Chapter 89: cp28
Two targets ahead. One human male and one half-elf female identified. Shall we proceed?"
"Not yet, Shizu-san. Momonga-sama has warned us to exercise maximum caution. We must wait for Shalltear-sama to arrive."
"A piece of cake~su! But, ahhhhh, how troubling, which of us will courageously sacrifice our purity by touching the dirty human? Welp, I call first dibs on the half-elf!"
"That human... I do not like him... My bugs don't like his aura. It is... uncomfortable."
"Don't worry, Entoma-chan. If only our orders were different, I would have loved to dissolve him just for you. Still, the Supreme Being's orders are absolute; we will apprehend them alive."
"... I would prefer not to deal with such a gnat if possible. It would be difficult not to accidentally squash such a pathetic creature, rendering fulfilling Momonga-sama's order impossible. I, too, shall engage the half-elf instead."
"Then, it's settled. Shizu-san, Solution and I will deal with the human. Lupusregina, Naberal and Entoma-chan, please assist Shalltear with the half-elf."
Atop the mausoleum steps, the Six Pleiades gazed down upon the intruders. From their position, Climb and Zesshi appeared like nothing more than ants scuttling against the looming architecture of Nazarick's first-floor entrance.
Although their thoughts were unspoken, the Pleiades all shared one mind: they were irritated to no end by Climb's seemingly carefree attitude. Lounging on the warm stone pavement, the boy seemed content with his current situation. Spotting the Sisters from afar, he shot them a small smile and waved, much to their chagrin. In contrast, Zesshi had yet to recover from her meeting with Momonga, and her mind was awash with wandering thoughts, leaving her restless.
The young marquis felt it was an appropriate time to give his companion a distraction. With one arm reached out to the sky, shielding his eyes from the sun, he spoke:
"I assume your little spar with Albedo went well?"
Although there was little indication that such a clash had ever occurred, nor any mention of it, the marquis' rhetorical question of the event was spoken as if it were simply a matter of fact. He monitored Zesshi's reaction closely. A brief flash of surprise crossed her face before she settled on a more muted expression—a clenching of the fists, an upright posture, focused eyes.
She'd been thoroughly convinced of their strength.
"If you still wish to test yourself against an Yggdrasilian properly," he continued, "now's as good a chance as ever, Zesshi. I won't even ask you to hold back this time; they've likely been ordered to take us in either dead or alive. As I've said before, they're quite able to revive the dead."
To Zesshi, it was one thing to accept that there were beings stronger than herself. Yet, she could never have imagined being so utterly overwhelmed from one's presence alone. The power that had consumed Zesshi during the overlord's outrage was something not so easily brushed aside.
For the first time in a long while, Zesshi's smiled to herself.
"Your descriptions of Yggdrasil were everything I'd hoped for. My opponent was strong—just like you promised. And as for those itching for a fight at the top of the stairs… Well, I'd be more than happy to oblige." Her gaze softened as she turned to Climb. "Though, I am curious as to your intentions... What exactly are you plotting?"
A slight chuckle escaped the boy's mouth.
"I'll surrender," The marquis responded immediately. "I have no intention of being such a disrespectful guest, plotting inside the very home of my hosts. I'd rather have an open dialogue with them, and a meaningless brawl would not serve such a purpose."
Zesshi leaned against a nearby pillar and considered Climb's words carefully.
"I can't help but feel you are contradicting yourself with this. In our conversations, you yourself admitted the dangers of acting carelessly before such beings... I must ask, why do you feel entitled to do so now? This is unlike you."
The marquis stared at the half-elf woman as she spoke, confused by her words.
"What do you mean by that? I'm just the same as always."
Zesshi narrowed her eyes slightly. She had expected him to deny her claims outright, but he had done the opposite, as if wanting her to challenge his words.
"... If meeting with that Player has driven you to madness, then I am truly at a loss for words."
"An appreciated sentiment," the marquis' voice took on a sombre tone. "However, Zesshi, I'm sure you'd know by now: I'm as sane as they come-someone who strictly follows what rationality dictates. As of now, I have concluded that the reason to resist simply does not exist."
Honestly speaking, Zesshi did not believe anything could ever drive Climb into madness. The reason was quite simple, the half-elf thought.
Climb was already, indubitably, mad.
While the boy held some fondness for herself and Clementine, she suspected his feelings for them never extended beyond that. If something more advantageous reared its head, Zesshi was certain that Climb wouldn't hesitate in abandoning them for whatever it was.
As far as she could tell, Climb was not the sort to feed a starving child unless it yielded a clear benefit. If one attempted to understand the incomprehensible boy before her, one must realise that, first and foremost, he cared for nothing except himself.
Typically, it wouldn't be a bad thing. In fact, it'd be stranger if there existed someone who had never acted in self-interest. However, there was a fundamental difference between Climb's selfishness and that of others.
