
Chapter 80 Yuan Qinghua

Wang Xinran agreed with Wu Zhongyuan's statement, but the scope of "visible" was too broad. It was possible to see all places in front of the tomb that could be seen.

Wu Zhongyuan has been observing the surrounding environment. This cemetery is located directly north of the village, about one kilometer away from the village in a straight line. The area of ​​about one kilometer is full of suspected locations.

Part of this area is firewood shanlan, which is a shrub forest used by villagers to cut firewood, and there is also a small amount of mountain land where some crops are grown.

Wu Zhongyuan was observing carefully, and Wang Xinran was also observing carefully. Seeing that Wang Xinran had been observing carefully, Wu Zhongyuan smiled and said, "What are you looking at?"

"What else can we look at? Of course we are looking for the child's grave." Wang Xinran said casually.

"Do you understand Feng Shui?" Wu Zhongyuan asked. The basis for his observation and search was the Thirty-Six Methods of Kanyu left by his master. He was not searching aimlessly.

"I don't understand." Wang Xinran shook his head.

"You're in trouble if you don't understand Feng Shui." Wu Zhongyuan said with a smile.

Wang Xinran glanced at Wu Zhongyuan, and then said, "The headquarters has tested Wu Qianshan's spirit stone before. The spirit stone is radioactive. I am observing the surrounding vegetation for any abnormalities."

"Did you find anything?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

Wang Xinran shook his head, "No, the spirit stone is buried underground, and the rays it emits are very weak, which may not be enough to affect the growth of plants."

Wu Zhongyuan did not ask any more questions and continued to observe and search. To be precise, he was observing and thinking.

"Do you know Feng Shui?" Wang Xinran asked.

"Understand a little bit," Wu Zhongyuan said. After saying that, seeing Wang Xinran looking at him with doubt, he explained, "First of all, we can eliminate the dark side. The dead will not be buried where the sun cannot shine..."

Before Wu Zhongyuan could finish speaking, Wang Xinran interrupted him, "Why?"

"Because the dead belong to Yin, in the opinion of the ancients, burying the dead in a place where the sun cannot shine will breed evil and resentment," Wu Zhongyuan said, "Qian Yunzhi's tomb is not high, and the bastard who died young will certainly not Bury him higher than him because it involves respecting the elder and the younger."

"Then what?" Wang Xinran asked.

"No more." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head.

Wu Zhongyuan's answer was met with Wang Xinran's disdainful eyes. He curled his lips and stood up, "Let's not waste time here. I'll call the archaeological team back."

"Should we be called back to dig holes one by one?" Wu Zhongyuan frowned, "It's possible to go south, southeast or southwest, at least tens of thousands of square meters. How long can I use a Luoyang shovel to dig holes one by one?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Wang Xinran was exhausted both physically and mentally. The most important thing was that she had finished her cigarettes and was addicted to cigarettes. She was a little irritable.

"Look again." Wu Zhongyuan stood up and walked south.

Wang Xinran followed, "If that doesn't work, we can ask the headquarters to send scientific researchers over to use professional equipment to check whether there are any abnormal radiation sources nearby."

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, "If this method worked, the headquarters would have sent someone over long ago and wouldn't have waited for you to ask for help."

Wang Xinran didn't answer because what Wu Zhongyuan said was quite reasonable.

Wu Zhongyuan walked south along the mountain road, looking back every time he walked a certain distance.

"What are you doing? Looking back three times a day, reluctant to leave?" Wang Xinran yawned.

"I'm looking to see if there's anything following us.

"Wu Zhongyuan said.

Wang Xinran knew that Wu Zhongyuan was scaring her, but she was not in the mood to joke now, "What on earth are you looking at?"

"I'm looking for the sunny side within the range that Qian Yunzhi can see." Wu Zhongyuan said, "Qian Yunzhi's grave faces north and south. He couldn't bury his concubine on the dark side, but he had to ensure that he would rest in his final resting place. Being able to see the child's grave, I'm looking for a site that fits that criteria."

"After so many years, the surrounding terrain may have changed a long time ago," Wang Xinran was a little discouraged. "Besides, it is unknown whether what you want is buried in the child's grave. The hope is too slim."

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, "The hope is quite slim, but compared with other warriors, I feel that Wu Lu's clue should be the clearest and simplest. If you can't even find this spiritual stone, you won't need the other ones." found."

After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, there was no response from behind. When he turned around, he found Wang Xinran walking towards the ravine to the west.

"It can't be there. Places with running water are all underworld, and people cannot be buried." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Wang Xinran did not answer and continued walking west.

Wu Zhongyuan was worried and had to follow him. After walking a few steps, Wang Xinran turned around and said, "I want to pee, why are you following me?"

Wu Zhongyuan stopped in embarrassment, turned around and walked south.

After walking a few dozen meters, I looked back at Qian Yunzhi's grave in the north. Because I was standing at a higher position, I happened to see Wang Xinran who had just found a place and was about to take off his pants.

"What are you looking at?" Wang Xinran knew that he was unintentional and his tone was not harsh.

Wu Zhongyuan turned around and continued walking south.

Not far away, Wang Xinran's voice came from the bottom of the ditch, "Come and see."

