
Chapter 46: 46. Fantasy Parade Part 5

Chapter 46


2 minutes before the destruction of the Lightning Palace.

Backyard of the Fairy Tail Guild.


In the clearing, which despite many destructive sparring matches between mages had retained its rather peaceful appearance without any traces of resolution, one could see a scarlet-haired girl in a lolita dress standing with her eyes closed.


Suddenly the girl opened her eyes, and right in front of her appeared a huge magic circle of deep blue color. And a moment later almost all the Fairy Tail mages appeared on the clearing, the most interesting moment was that the Thunderer team with their leader Laxus was in the center surrounded by the rest of the guild mages at a short distance.


- What happened? How did we get here? - shouts were heard until a roar echoed across the clearing.




At that moment, everyone's attention was focused on what was happening in the center of the circle.


- Laxus, you've gone too far. - Elsa said calmly, causing even more anger in Makarov's grandson.


-What did you do?!" Laxus suddenly felt a small surge of magic and looked at Freed with a look full of madness.


- Well... The game is over, if Elsa is here, then the hostages are free and the master will never give up now. - the slightly taken aback magician answered.


Suddenly, lightning struck the place where Fried had just stood, barely managing to dodge.


- Laxus? - The Thunderers looked at their leader in shock, as did the rest of Fairy Tail.


- If you decide to give up everything, then do it now, later it will be too late. In my Fairy Tail, I don't need weaklings.


"That's why you can never become the master of Fairy Tail. After all, we were all weak once," Elsa's voice sounded.


- Do you really think that you can make me surrender with a few words? But you made one huge mistake, you brought hostages to me yourself. - the magician said, grinning madly, and then, right above the magician, a magic circle appeared, and white scales began to wither on his face.


- Did you think that only you and your friend trained?! I developed this spell just for such a case! - exclaimed the magician, but seeing only disappointment on Elsa's face, he finally made up his mind.


- Thunder Dragon's Poison! - Suddenly, a multitude of strange green-colored lightning bolts headed straight for the Fairy Tail mages, who had already prepared their defensive spells. But there was no need for that. Literally a meter away from the mages, the lightning bolts began to slow down sharply until a moment later they stopped, gradually dissipating.


- Laxus, I'm a space mage, do you really think you're capable of harming someone in my presence?


- You think you're all-powerful?! THEN I'LL JUST SEND YOU ALL TO HELL!!! - Laxus suddenly released a huge magical pressure, and rays of light began to appear around him, destroying the earth, while he meanwhile collected the compressed light in his hands.


- What a monstrous power...


- Stop him! Faster!


Immediately, shouts from guildmates were heard, among whom were those who recognized the guild's most powerful punishing spell, aimed at everyone whom the user considers an enemy, but the price for this is life force proportional to the number of enemies.


- FAIRY LAW!!! - with a loud bang, the entire territory of the guild was covered with blinding light.


- HA-ha-ha-ha! I finally surpassed him. - Laxus said laughing, still standing slightly leaning forward, with his palms together as if in prayer. However, at that moment, unfamiliar music began to play and the mage raised his head.


- How? - Laxus asked, stunned, looking at the completely unharmed Fairy Tail mages.


"I think you know Laxus very well yourself," my voice rang out in the deafening silence.


- It's impossible! My fairy law was perfect!!! - Laxus yelled.


- Your spell was perfect. But your heart failed you, Laxus. Your strength and magical abilities are not all that you inherited from your master. But also a heart that cares for its comrades. - Fried suddenly spoke up, standing next to Makarov's grandson.


"Fairy law is something that can only be used on your enemies. It is magic that comes from the depths of the heart. You cannot lie to your magic, Laxus." Elsa said.


- No! Love... - seeing that he was planning to deny the obvious again, I simply helped myself a little with magic, found myself next to him and with one powerful blow to the jaw knocked him out.


- Enough hysterics for today. - I said watching as the body of the guy who was a whole head taller than me fell limply to the ground. Perhaps you will ask why he was not carried away by the force of my blow to the side? Well, here a little trick with an air platform helped me, which I placed so that the other side of his head rested on this very platform. I am sure if someone weaker had been in his place, we would have seen the sight of a head bursting like a watermelon. And then I covered the entire territory of the guild with a temporary barrier and spoke.


- People, we have a very important task now, we must build an arena and stands on this site in the shortest possible time to hold the tournament. Our guild cannot afford to lose face, and so I will build a dome, inside which we will have a week to build. Is everything clear to everyone?


- Evergreen? - I looked at the girl who awkwardly raised her hand.


- W-we're participating too? - It seemed that only after seeing the latest actions of their leader, she realized what a mess they had gotten themselves into.


- I expect the three of you to work for ten, understand?


- Yes! - the thunderers immediately stood at attention.


- And that's all?


- Will they not be punished at all?!


The crowd immediately began to express quite justified discontent.


- The master will decide their punishment, and now, to work! - I exclaimed, taking out from my pocket space logs prepared just for such cases and a huge number of working tools.

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