While the moralities of common folks were ever-changing, Zesshi noticed that Climb's actions seemed dictated by a set of rules. Whether they were written down or not, she knew full well that he lived by his own principles.
And yet, Zesshi was beginning to suspect that one of these rules had been broken.
No—perhaps, it was more apt to say that Climb was now operating on a completely different set of rules than before.
It seemed the princess was the only person allowed to pry open Climb's fortress of self-preservation. The couple's relationship could almost be described as 'obsessive'; and yet, perhaps, it was the only thing keeping him grounded. Whenever Climb was around Renner, those moments were the only times he felt even the slightest bit human. Zesshi had to admit, she missed it, if only but a little.
Where was that cautiousness now? That discrete, almost unnoticeable fear, hidden beneath layers upon layers of the usual smug arrogance? If faced with even the tiniest threat, the Climb she knew wouldn't dare dismiss it.
"If you truly want to go down this road, then I wish you luck with your... non-resistance," Zesshi replied after a short pause, and the marquis nodded at her statement. She didn't bother trying to dissuade him. After all, she was also curious to see whether his plan was foolhardy or yet another masterstroke.
With that decision made, Zesshi turned her attention away from Climb and back towards the mausoleum entrance. Eyeing the stone pantheon, her gaze fell upon a new figure who stood atop its steps. Outfitted in crimson red armour while holding a strange-looking spear, the newcomer was flanked by the previous six in their traditional maid attire. Clearly, this person was their superior.
"Shalltear Bloodfallen," Climb announced as he observed the woman. "A true vampire who stands near the pinnacle of Nazarick in terms of pure, destructive power."
Zesshi eyed Shalltear cautiously, a slight frown forming on her lips as she considered the woman's appearance.
"... But isn't she unusually small?"
The comment teased a proper laugh out of Climb.
"Hahaha! What you are experiencing right now, Zesshi, is the fabled effect of gap-moe. Her creator was most certainly a fan of visual contradictions. Don't you think it adds quite a wonderful sense of cognitive dissonance? In fact, I bet that you instinctively wish to underestimate her as your opponent."
Zesshi looked over at Shalltear again, agreeing how the woman's small stature indeed seemed to inflict a dangerous belittlement on herself. Turning to Climb, Zesshi attempted to gauge his feelings.
"Gap... moe, was it? Regardless of that, there's no denying she gives off a very self-assured impression."
Zesshi did not particularly understand the appeal that Climb seemed so enamoured with, but she did find it amusing that he called such an effect 'wonderful'. As a matter of fact, the same thing had happened to herself on occasion. Her 'young' features had spelt doom for many a foolish foe, though she found it hard to take pride in that...
"You would be correct," Climb agreed with a nod before adding: "The aura of confidence you feel from her only grows with proximity... In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she was standing right behind us."
Zesshi spun around to face the stairway once more, only to have a lance directed right at her forehead. Two fiery crimson eyes were upon her, halting the two's conversation. Despite being caught off-guard, the half-elf still managed to bring her scythe up and block the incoming weapon, resulting in a dull clang as the blade bounced against the spear's haft. Zesshi used the brief moment to leap backwards, the two duelists now separated by several metres.
"Your insolence bored me," Shalltear spoke slowly with a sharp inflection to her words. "What kind of nonsense is so important to blather on about that you dare make me wait?"
"This is what I like to call preamble," Climb said with a grin. "A means of establishing one's character and intentions before proceeding any further; it's quite a popular way of doing things nowadays. Just a while ago, I was merely introducing you to my dear companion here."
Despite the human's level-headedness, the vampire scoffed at the response.
"And who are you supposed to be? Do you genuinely expect me to believe that? What could one as lowly as you possibly know about me? My stomach turns when I have to hear your pathetic lies."
"That's a fair point. Well, let's see…" Climb paused, as if considering his answer. For just a moment, the vampire thought she saw a peculiar glint reflected in his eyes.
"Shalltear Bloodfallen is cruel, cold, and terrible…"
Shalltear's confident grin faded as the human boy spoke her name, but she had no time to consider such a detail. The three words that described her, somehow, evoked a strange familiarity within her chest. She wasn't sure what to call it, perhaps a sensation akin to déjà vu, or even nostalgia.
Shalltear recognised those words.
But from where?
The marquis seemed content to let the sentence hang in the air, leaving the vampire desperately racking her brain for its source. As a vision of gold-emblazoned wings appeared in her mind, Shalltear's eyes widened in realisation. Seeing her reaction, the boy's smile became wholly unbefitting for a human.
Climb finished reciting her beloved creator's words:
"… As well as quite the beautiful little monster."
AN: Climb seems to take great pleasure in digging himself deeper and deeper into trouble. Hopefully nobody has to come over and shovel him out of such a mess later down the line.