People In Another World: Reincarnated Dragon, Call Me Godzilla

Chapter 85 Shocked, The Real Face Of The Dragon Of The Earth Is Actually You!


In brother Reiss's observation.

That huge orangutan-like monster "Bei Bei" is in heat.

During this period of time, its mental strength reached its peak, and it landed on its hind feet at every turn, roaring and neighing, and its sound shook the minister.

Many desert monsters are deterred by it, and they dare not hunt wantonly, thus allowing many weak creatures to escape.

In addition, Bechymos is known as the king of beasts, superior to many monsters, not inferior to giant dragons, and even stronger in physical strength.

However, the hair is weak, and Gao Reiss does not believe that it can resist its own breath.

But he is a Beastmaster after all, he can use magic, and now is not the time to fight.

Brother Reiss decided to go to the desert palace to see the situation first.

Rock Dragon Canyon - Southern Desert.

At dusk, a set of round sunsets descended along the horizon of the desert, the earth was smoked dark and dark, revealing a deep red, and at the end of the setting sun was yellow sand all over the place.

At this time, the strong wind howled and blew up the flying sand all over the sky.


As the ground trembled, the black dragon monster's footsteps stopped here, staring ahead.

Sandstorms are frequent in desert areas, and plants are often buried. It is not easy to find the location of the [Desert Palace.

But brother Reiss's dragon-horned senses are like radar to identify the direction.

According to the clues learned from Tu Shalong, brother Reiss walked less than ten kilometers, and saw the traces of the activities of the desert Naga.

"Naga Temple, so it's here!"

Brother Reiss stopped moving. He stood on a sandstone canyon. From the nearby broken walls and ruins, he could see a desert Naga stronghold shimmering in the vast desert in the distance.

The stronghold of the Desert Naga is the U-shaped canyon, which is located in the desert of the basin.

To his surprise, there are many giant cacti, lush olive trees and large tracts of firewood trees growing here, as well as many magical beasts raised by Shalian Naga.

Desert Wyvern, Petrified Lizard, Giant Sand Scorpion, Sand Tortoise

Among them, the desert wyvern is not so much a dragon, but a rock-skinned pterodactyl, so it should be called a desert pterosaur.

It is undeniable that these are quite dangerous desert meat-eating monsters, but since they were born here, they are probably descendants of a certain Yanzhimu dragon.

Perhaps the offspring of the "Dragon of the Earth".

Thinking this way, brother Reiss found a group of desert na knights riding petrified lizard monsters in the desert ahead.

According to the earth sand dragon, this is a canyon created by the dragon of the earth from ancient times.

At the same time, the 'Earth Dragon Soul' protects all creatures here, even the Behemoth Beast King dare not approach easily, fearing the remaining might of the Earth Dragon.

look ahead,

All kinds of tamed monsters move together with the desert Naga, and Reiss can see their images clearly even from far away.

It was a half-human, half-snake creature that was always on guard against outside creatures near the stronghold of the oasis.

Inheritance memory told brother Reiss that Naga is a descendant with traces of dragon blood.

Also known as 'snake man' and 'snake demon'.

Generally speaking, Naga is a humanoid creature whose lower body is like a big snake and has scales all over its body.

The head of the male Naga is a snake head, covered with snake scales, cruel and cunning.

The female Naga is half-human, half-snake, with a beautiful human upper body. They have a natural charm for humanoid creatures, and like to induce human males to have offspring with them, thereby optimizing their genes.

In Na's race, there are all kinds of hair colors and scales, including proud, fat, thin, beautiful and ugly individuals.

At this point, brother Reiss fell into deep thought.

He was thinking about how to make his debut next.

If he rushes over aggressively, Naga will probably think that he is here to find fault and be forced into a fighting state!

When brother Reiss was contemplating, he saw a single Naga team out of the corner of his eye.

Not long ago, the Sand Dragon told Reiss that the Desert Naga has a guard team that will patrol around the stronghold to expel lost monsters and creatures that enter their territory.

But now, with the arrival of brother Reiss, the desert naga have smelled an unusual and dangerous atmosphere, and they have also entered a state of alert in the past two days.

At the same time, another kind of guardian beast domesticated by the Naga tribe appeared in the southern desert—the giant snake in the desert.

Guard in the water source area, and ambush in the nearby sand, peeping out the outside invaders.

The desert naga didn't know that the 'threat' they sensed was actually brother Reiss.

As brother Reiss peeped, they just instinctively felt a kind of inexplicable huge pressure, restlessly stepped up their guard, and looked for the source of the anxiety.

But this also created a chance for brother Reiss to capture the desert Naga guards. He deliberately retreated to the vicinity of a desert cactus bush that could hide his body. Garrison's attention.

After hiding his figure, Reiss buried half of his body in the sand, blended with the environment, and exposed the tip of his tail as a bait.

