Chapter 15: I drink a god's juice
"Shit, we stopped, they'll come and check out the animals, quick, hide", Alexander shook the sleeping demigods awake. Annabeth quickly donned her cap, going invisible, as Percy and Alexander hid behind some crates.
"No one has noticed what we are doing?", asked a man who walked inside, looking at the frightened tiger behind bars.
"No Steve", a woman said, "they still think we are just some zoo transport"
Steve walked around, pouring water into the animals' bowls, stopping in front of the lion, "You hot, big boy?"
He splashed water into his face and then laughed, a high, sadistic laugh, before turning to the zebra, "How ya doin', Stripes? Least we'll be getting rid of you this stop. You like magic shows? You're gonna love this one. They're gonna saw you in half!"
Something banged against the side of the truck. The guy and woman walked out, to look at whatever was banging against the truck. Annabeth appeared out of nowhere, "They are smugglers", she looked furious, about ready to punch the smugglers.
"Yeah, we need to save the animals", Alexander agreed, "Quick, let's break open the cages, it shouldn't be too hard, the locks are relatively weak"
They smashed open locks and pried open the cages. Immediately, the animals took their chance and ran out, flooding into Las Vegas. The trio also left the truck, being faced with a view of many hotels and casinos. They walked out, it had been fucking hot in the truck but outside it wasn't much better, it was a hundred and ten degrees outside and they had to walk through quite a bit of desert before they arrived in Las Vegas proper.
They found themselves at a dead end, the lotus hotel and casino. The entrance was a huge neon flower, the petals lighting up and blinking. No one was going in or out, but the glittering chrome doors were open, spilling out air-conditioning that smelled like flowers- lotus blossom, maybe. The doorman smiled at them, "Hey, kids. You look tired. You want to come in and sit down?"
Percy turned to Alexander and whispered, "he a monster?"
Alexander shook his head, the man was a regular mortal, no letters above his head.
The three walked in. The whole lobby was a giant game room. Not just arcade games but also vr and ar and new game consoles hooked up to giant tv's. He didn't recognise any of the gaming consoles but based on what he could see on the screens, they were much more powerful than anything commercially available. There were quite a few guest there, mortals, monsters, demigods and even a few satyrs. This casino… it made him feel uncomfortable.
A bellhop came running at them, handing them keys and a plastic credit card, "All paid for, you are our VIP's, everyone here is a VIP. With this card you can pay for the restaurants and other accommodations "
"How much is on here?", Percy asked, waving the card.
His eyebrows knit together. "What do you mean?"
"When will it run out of money?"
"Oh, you're making a joke. Hey, that's cool. Enjoy your stay", he laughed, running off, though not before Alexander observed him. There was no name above his head but still, something felt off.
Brian Loo
Race: Human
Titles: Lotus eater
Strength: D
Constitution: D
Mind: D-
Dexterity: D
Math: C(plus, minus, divide, multiply)
English: B(your mother tongue)
Lotus eater? Weren't those…, "we have to get out of here", Alexander dragged Percy and Annabeth behind him.
"Why? We just got here and we need rest- we can just stay for a day, we have more than enough time", Percy said.
Alexander rubbed his eyes, "This place is the Lotus Casino- Lotus! Does that ring any bells?"
Annabeth looked confused for a good second before her eyes lit up in recognition, "the Lotus eaters! You can't mean that this-"
"-is the american incarnation of the lotus eaters, yes"
"What are the lotus eaters?", Percy looked confused.
"The lotus eaters, Odysseus encountered them once, they eat lotus flowers and are henceforth unable to leave, wasting away without any will left to leave", Alexander explained.
"So? We just don't eat anything and-"
"What does the air smell like? Flowers, right? Lotus Flowers!"
"They are pumping the lotuses through the air?"
Reluctantly, they turned away from the luxury and back into the morning heat… morning? Hadn't they arrived in the afternoon? How much time had passed since then?
Alexander looked at a nearby, discarded newspaper, "thank the gods, we only lost one day"
They slept in a different hotel for that night and next day, they boarded a train for Santa Monica. They were able to pay with the hotel credit card, which was good for their expenses. When they were on the way, they speculated about their quest, after Percy told them about his dream about a crooked one and a silent one, "So the thief had to hide the bolt, or he lost it somehow. Anyway, he failed to bring it to Hades. That's what the voice said in your dream, right? The guy failed. And now, Hades thinks you have somehow found the bolt"
"But if I already had it, why would I bring it down to the underworld, wouldn't I just take it back to Olympus?", Percy asked, not seeing the bigger picture.