Wang Xinran's shout seemed very excited. When he heard her shout, Wu Zhongyuan immediately thought that Wang Xinran might have discovered important clues unintentionally.

Turning around and running to the ditch, I saw Wang Xinran tying his belt.

"What's wrong?" Wu Zhongyuan asked eagerly.

Wang Xinran didn't reply. After tying his belt, he broke off a branch from the side and squatted down to fiddle with something in the grass.

Wu Zhongyuan went down to the bottom of the ditch and walked over quickly. At this time, Wang Xinran had already picked out something from the grass. It was not big and white in color.

"What is it?" Wu Zhongyuan also squatted down.

"It seems to be a small stone man." Wang Xinran used a branch to remove the soil attached to the thing.

Wu Zhongyuan reached out and picked up the object. It was very light and the material did not look like stone, it should be porcelain.

"Hey, hey..." Wang Xinran frowned.

Wu Zhongyuan was wiping the soil on the utensils at this time. Hearing the sound, he looked at Wang Xinran in confusion. Seeing Wang Xinran's expression of embarrassment, he remembered that this thing came out of her just peeing.

The smartest thing to do at this time is to pretend to be confused and lower your head to continue wiping the soil. Wang Xinran was half right. This thing is indeed a small person, but it is not made of stone, but of porcelain, about fifteen centimeters long. , is a broken product, the head is gone and half of the legs are broken.

"It seems to be a doll." Wang Xinran said. Although the porcelain figure is incomplete, it can still be seen from the remaining parts that it is a human-shaped doll. It stands on one leg with its left leg, its right leg is raised, and it holds Ruyi Ganoderma lucidum in its left hand and Ruyi Ganoderma lucidum in its right hand. with a rattle.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't answer. He put down his backpack, took out a bottle of mineral water, rinsed the doll clean, and looked at it with a frown while looking at the sun.

"This doll doesn't look like something modern." Wang Xinran said.

"This is blue and white porcelain from the Yuan Dynasty." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"From the Yuan Dynasty? Are you sure?" Wang Xinran was pleasantly surprised.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded, "OK, Yuan Dynasty porcelain is easy to identify. The color is blue-gray or blue-black, the bottom is unglazed and has sand, and the glaze is concave and matte."

There is definitely a gap between those who listen attentively in class and those who play games in class, but this is not a question that Wang Xinran is concerned about. "Could the porcelain dolls of the Yuan Dynasty be buried with the children who died early by Qian Yunzhi?"

"Yes." Wu Zhongyuan nodded seriously.

"Why are you so sure?" Although Wang Xinran made this guess, he did not expect Wu Zhongyuan to give a positive answer.

"The blue and white flowers in the Yuan Dynasty are mostly made of dishes, cups, pots, and few figures. Even if there are, they are mostly Guanyin and the Three Stars of Fortune, Luxury and Shou. Children's dolls like this are very rare." Wu Zhongyuan's finger doll explained in detail, "This porcelain body The body is thick and the glaze is even. It is undoubtedly Yuan blue and white. Look again, the doll is holding Ganoderma lucidum in its left hand, which proves that this porcelain comes from an official kiln. Ordinary people are not qualified to use official kiln porcelain..."

"Wait, why do you say that?" Wang Xinran was confused.

"Because there are clear regulations in the Yuan Dynasty that some patterns are not allowed to be used in folk kilns, and Ganoderma lucidum is one of them." Wu Zhongyuan said, and then continued, "Official kilns never take the initiative to fire porcelain with this theme, unless someone specifically Customized, Qian Yunzhi is a fourth-grade official. Although he has retired and returned home, he has the qualifications, financial resources and motivation to customize this kind of porcelain. His motive is also very clear, which is to bake it for his youngest son to be buried with him."

"Go on." Wang Xinran began to admire Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan pointed at the incomplete doll and continued, "Look at this painter, do you see that, especially the doll's belt, the strokes are rather sloppy when painting, and the position is slightly off. This rarely happens with official kiln porcelain. , unless it is a private order, or..."

Although he knew clearly that Wu Zhongyuan was trying to hide his identity, Wang Xinran still couldn't help but ask, "Or what?"

"Hurry up," Wu Zhongyuan said seriously, "There are no official kilns of Yuan blue and white flowers around here. The funerary objects must be buried with the corpse after the mortuary. The time is short and this will happen if the firing is hasty."

After listening to Wu Zhongyuan's story, Wang Xinran was not only impressed but also worried, "If this doll was really buried with Qian Yunzhi's young son, his tomb may have been stolen."

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, "Not necessarily. Yuan Qinghua is not only valuable now, it was also valuable in the past. It is impossible for tomb robbers to throw it away casually."

After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, he began to search upstream along the bottom of the ditch. "This thing is buried very shallowly, which means it didn't appear here for a long time. It probably washed out from the rain earlier."

"If it was washed out by the rain, how could it be broken?" Wang Xinran followed.

"Porcelain is light. If there is heavy rain, it will roll with the water and it is normal for it to break." After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, he walked a few steps quickly and picked up something from the soil at the bottom of the ditch. He looked closely and saw that it was a porcelain doll's head with a smiling face.

"Look for it quickly, the child's grave is nearby..."

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