Not long after, brother Reiss' thermal radiation vision told him that there were several humanoid snake monsters walking back and forth, searching around.

"Be careful, there is a breath of dragons here!"

The Naga spoke their language and came over.

Under close observation, the abdomen of the snake tail of the desert Naga tribe has rough scales, which makes them not afraid of the cold at night, and is also highly resistant to heat.


The pitch-black tail suddenly lifted in the sand, and the sun's sand waves obscured their vision.

"There are enemies!"

The desert Naga warriors watched in horror at the sudden appearance of the giant black tail, and instantly sent a signal to fight. The other Naga who were covered by the sandstorm hurriedly looked left and right.

"what happened!"

"What is the enemy? Where is it?!"

"Sing the magic!"

In an instant, the desert Naga warriors hurriedly took out their weapons, began to chant and cast spells, and fought desperately.

The females of their clan are tall and slender, with fine scales and tentacles, and they are born magicians.

As the female Naga chanted the spell, one by one, looking like black corroded light balls, rose in their hands and bombarded towards the behemoth that made the sand waves.

In an instant, many dark light balls exploded on brother Reiss' scales, but they didn't cause any damage to him, and even left no traces.

"The enemy is here!"

The male Naga seemed to see the shadow of his brother Reiss, roared and rushed forward with his sword drawn.

Compared with the female, the male's head is like a dragon, with thicker scales and strong hand-to-hand combat, but lower intelligence, and generally serve as front-line fighters.

Most of the female Naga are mages and assassins, but in this case, no matter what the profession is, it is futile.

No matter how powerful they are, the enemies are not at the same level at all.

"It's really a group of stupid creatures who can't tell the strength of the enemy! Kneel at my feet————————————The earthquake wave!"

next moment,

Brother Reiss stomped his foot, and a powerful shock wave erupted from the point where the sole of his foot landed.

Many desert Naga warriors were defeated at this moment, and then fell down collectively like a wheat field!

Accompanied by the violent vibration, the desert seemed to have set off a huge wave, and the tens of feet of sand instantly overwhelmed the fleeing Naga.

After this kick, the battle is over.

Then, the incomparable dragon power radiated from brother Reiss, and the Nagas rolled their eyes before getting up from the sand, and passed away dizzy, only a few of them were deliberately kept by brother Reiss.

"My name, Black Holy Dragon, brother Reiss Mirabeau Reissla!"

"Uh ha...!"

The desert naga fell to their knees on the ground with a splitting headache, and they couldn't breathe under the oppression of Longwei.

At this moment, after hearing brother Reiss's thunderous announcement, they all became embarrassed, and even raised their heads to look at him in horror.

"Quiet, don't act rashly."

Brother Reiss stopped him and stared at this group of guys. The race that can tame monsters is definitely a high-level intelligent creature. Whether it is a humanoid creature or a monster of a different kind, they must be able to understand what they say.

“Dragon………Giant Dragon! Why are you attacking us?!”

"I heard you are desert navigators."

Brother Reiss slapped his paw on the ground, and the loud noise made the desert Naga stop their movements. Its power was the most terrifying, and the sharp-eyed Naga could even see that the underground cliffs were cracked.

"I want to meet your queen, I need someone to take me across the desert!"

After briefly shocking everyone, Reiss said to some of the conscious Naga: "Go back and tell your Queen Naga that I have no malicious intentions. If she is willing to see me, I will return the rest of your clan safely. If she refuses, I'll take them and replace the navigator."

Naga is a matriarchal society, usually ruled by the queen.

After saying this, brother Reiss raised his paw, indicating that these naga can leave, but the unconscious ones must stay here.

"We'll relay it!"

Several female Naga warriors supported each other and rushed towards the stronghold. They looked at this side in fear, although they didn't know what they were thinking in their hearts, "but there is a high probability that they will tell Queen Naga the news here.

The next thing is to see how they do it, if there is a war......

Brother Reiss narrowed his eyes.

When the time comes, he will not show mercy.

At this moment, it was getting dark.

The huge temperature difference between day and night makes the sand gradually turn from hot to cold, and some places have even started to freeze.

At noon, the sun's temperature exceeds forty degrees, and the surface temperature is seventy degrees.

At night, the temperature here is as low as minus ten degrees.

Such a harsh environment and climate did not affect Reiss, but the cold environment helped his body cool down.

"Dear Your Excellency Dragon, on behalf of my family, I would like to express my greatest respect to you!"

Not long after, when its tail was in contact with the desert, a huge 30-meter multi-headed snake appeared. With the sound of the earth shaking and mountains shaking, a beautiful female Naga standing on the highest point of the snake's head was looking at it with fearful eyes. Staring at Brother Reiss.

"I don't know Your Excellency Dragon, why do you need a king when you come to this desert?"