"He thinks you want to bargain for your mother", it dawned on Alexander, "he knows how much you love her, that is why he stole her away"
"But the thing in the pit said it was waiting for two items," Percy said "If the master bolt is one, what's the other?"
They were walking towards the beach.
That made Alexander pause, "You are right… this doesn't make any sense… Hades can't be the one in that pit and didn't the thief say something about it's master being the crooked one? That is- it couldn't be, could it?"
"You are speaking in riddles, Alex", Percy said.
Alexander looked at Annabeth and they looked at each other meaningfully. They had both realized the truth, he could see that in her eyes. Hades wasn't the one who wanted the bolt, it was Kronos. But then, why did Hades send the hellhound after them? Two things had been stolen… could it be… the helm of darkness? With it, the would be thief could've easily stolen the master bolt, "Percy, you said that voice told you to beware gifts, didn't it?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Give me the backpack, the one Ares gave you"
He gave Alexander the backpack and immediately, he could feel the magic humming underneath it. It wasn't hard to tap into that magic.
[Skill learned: Mist manipulation]
Suddenly, there was a celestial bronze cylinder in the bag, two feet long, humming with power.
"What?", Percy asked, "where did that-?"
The three looked at each other and all said, in unison, "Ares"
"He is 'the god who has turned'", Percy gasped, "Not Hades! He has been working with the thief and the voice"
There was a loud *Clap* *clap* *clap* behind them. Turning around, they saw Ares, standing there, sword drawn, "Bravo, truly, you are sharper than you look. Well- since you won't bring the bolt to him, you can't be allowed to keep it. I want this war to come. Imagine it, a war unlike any seen for millenia, the air and the sea fighting for dominance! The death toll would be in the billions, I long for another war like that. The west has been peaceful for far too long. Now die"
He waved his hand and a giant boar appeared, it spewed flames and was about ready to charge at them, when a helicopter came from above, "Stop this fighting, this is the police! You are to be taken into custody of the authorities for further questioning!"
Ares scoffed, with another wave, a wall of fire enveloped the helicopter, letting it crash in the ocean. There were reporters now also rushing to the beach, "too many onlookers", he growled and created a wall of fire encircling the four of them.
He was about to send the boar after them again, when Percy had an idea a brilliantly idiotic idea, "Ares! I challenge you to a duel, man on god! If I win, you give us the helm of darkness and let us return the bolt and the helm to their rightful owners, if I loose, well, then you'll have your war"
"I don't need your stupid challenge to kill you, just die already!"
"Oh, so you are afraid that I would beat you, is that it? The god of war afraid of a pre teen?"
He sneered, "Okay, how do you want to do this, classic or modern?"
Percy raised riptide.
"That's cool, dead boy," he said, "Classic it is"
"Percy, he is a god!", Annabeth protested.
"Yeah Perc' you may be powerful but you are still just a boy!", Alexander pleaded for him to see reason.
"He's a coward"
"At least wear, this, for good luck", Annabeth gave him her bead necklace, "Reconciliation, Poseidon and Athena together"
"If you die here… I'll go to the underworld myself just to kill you again", Alexander warned.
"Thanks man"
"You all done saying good-bye?" Ares came toward him, his black leather duster trailing behind him, his sword glinting like fire in the sunrise. "I've been fighting for eternity, kid. My strength is unlimited and I cannot die. What have you got?"
Ares struck an overhand swing, which Percy dodged, his body moved on his own, evading the lazy attacks.
He grinned, "Not bad, not bad."
Percy stepped inside for a thrust but Ares was expecting it, parrying with practiced ease, kicking him in the chest, sending Percy flying into the water.
"Admit it, kid," Ares said, "You got no hope. I'm just toying with you"
The media and the cops were surrounding them, not quite sure how to get through the fire.
"Drop the guns, now!"
The celestial bronze weapons must've looked like fire arms to the mortals. As Percy sprung back up, Ares graced his arm, though his wound closed right after it opened, thanks to the sea water.
