
Chapter 43: 43. Fantasy Parade Part 2

Chapter 43


- And now our fifth participant, her magic and appearance like a gentle breeze can heal any wounds, but it is not for nothing that she is called "Stormbird" Wendy Marvel!


- No way, she's really participating! Damn, if she doesn't do the same as Mira, then my vote is definitely hers!


Now it was my turn to go on stage, I was dressed in a dress that combined blue to match my hair and white, and with my light gait I tried to create the effect of an innocent elven maiden.


- It looks like our participant approached the task of looking like a fairy with all responsibility! - the host continued broadcasting.


- I will show you a dance with dragons. - I said and using wind magic I flew up about 2 meters on the ground while using magic to make the air vibrate and started a slow melody.


The dance itself was not difficult, the main thing was to have good control over the magic. Looking absolutely straight, I raised my left hand up, while holding my right hand down, sharply used magic to summon a Chinese dragon made of fire under me, and lightning above me. Doing everything as smoothly and synchronously as possible, I, moving the dragons in accordance with my hands, began to circle in the dance. I did not need any complex movements, the main thing was to elegantly circle with the dragons. So, to the music and the resulting silence, after the minute allotted to me, I finished the dance by landing on the floor and sharply colliding both dragons above my head, creating a colorful explosion, naturally calculating the force so as not to harm the audience.


"And this performance undoubtedly set an incredible bar for subsequent participants," the host said to thunderous applause as I began to leave the stage.


"My 500 thousand cried," Lucy thought sadly.


- Stop! - the girl slapped herself on the cheeks and continued, filled with motivation. - I am a stellar spirit caster, the dragons may have been beautiful, but they are no match for the stars, I will win!

While Lucy was gathering her motivation, I went to the waiting room where all the girls who had finished their performance were gathered. Opening the door, I was immediately greeted by two brown eyes of Evergreen. Allowing the girl's magic to turn me into stone without hindrance, I managed to notice that the previous participants, including Elsa, were already standing in the form of stone statues.


It's funny, even though I didn't resist, I feel like if I move even a little, the thin stone layer that appeared will instantly crumble. It seems Evergreen is weaker than I thought. Or is it that my magical resistance is too great? A difficult question.


- The sixth contestant from the fairies, the cutie and know-it-all, Levy McGarden! - meanwhile I heard the continuation of the competition, holding back from moving with all my might. Oh, I feel like by the time we can free ourselves to get rid of the magic that Laxus erected around the city, Elsa and I will really want to beat someone up. The main thing is not to kill the thunderer before he tries to use "Fairy Law" so that he realizes his true nature as a tsundere.


- Contestant number seven, sexy lady from the West! Bisca Mulan!


- Contestant number eight, "Battle Cat" Charlie!



- Contestant number 11, the new superstar of the guild. Her light outshines the stars. Lucy Heart... - the host was going to say Lucy's full name and surname, but apparently, as in the canon, she was afraid that because of her rich father, no one would want to give her the prize.


"Today, I will dance with the star spirits," Lucy said, but before she could even begin to dance, Evergreen suddenly intervened.


- Number twelve.


It was at this moment that the rest of the Thunderers appeared in the waiting room and began to carry all the petrified girls backstage.


- Wait, I haven't even started yet, - Lucy said indignantly.


- If you're talking about a fairy, then it's me, - Evergreen began to speak, not paying attention to Lucy. - If you're talking about a beauty, then it's also me. That's right, it's all about me!


- And the winner, of course, is also me, Evergreen! - the girl exclaimed, opening her fan and taking a pose, summed up. - Actually, this is where we will end the contest!


- What?! - Lucy was surprised by such impudence, and then screamed angrily. - Get off the stage! I haven't finished my performance yet!


- Lucy, don't look her in the eyes!!! - they shouted warningly at the spirit enchanter, but it was too late. After all, Evergreen had lifted her glasses, and Lucy had been turned to stone.


- What is this? Is this part of the show? - shouts were heard from the audience.


- Please, everyone, leave the room! - the host shouted, realizing that something was going wrong, as a result of which the spectators, who were familiar with the fact that it was better not to get involved in the battles of magicians, quickly began to run away.


- What are you doing, Evergreen? Do you want to ruin the festival? - Makarov asked the offender angrily.


"The festival is no longer the main show at the moment!" Evergreen said calmly, burning the curtains and revealing the stone-encased participants, causing shock among the entire guild.


- Even Elsa and Wendy?! - Happy exclaimed in amazement.


"This has gone too far, Evergreen! Return them to normal immediately!" The master shouted before Laxus appeared on the scene with a bolt of lightning, along with Freed and Bickslow.


- Hey, Fairy Tail losers. The real party is just beginning! - the thunderer said with a smile worthy of a cliched villain.


- So you still went for it, Laxus. - Makarov said, very upset.


"What do you mean, old man?" Dreyar Jr. asked, frowning slightly.


- Wendy and Elsa warned me that you would most likely try to stage a coup. However, I asked to give you a chance to rehabilitate yourself. Back off, child, and we will forget about this incident.


- Gave me a chance you say? - Laxus got angry and shouted. - In that case, I won't give them that chance!


Right above me and Elsa, quite strong lightning formed and descended down to the panicked cries of the guild.


- Just kidding, - Makarov's grandson said smiling as lightning struck the ground next to us.


"I'll take these girls hostage," he said, hugging the Lucy statue with one arm and adding with a crazy smile, "I'll destroy them one by one if you break the rules. Didn't I tell you the party was just beginning?"


- You don't joke around with things like that, Laxus! - Makarov said furiously.


- Naturally, I'm dead serious. And now it's time to start the game of who's the strongest Fairy Tail mage. The rules are dead simple. The last one standing wins!


- Let the battle for Fairy Tail begin!

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