Percy Jackson: the Winter Gamer

Chapter 7: First day

Alexander walked into the infirmary and observed Percy. It felt weird, he was a son of Poseidon, yet his stats were worse than his.

Perseus Jackson

Race: Demigod

Titles: Son of the sea; Child of prophecy


Strength: S+

Constitution: S-

Mind: F

Dexterity: B


Swordsmanship: B+(Hit 'em with the pointy end)

Archery: F-(ready, set aim!)

Greek mind: C(Allows the user to read ancient greek, but making all other languages look like gibberish, effectively causing Dyslexia)

Battle instincts: C(Your mind is always in battle mode, effectively causing ADHD)

Math: F rank(plus, minus, divide, multiply)

English: B(your mother tongue)

Hydromancy: S(As a son of the sea, water bends to your will)

Water breathing: C(Grants you the ability to breathe water and survive water pressure)

Earthshaking: A(As the son of the earthshaker, you can shake the earth beneath your feet)

Atmokinesis: A(Create storms as the son of the stormbringer)

"The fuck?" He had expected a power up, now that he knew he was a demigod but that much? It was just so absurd. He had thought he was strong but compared to Percy, he was a little kid. Why was Thalia so weak though? She was a daughter of Zeus and she knew about being a demigod… questions for another time, he supposed.

A girl with blonde hair was sitting by his side, feeding nectar to the unconscious demigod.

[Annabeth Chase]

She was likely one of the Apollo cabin kids, they ran the infirmary(it was all explained in the orientation film). He nodded at her and walked out, out to the camp, where he walked around aimlessly until it was time for lunch. As the sun stood high above them, Alexander walked to the Hermes cabin again, "punctual, I like it, unlike some of my campers", Luke jabbed at a girl who was still wearing her pajamas. Upon his confused look, Luke explained, "Daughter of Hypnos, it is a pain to get her to do anything but sleep… Everyone! Follow me, straight lines please!"

They walked past a few cabins, towards the dining pavilion, where Mr D and Chiron(now sporting his full horse lower half. So he didn't give up his legs to come back to life!) were already at the head of the tables, with 12 tables, one for each cabin. They were amongst the last to arrive, since Luke had to waste time collecting all his campers from all over camp. Their table was the biggest and yet, they still were sitting squeezed together, some of the campers even preferred sitting on the ground instead of squeezing in. There were a lot of campers in cabin 11.

"You probably all have heard by now", Mr D said, with a bored expression on his face, "we have two new campers, one is already sitting with cabin eleven, Alec Dumming, son of Boreas, the north wind and so on and so forth and there is one still laying in the infirmary, Pinkle Jasonson, son of Poseidon, earth shaker and so on and so forth"

Hushed whispers were quickly spreading. Alexander was confused, so he looked up to Luke, "why is everyone whispering, I mean sure, big three kids are powerful but there have to be like a dozen kids of zeus in this camp, right?"

Luke pointed at two tables, both empty, one had a trident motive, the other a lightning bolt, "The big 3 have sworn an oath not to have any more children after the last world war, their children were just too dangerous. Zeus has broken that oath once and now, Poseidon has also broken it, this is a big deal", Luke said, his face unreadable.

"You mean Thalia?", he asked.

"You have been told already? Well, yes, Thalia was traveling in a group, Thalia, Annabeth, our satyr protector and I, Hades, sent a horde of monsters after her. She died fighting them so that we could arrive at camp safely. Before she took her final breath, Zeus transformed her into the pine tree on top of that hill. Ever since, she has been protecting demigods who come here. All these five years", Luke had loss in his eyes.

Thalia had been a tree for five years? She said she had to fight the horde of monsters every hour… an endless fight… that was no life for a demigod, she would be better off being dead. A heroic death like that would have earned her a good afterlife… He would visit her, maybe an hour of company every three days would help alleviate the stress of the endless battle. It was the least he could do.

They got their food and went over to the big bonfire in the middle of the pavilion, where children were burning offerings for the gods. When it was his turn, Alexander hesitated, whom should he pay tribute to? His dad? That for sure but who else? He couldn't decide, in the end, he burned an offering for every olympian, leaving him with almost nothing on his plate. He didn't have to eat anyways, so who cares. What little food he had left was delicious however and the goblets, they were enchanted to fill with any liquid if spoken into the cup. He filled his with diet dr pepper. As they were eating, the hypnos girl(Blaise Ram) asked him, "*Yawn*, so you are a child of the north wind, what powers do you have?"

"Oh- I can control ice, wind and create storms", he said whilst he was drinking his diet dr pepper.

"I am jealous! All I can do is make people a little sleepy", she said through a yawn, "Luke, can I go back to bed now?"

"*sigh*, sure, Blaise but you will take part in swordfighting classes today", he said sternly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say", she shuffled towards the Hermes cabin.

"Can I take part in Swordfighting lessons today and the other activities too?", he asked Luke, "I know you said I should explore but I don't think I can handle this much freetime, I need something to do"

"Hehehe, it is always the same, I give my campers freetime and they beg me to give them something to do… though normally, it is after a few days, not a few hours. Sure, you can come with us. Do you have a sword?", Luke asked, a coy smile on his face.

"I do have one, nabbed it from a monster, though it is very poorly made"

"Well, it'll have to do for now, we have smithing tomorrow, maybe you can smith yourself a new sword, better quality and all that, or if you don't manage that, we can buy one off the Hephaestus kids", he took a sip from his cup.

Later, they all stood up and walked towards the swordfighting arena, where they all took up their swords, Alexander pulling his' from the inventory when no one was looking.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said it was poorly made", Luke whistled, "Come, you'll be my first victim"

Alexander was disarmed in not even a minute and Luke was holding back, he could tell. 'Observe'

Luke Castellan

Race: Demigod

Titles: Son of the travellers


Strength: A+

Constitution: C

Mind: F

Dexterity: A+


Swordsmanship: SS+(Hit 'em with the pointy end)

Archery: A-(ready, set aim!)

Greek mind: C(Allows the user to read ancient greek, but making all other languages look like gibberish, effectively causing Dyslexia)

Battle instincts: C(Your mind is always in battle mode, effectively causing ADHD)

English: B(your mother tongue)

Stealth: S(glide into the shadows)

Steal: S(Longfinger)

Yeah, that made sense, he had no chance against someone who was both stronger than him and had far superior skill.

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