
Chapter 56 Hard Escape

There is definitely a difference between running in a hurry and using Qinggong to escape. The "driver" in yellow clothes immediately reacted and chased after him from behind, "Come on, he is trying to run!"

Wang Xinran and another "driver" heard the shouting and hurriedly ran up from the pit. At this time, Wu Zhongyuan had already ran dozens of meters away. Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting farther and farther, the man in yellow pulled out his pistol in desperation. , "Stop, if you run again I'm going to shoot."

Whoever stopped at this time was a fool. Wu Zhongyuan just thought he was farting and continued running northwest along the ridge. There was a forest sixty meters ahead. As long as he entered the forest, he would be safe.

"Who are you?!" Wang Xinran asked loudly.

Wang Xinran also pulled out his pistol while shouting. Seeing this, another person eagerly stopped him, "No. 9, don't shoot, we are one of our own."

Number nine must be Wang Xinran's code name in the organization. Only insiders may know it. Seeing that the two are not external enemies, Wang Xinran became even more angry, "We had an agreement with him before, what are you doing?"

No one answered her question. Seeing that there was no hope of catching up with Wu Zhongyuan, the man in yellow pulled the trigger while running.

The night was quiet and the gunshots were piercing. Wu Zhongyuan was instantly frightened and broke into a cold sweat. When he came to his senses, he realized that he didn't seem to be injured, so he hurriedly ran away.

After the first gunshot, there was another gunshot. This time the gunshot came from a farther location than the first shot. Along with the gunshot came Wang Xinran's angry warning, "If you dare to shoot again, I will beat you to death."

"No. 9, what do you want to do?" someone asked.

"I can't confirm your identity, prove it to me immediately, or I will shoot." Wang Xinran shouted.

"Are you crazy?" someone yelled loudly.

Wang Xinran did not answer and fired another warning shot. Seeing that she was serious, the two did not dare to continue chasing or shoot rashly. Wu Zhongyuan took the opportunity to rush into the woods and continued to run away under the cover of the trees.

Even if he entered the woods, Wu Zhongyuan did not dare to slack off. If the content on the stone tablet was correct, besides the two people pretending to be drivers, there were other ambush around them.

He could see things clearly at night, and his night vision helped him a lot at this time. Looking around when he was running, he could see that there were people running quickly towards his location from the north and west. The exact number was unknown, but he only knew that there were a lot of them. .

However, since he had no warning before escaping, these people failed to take precautions. They were several hundred meters away from him at this time and did not pose a threat to him.

At this time, I couldn't care about anything. My only thought was to run. The farther I ran, the better. The farther I ran, the safer I was.

In less than five minutes, Wu Zhongyuan got rid of his pursuers, but he did not dare to slow down and was still moving quickly. These are official people and can set up interceptors anywhere. They must run out before the opponent sets up interceptors. The encirclement they set up.

The area covered by the encirclement circle set by the opponent is not fixed, but is evaluated based on the speed of his movement. The larger the circle is set, the more people will be invested, and the more difficult it will be to catch him. It is large, so the opponent cannot set up a block a hundred miles away from the beginning, but gradually expands it by estimating his running speed. As long as he can run faster than the opponent's estimate, he can jump out of the encirclement.

He started running away around 10:30 and ran for more than two hours, climbing over four mountain peaks and entering the junction of Huang County and Lin County. At this time, Wu Zhongyuan knew that he was safe, because during these two hours he had at least I ran a hundred miles. If I were running on the road, this speed would not be considered very fast.

At least it's not amazing, but this is a trek in the mountains. If you don't know Qinggong, no one can run this far.

There were stretches of mountains to the west, but Wu Zhongyuan did not continue to move in the mountains. Using Qing Gong requires consuming Qi. His Qigong cultivation level is not high. At this time, the Qi in his body has been completely exhausted and he can no longer run. Moved.

The qi obtained from practicing qigong was called differently in ancient times and modern times. In ancient times, it was called spiritual qi, but now it is mostly called true qi. Although the names are different, it is the same thing.

