
Chapter 59 The storm is coming

Cigarette butts are cigarette butts, and the cigarette butts scattered around the stones are cigarette butts. Cigarettes used to refer to cigarettes, but now they only refer to cigarettes that smokers roll by themselves. This kind of cigarette has no filter and is low-cost. Smoking this kind of cigarette Most of the people who smoke are farmers.

There are more than a dozen of these cigarette butts around the stone. If you look for the periphery, you will find more of them in the cracks in the grass. Judging from the appearance of the cigarette butts, some cigarette butts are older and some were thrown away recently. here.

While looking for cigarette butts, Wu Zhongyuan also discovered another thing, sheep shit eggs. There were a lot of these things nearby.

The appearance of sheep excrement eggs shows that someone once herded sheep here, and except for the relatively flat stone in front of the stone wall, there is no other place for people to sit and rest.

According to common sense, these cigarette butts should have been left by nearby herdsmen while herding sheep. The sheep raised by herdsmen are divided into sheep and goats. Sheep are relatively docile and like to stay on the grass, while goats are cheap guys. They crawl wherever they go. The ones that appear around here should be goats.

Although there was a reasonable explanation for the cigarette butt, Wu Zhongyuan still felt something was wrong, because normally smokers would throw the cigarette butt under their feet and stamp it out after smoking in the wild, but this herdsman seemed to deliberately move the cigarette butt far away. There are not many cigarette butts left around the rocks.

I felt suspicious, so I checked the cigarette butts carefully. I am afraid of being careful in everything. After careful inspection, I came to the conclusion that these cigarette butts should be left by two people, because the methods of rolling cigarettes are different and the smoking habits are also different. Among them One person may be left-handed and smoke with a long cigarette butt, while another person smokes thoroughly with a short cigarette butt.

It's okay for a herdsman to herd sheep here, but it's not justified for two people to herd sheep here together, because there aren't many wild grasses nearby. The herdsmen herd sheep to let the sheep eat grass, not to get together to brag.

Furthermore, although the stone wall is covered by rocks, it is impossible for the herdsmen not to notice something unusual after resting here for many years.

Thinking of this, I returned to the stone wall and carefully looked at the rocks outside the stone wall. After careful observation, I found clues again. The rocks blocking the stone wall should have been built artificially. Small stones were stuffed into the gaps between the big rocks. If these stones rolled down naturally, they would never be able to cover the stone wall so tightly.

Who blocked the stone wall with stones?

Are the people blocking the stone wall the two herdsmen?

Those who block the stone wall, why should they block the stone wall?

There are no answers to these yet, but one thing is for sure, that is, someone knows that there is a secret room here, and this person does not want others to know.

It was almost dawn at this time, and there was no obstruction to his location. If you paid attention, you could spot him here from a long distance away.

We can't stay here. We have to go down the mountain quickly and come back in the evening.

He had dry food with him, so he didn't need to go out to find food. He heated the dry food with water from the river and sat down by the river to rest.

This place is the source of the Yellow River. Many travel friends come here to explore, many in groups, and some alone. Although they are scattered here and there, there are no shortage of people nearby.

Most of the travel friends are familiar with each other. Some people see him from a distance and greet him enthusiastically. Some of them will come over to exchange travel experiences with him. Most travel friends travel on a budget. Most of these people are holding selfie sticks and taking pictures everywhere. The people who came over to greet him didn't care whether he liked it or not, and enthusiastically pulled him to take pictures with him.

Wu Zhongyuan had no intention of chatting with them. He rolled his eyes, put on his backpack and turned around to leave.

After one group left, there was another group. These people did not come from the same direction. Wu Zhongyuan moved several times, and people came to strike up a conversation. Two of them were women, and they were so enthusiastic that they were bored. Let’s talk about life first. Later, I talked about ideals and said that this is a journey that can be done at any time, which is the release of the heart and soul. He also said that he was determined to travel all over the world and broaden his horizons and mind.

Speaking of the later stage, they got close intentionally or unintentionally, and posted it under the guise of love at first sight. They just said that they were destined to each other, and the meeting from here was destined to be a beautiful encounter. Then he said it was hot and he wore too much, so he took off his coat and exposed his flesh.