The huge five-headed snake flicked its restless tail, spitting out a letter, and looked at brother Reiss with its erected head as if it was facing a formidable enemy.

It felt a strong crisis from the giant dragon. If Queen Naga hadn't driven it, it probably would have escaped long ago.

Standing on the head among the five snakes is a female Naga. The lower body is a snake with red and fine scales. The upper body is like an exotic human beauty. Her white lotus-like arm holds a magic scimitar. The tail of the snake is originally bright. Its scales are even more dazzling under the moonlight.


In the icy desert, the Queen Naga and the heavily armed Naga army behind them heard a huge roar nearby, they raised their heads in horror, and a terrifying giant dragon came rumbling from the darkness.

"It's a dragon!"

Under the fearful sight of Naga.

In the shadows, Reiss's huge black body merged with the surrounding environment, as if darkness itself.

Its ridge-like long tail moved slightly, forming a swirl in the sand sea.

The sword-like dorsal fin pierced the rock behind him, and there was an earthquake-like roar under his feet, and the sixty-meter-long, forty-meter-high body stood upright!

And what he despises and pays attention to, the creatures named Naga,

At this moment, my whole body trembled with intense fear!

"What do you mean? Bring so many people, and you want me to fight!"

Swept by her elder brother Reiss's gaze, and sensing the faint dragon power, Queen Naga also became frightened, and quickly asked her subordinates to direct their weapons.

As their weapons were put down, the coercion on brother Reiss also disappeared a lot.

"Sorry! Your Excellency the Great Dragon, I heard that you are going to cross this desert"

"Don't you know it! So, can it work?"

Brother Reiss showed a very impatient look and said coldly.

"Phew, if it's just like this, no problem!"

Queen Naga breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded with certainty: "Tomorrow morning, I will send a few members of the Naga clan to help you cross the desert, but, as a giant dragon, why don't you just fly..."


Brother Reiss snorted suddenly, and Queen Naga suddenly felt the chill from head to toe as if she was facing an ice cave. The sense of crisis told her that if 567 continued to speak, something big might happen.

"Sorry, I was talking too much!"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't look at what you shouldn't look at. Put away your curious eyes, and if you dare to look at me again, you will be burned to ashes!"

Brother Reiss turned his head away, snorted coldly, showing the unique ferocity and majesty of a black dragon.

"I'm sorry, but I'll make my subordinates stop approaching you!"

Queen Naga didn't dare to raise her head anymore, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw that there seemed to be no dragon wings on her brother Reiss's back, maybe it was destroyed during the battle with some kind of terrifying existence, but this is not her Things that can be explored.

"I heard that this is the domain of [Dragon of the Earth]. So, where is it?"

Like lightening the mood, brother Reiss said, changing the subject.

"Back to Your Excellency the Dragon, the Dragon of the Earth is the patron saint of my family, but it left here 19 years ago..."

"Oh, so there is no owner in the dragon's lair here?"

Brother Reiss rolled his eyes, planning to go to the lair of the earth dragon, maybe he could get something good.


Queen Naga didn't know what brother Reiss was thinking, so she answered honestly.

"take me."

Brother Reiss finished speaking, ignoring the existence of Queen Naga, "raised the tail and walked towards the lair where the dragon of the earth was.

"But... Huh? Wait! Your Excellency Dragon, please slow down!"

Queen Naga had no choice but to change direction by pulling the five-headed snake, and then rushed towards the direction of the black dragon monster with the Naga Guards.

"The dragon of the earth is the patron saint of our family, so we can't do it like this!"

Yes, come!"

Having said that, Reiss quickly arrived near the rock dragon canyon, and then he stared in awe at a huge dragon statue nearby.

It was an old dragon statue with thick rock armor. At the same time, it had thick horns and a huge axe-shaped tail. It looked burly and majestic, and it seemed to be a species called Chen Dulong.

The reason why Reiss froze was because the statue of the rock dragon was very familiar.


"Yes, I'm here!"

"...May I ask, this dragon, no, your patron saint, 'The Dragon of the Earth', what is its name?"

Brother Reiss took a deep breath, then asked the queen.

"Back to Your Excellency the Dragon, the real name of the patron saint of our family, the 'Dragon of the Earth', is [Tednik]!"

Queen Naga said proudly and proudly.

"tz, GĦ!"

Brother Reiss had such an expression on his face.

But in addition to being shocked, I was ecstatic inside!

I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it!

The lairs of the old rock dragons have actually come here, so I can't be more polite!

I'm afraid even the old Rock Dragon himself didn't expect that during the period when he went to Dragon Island "Gesaland" to teach the young dragons, he was actually "stolen" twice by the same young dragon.

Yes, Tednik is the true face of the Dragon of the Earth!

It seems that this is its real lair, the one on Dragon Island is just Tednik's work place!.

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