But now is not the time to think about this. The top priority is to continue on the road. If you can't run, you can only pick up the car. There is a wide road under the mountain with many passing vehicles.

Just when he had the idea of ​​picking up a car, a green convoy drove up in the distance, consisting of more than a dozen military vehicles, including jeeps and trucks. The trucks were covered with tarpaulins and had cannons towed behind them.

Sometimes hesitation is not careful consideration, but a missed opportunity. After a short and quick observation, Wu Zhongyuan rushed to the foot of the mountain under the cover of trees and climbed into a car at the end of the team, but he did not enter the tarpaulin compartment. Instead, he got into the gun carriage towed behind the truck. The outside of the gun carriage was wrapped with canvas, and the cannon itself also had a shooting position. He huddled here.

At this time, Wu Zhongyuan relaxed slightly. His clothes and pants were soaked with sweat. He was extremely nervous and exhausted. He had been shivering after hiding.

If an idiom is used to describe his mental state at this time, frightened bird is undoubtedly the most appropriate. He has no backup and has been deceived repeatedly. No matter which party is eyeing him, every step he takes is like walking on thin ice and trembling with fear.

All frightened birds will be accompanied by snakes and snakes. They are insecure, nervous, worried about gains and losses, suspicious and anxious. Even if he is hiding on the cannon truck, he does not feel at ease. He even doubts whether the training team is really training, or is assigned by someone to deliberately Taking this path will lead him into a trap.

The only thing that can make him feel safe at this time is the gun in his bag. Although he is unlikely to use it, it will make the other party wary.

After his mood calmed down a bit, Wu Zhongyuan took out a knife and cut a small hole in the canvas wrapping the artillery truck, so that he could at least see what was going on outside.

He was feeling groggy due to physical and mental exhaustion, but he did not dare to sleep. If he fell asleep, he would not be able to detect any unexpected situation in advance, so he could only brace himself and look forward.

The reason why he was able to escape was largely due to the stone tablet. This stone tablet was left behind after he returned. It should have two purposes. One is to remind the modern self to avoid risks. , the second is to eliminate some regrets in his heart. At present, it seems that this stone tablet has indeed played a certain role, because he escaped safely.

However, it cannot be concluded that this monument can change some things that are already going to happen, because according to the relevant theories of special relativity, even if the results of some things are known in advance, it can only change the development process of the matter, but cannot change the final result of the matter. What happened will happen sooner or later.

Whether it can only change some unimportant processes, or whether it can also change the results, there is a very simple verification method, that is to rush to the second location as soon as possible. If the little wizard can successfully send him back, the appearance of the stone tablet will be It can change the outcome. If something happens midway and the little wizard fails to send him back, the appearance of the stone tablet can only change the process.

Carefully recalling the contents on the stone tablet, you can find several important clues. The first one is that he finally returned to the ancient times, and the second one is that life after going back was not easy, otherwise there would be no such thing as "so bad" . The third rule is that if you can get to the second location before sunset on April 15th, you can return early. The last one is that Wang Xinran and Zhao Ying are both good people.

In addition to these four obvious clues, there is also a very important invisible clue, that is, besides relying on these two wizards to send him back, there is another way to return. He relied on the help of the little wizard when he also died. He returned in this way, and in order to use this method, he stayed in modern times for another year.

The complicated clues were sorted out one by one. It was daybreak. The convoy stopped at a flat area on the roadside. The soldiers in the car got out of the car to urinate and wash themselves off. After eating, they continued on their way.

After staying up until ten o'clock in the morning, Wu Zhongyuan moved the self-artillery truck to the truck in front. He was lucky. The last truck was pulling supplies for the march. The food he ate was a kind of self-heating compressed dry food. When the soldiers ate, He had carefully observed that anyone could eat as much as they wanted without having to report it to anyone. There was no exact quantity in the lunch box.