"A trip that you just leave? Are you very brave? You don't have to go back after you leave? Your life is over, what will happen if you go back?"

"If I had no money or food, would you still meet me?"

"Sister, are you here to travel, or are you here to sell your money? If you don't have money, why don't you come out and do nothing?"

"If you really want to travel poor*, how many times will you have to be released? How open will you have to be in the end?"

As the saying goes, if the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if the people are careful, there will be no disciples. It is not a good thing to see too clearly and speak too directly. It not only ruined the beautiful encounter, but also got two angry scoldings.

Although he was scolded, Wu Zhongyuan was in a good mood, and he did not feel regretful that the encounter was over. This kind of encounter was vulgar in nature. In the eyes of men, he has captured another, and in the eyes of women, he has captured another. In fact, occupation and The capture is mutual. When a man occupies a woman, he is also captured by the woman. When a woman captures a man, she is also occupied by the man.

There is no one who takes advantage of this matter. Who once said that pattern comes from perseverance, taste comes from pickiness, and if you want to eat, you have to eat well. If you really want to meet these two guys, I guess you will have brothers-in-law from all over the country.

Wu Zhongyuan walked far away, but the guy was still scolding her. Although Wu Zhongyuan was not angry, he wanted to make her angry. The method was very simple. He took out a few red tickets, lit them with a lighter, and shook them to show her. The meaning was obvious, I If I have money, I won’t give it to you.

The other party was probably so angry that he was hurt internally, and the scolding became even worse.

In fact, he originally wanted to burn a few more, but suddenly he thought that if the little wizard couldn't send him back, he would have to use them in the future. Furthermore, it is illegal to burn money, and you will be arrested if you are reported.

At ten o'clock in the morning, a group of sheep came from a distance. They were sheep. The sheepherder was a middle-aged man, riding a horse and wearing ethnic minority clothes.

The sheep came from the northeast and walked this way. The sheep did not stop when they passed the first two peaks. When they reached the third mountain, the sheep herders drove the sheep up the mountain.

As sheep, they like to stay on the flat ground and are unwilling to go up the mountain, but the man herding the sheep waved his whip and drove the sheep up.

This one action was enough. There was something wrong with the man herding sheep. He had other reasons for going up the mountain. Herding sheep was just a cover.

After driving the sheep up the mountain, the man herding the sheep walked to the stone wall and sat down, taking out a tobacco bag and rolling a cigarette.

Lighting a cigarette, the man herding sheep began to observe the surrounding situation consciously or unconsciously.

Wu Zhongyuan was in the other person's field of vision at this time. For fear of being noticed by this person, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and started taking selfies. In fact, he was just pretending and didn't turn on his mobile phone.

After smoking a cigarette and sitting for a while, the sheepherder stood up and drove the sheep down the mountain.

This person didn't stay on the mountain for long and didn't do anything else, but a move before leaving exposed him again. This person picked up a few stones from the ground and stuffed them into the gaps between the rocks that blocked the stone wall.

Seeing this person coming down the mountain, Wu Zhongyuan leaned over intentionally or unintentionally, and observed this person closely. This person should be a Chinese-Tibetan mixed-race, with a strange appearance. Before, he doubted whether this person was a little wizard who woke up on his own, but now it seems that this person is. There are two reasons for this: one is that the person does not look like a Han Chinese, and the other is that the person does not cough and smokes.

In addition, he also discovered another thing, that is, the temples on both sides of this person are bulging high, which shows that this person knows kung fu and is a master of horizontal training.

Wu Zhongyuan deliberately observed this person, but the man did not deliberately observe him. He drove the sheep in a circle nearby, returning to where they came from.

After the sheepherder left, Wu Zhongyuan began to suffer. Thinking is very tiring, and he didn't want to suffer. But some things were very important and he couldn't do it without thinking. Who was this person? Why guard the secret room? Is the little wizard still in the secret room now?

The first thing to determine is who this person is. It doesn’t matter what his last name is. What is important is to determine whether this person is an enemy or a friend. If you want to determine this, you must start from his actions of guarding the secret room. This person has already He knew where the secret room was, but he didn't dig it, but took care of it. If it were an enemy, he would have blown the secret room open and killed the little wizard.