"This is a private matter!" Ares bellowed. "Be gone!" He swept his hand, and another wall of red flame rolled across the patrol cars. The police barely had time to dive for cover before their vehicles exploded. The crowd behind them scattered, screaming.
Ares roared with laughter. "Now, little hero. Let's add you to the barbecue."
He slashed, Percy deflected. This was going a lot better than Alexander had imagined but it still wasn't looking great.
Ares came forward, grinning confidently, he didn't notice the water receding. Ares raised his sword as Percy looked focused, there was a rush of power rolling from the ocean and a wave, nearly six feet tall rolled over the god, with Percy right inside. He slashed his sword at the distracted god's heel.
He roared and the sea was blasted back where it belonged. Ichor, the golden blood of the gods ran down Ares' heel. He limped toward Percy, muttering ancient Greek curses. Something stopped him.It was as if a cloud covered the sun, but worse. Light faded. Sound and color drained away. A cold, heavy presence passed over the beach, slowing time, dropping the temperature to freezing, and making me feel like life was hopeless, fighting was useless.
The darkness lifted.
Ares looked stunned.
Police cars were burning behind them. The crowd of spectators had fled. Alexander and Annabeth were staring at him, mouths agape as the ichor stained the wet sand golden.
Ares lowered his sword.
"You have made an enemy, godling," he told Percy, "You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse. Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware."
His body began to glow.
"Percy, Alex!" Annabeth shouted. "Don't watch!"
Alex realized what was happening, Ares was entering his true form, so, he closed his eyes, just in time.
The light died and they opened their eyes. Where the god had stood just moments before, now laid the helm. Three leathery hags flew down, their wings flapping, "We saw the whole thing", the middle one, which Alex recognised as Mrs Dotts, Alecto, said, "so you truly didn't steal it?"
Percy tossed the helm towards Alecto, "bring this back to my uncle, he must be missing it"
She hesitated, then ran a forked tongue over her green, leathery lips. "Live well, Percy Jackson. Become a true hero. Because if you do not, if you ever come into my clutches again…"
She cackled, savoring the idea. Then she and her sisters rose on their bats' wings, fluttered into the smoke-filled sky, and disappeared.
"Percy… you just beat a god! That was-"
"Frightening", Annabeth finished for him.
As Annabeth kept talking, Alexander was fixated on the ichor in the sand. Something within him told him to drink it. It was something primal, like a predator smelling the blood of its prey. He cupped the liquid, it was more viscous than normal blood and drank.
"What are you doing bro?", Percy asked, concerned but Alexander's whole attention was on the window that appeared.
[You have tasted the divine. Ares is known for his strength and swordsmanship, both of which have been boosted by drinking his essence]
Alexander Dorn
Race: Demigod
HP: 100/100
Titles: The gamer; Son of Winter
Attributes(mortal average is D, Demigod average is C):
Strength: A-
Constitution: C-
Mind: D-
Dexterity: D+
Gamer's body: SSSR(Allows the user to live their life as if it was a videogame, not requiring sleep, food or water. Sleeping in a bed restores all HP and cures status conditions)
Gamer's mind: SSSR(Allows the user to clearly and calmly think even in the most stressful of times, grants immunity to mind status effects)
Swordsmanship: A+(Hit 'em with the pointy end)
Archery: C-(ready, set aim!)
Greek mind: C(Allows the user to read ancient greek, but making all other languages look like gibberish, effectively causing Dyslexia)
Battle instincts: C(Your mind is always in battle mode, effectively causing ADHD)
Math: F+(plus, minus, divide, multiply)
English: B+(your mother tongue)
Aeromancy: B(As the son of the north wind, air is yours to control)
Cryomancy: B+(As the son of winter, ice and the cold is yours to control)
Atmokinesis: B(Create storms, hail and snow are easier to create)
Calmness manipulation: C+(as the son of the god of calmness, you can induce a state of pure calmness in yourself and others)
French: B+(the language of love)
Observe: C(gain insights to who or whatever you look at)
Summon skeleton: C(by offering some food and drink you can summon a skeletal warrior, loyal to you)
Craft: D(Creating something from raw ingredients)
Water breathing: C(Grants you the ability to breathe water and survive water pressure)
Mist manipulation: D(bend the truth)