wasn’t bragging yesterday.”

“He’s really good!” Hill’s beautiful eyes were shining.

Burton’s strength is pretty good, far superior to that of an average lieutenant general. No wonder the giants claim to have the strength of a lieutenant general when they reach adulthood.

“Hoo~ let me go!” Burton’s arms tightened, and his rough face turned red from too much exertion.

But… the mace seemed to be held down by a pair of invisible hands, and no matter how hard it was, it couldn’t be shaken.


With a little force on his palm, the mace made of fine iron broke into two sections in Lynch’s hand. Burton sat down on the ground before he could stop his strength.

“Gudong~” Watching the fine iron mace break into two sections in Lynch’s hand, Burton looked horrified, got up and ran away.

“You are also a monster! You are also a monster cursed by the devil! You are all monsters!” ”

In your world of giants, everything that is incomprehensible is a monster, right?” Lynch snorted coldly and easily caught up with Burton. While the opponent was wailing, he grabbed one of his legs, pulled it back, and threw it in front of Hill.

At this moment, Burton looked at Lynch with only fear in his eyes.

The man in front of me has such a small body but has abnormal power. He must be a devil! It must be the demon possessing Hill!

The warriors of the giant race are not afraid of death.

But they are worried about being killed by demons, then their souls will fall into hell and cannot enter the Hall of Valor of the Giants.

“Hill, what do you want to do with him?”

Burton was like people in the Middle Ages who blamed all disasters and misfortunes on one person, slandered her as a witch, and killed her with fire and crosses.

But Lynch still wanted to see Hill’s opinion.

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