It can be inferred from this that this person should be a friend, at least not an enemy.

But why is this person guarding the secret room? No matter what he does, there must be a motive. What is his motive for guarding the secret room? Is it his spontaneous behavior, or is someone asking him to do it?

Thinking carefully about the possibility of the latter, the basis is that this person knows kung fu and is a master of qi training. There are people in the northwest who know kung fu, but compared with the Central Plains, there are very few qi masters in the northwest. This person is Han-Tibetan As a mixed-blood, his kung fu should have been taught to him by the Han people, and the person who taught him kung fu should be the person who asked him to guard the secret room.

There is one last question, is the little wizard still in the secret room? The answer should be yes, otherwise there would be no need for this person to come to care.

In the afternoon, he slept in a sheltered place. When he woke up in the evening, Wu Zhongyuan walked to the river to wash his face with water. After getting up, he suddenly found a person standing under a tree on the other side of the river. This person seemed to have just come out of the river to take a bath. wear clothes.

This person's hair was very long. At first glance, he thought he was a woman, but upon closer inspection, he turned out to be a man.

If it were a woman, you might just stare at it, but if this person is a man, then there is nothing to see.

Even though he didn't look at the head, he still took a few more glances, because it was spring and the river was very cold. Most people would get cramps from the cold when bathing in the river.

While watching, I suddenly heard a whirring sound coming from the west. The whirring sound was getting closer and closer. A few dozen seconds later, a helicopter appeared from the west.

This is a white helicopter, probably for civilian use.

The helicopter quickly approached and landed two miles downstream from him, and a man jumped out of the plane.

While Wu Zhongyuan was looking into the distance, the people who got off the plane were also looking around. Almost at the same time, Wu Zhongyuan saw the appearance of the person coming, and the person who came also discovered Wu Zhongyuan's location.

It was Zhao Ying who came.

Wu Zhongyuan stood still, and Zhao Ying ran over to meet him.

"How do you know I'm here?" Wu Zhongyuan asked, but he did not turn on the positioning device Zhao Ying gave him.

"You have become a celebrity and you don't know it yet?" Zhao Ying smiled.

"What do you mean?" Wu Zhongyuan was confused.

Zhao Ying took out her phone, fiddled with it a few times and handed it to Wu Zhongyuan, "See for yourself, you scum."

Wu Zhongyuan frowned in confusion. He took the phone and looked down. It was a forum page. The post was called "Rou Rou's Journey to the West". It was a post by a female traveler who recorded what she saw and heard during the trip and interacted with netizens. Today's updated content is "Xingxiu Sea" "The scum they met", they tried their best to slander and slander, confusing right and wrong, saying that he took the initiative to strike up a conversation, plotted against evil, and coerced and lured. However, although Rourou was penniless, she kept her integrity and remained unmoved. Apart from words, she was still worthy of her words. There were two pictures, one profile and one frontal, taken by the shrew while he wasn't paying attention.

Underneath the post were hundreds of replies from a group of indignant melon-eating people. Most of them were scolding him, some were giving thumbs up to Rourou, and a few were asking Rourou for her account number and sending her money.

"How about it? It's you in the photo, right?" Zhao Ying asked with a smile.

"I have never seen such a shameless person." Wu Zhongyuan laughed and scolded.

Zhao Ying took her phone back and said, "Come on, we don't just have face recognition systems, they also have them. It won't be long before they find this place."

Wu Zhongyuan stood still. The other party already knew that he was here. Even if he left, those people would search the area. The most important thing was that he didn't have much time. Even if he ran away today, he would have to come back tomorrow. From the net.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan frowning and saying nothing, Zhao Ying asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"I can't leave." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head.

"Why?" Zhao Ying asked.

Wu Zhongyuan looked around, "Because my..."

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan suddenly stop mid-sentence, Zhao Ying looked at him doubtfully. Seeing him frowning and looking south, she followed his gaze and looked south.

"Do you know the middle-aged Taoist priest under the tree?" Zhao Ying asked.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head.

"Then what do you see him doing?" Zhao Ying asked.

"He might be coming for me..."

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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