After getting on the spacious truck, he didn't want to go back to the artillery truck, but he didn't dare to stay in the truck. He filled his backpack with this compressed dry food and moved back to the artillery truck.

In fact, he wanted to eat in the truck and then go back, but the dry food had to be heated with water, and there was no water in the truck.

The convoy stopped again at noon for lunch. During the lunch, the soldiers had a conversation. Although they did not mention the destination of the trip, they said they would run faster in the afternoon and try to get to the mountains before dark for a live-fire drill. Wu Zhongyuan now knew what was going on. When the convoy started, he moved back to the truck and took a nap in the compartment.

He was awakened and looked out through the gap in the tarpaulin. He saw that the road was narrow, a dirt road, and surrounded by trees. He must have entered a mountainous area.

I can no longer hitchhike, I have to get down quickly, otherwise I won’t be able to escape if I get pulled into the camp.

The first thing he did after getting off the car was to relieve himself. He didn't dare to turn on his mobile phone, so he could only determine the time by observing the sun. It should be around four o'clock in the afternoon, and his current location should be in the northwest of Huang County. According to the car Based on the speed estimate, this place is about 800 to 1,000 miles away from Huang County.

At such a long distance, it must have jumped out of the opponent's search range, and it should be safe.

After not eating for a day and a night, he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back. There was a stream in the mountains where he could heat dry food. There were instructions on the dry food bag. Follow the instructions and he would soon have hot meals. The food in the army was better than his. It was better than I imagined before. This self-heating dry food contains meat, vegetables and hot sauce.

After finishing the meal, I counted the remaining dry food and found that there were more than 20 bags left. I ate two bags a day and did not have to go out for more than ten days.

It seemed that I had good luck today. Not only did I escape smoothly, but I also received sufficient supplies, which reduced the risk of being exposed when going out for food. Surveillances are everywhere these days. As long as someone is photographed, they are definitely not running away.

After packing up his backpack, Wu Zhongyuan continued to move northwest. Today is April 1st. He has fifteen days to rush to the source of the Yellow River. Previously, he found the suspected location based on the clue of three connected snow mountains. In Qinghai There is still half a month left in Maduo County, which is enough time.

If he hadn't seen the words on the stone tablet last night, he might have contacted Zhao Ying at this time, but he won't do that now. The reason is very simple. He doesn't want to kill Zhao Ying, although he doesn't know why. Zhao Ying.

The mountain he is currently on is very big, a real deep mountain. When he stands on a high place and looks around, there are no villages in sight. This situation is beneficial to him. The further away from the crowd, the safer he will be. .

Although he had plenty of time, Wu Zhongyuan still did not dare to delay and kept running quickly. The stone tablet said that if he could get there before sunset on April 15th, he could save the little wizard. There are two reasons for this "save". There are two possibilities: one is that the little wizard is dying due to his own reasons, and another possibility is that someone killed the little wizard. As for which situation, he cannot be sure, because although the words on the stone tablet were left by himself, But based on his presentation habits, he would probably use the word "rescued" in both cases.

In the evening, a barbed wire fence appeared in front of us. To be precise, there were three iron thorns tied to cement pillars.

This kind of iron thorns extends over a large area from north to south. If you take a detour, you can't tell when it will be detoured. After a brief hesitation, Wu Zhongyuan got through the gap between the iron thorns. The area surrounded by the iron thorns is probably a military restricted area. , but with such a large area surrounding it, even if it passes through, no one will notice it.

At this time, the hibernation has long passed, but there are very few snakes, insects, and even rabbits and birds nearby. However, this situation is a good thing for a person who travels alone in the mountains. He is not afraid of snakes, insects, jackals, but it is cold. Something popped out, and it didn't feel good to be startled.

Half an hour later, night fell. Wu Zhongyuan took a nap during the day and continued on his way without feeling sleepy.

After walking for about ten minutes, a big pit appeared in front of me. It was not very big, it was seven or eight meters wide. The middle area was more than a meter deep, and the outer edge was a little shallower.

The pit was overgrown with weeds and must have been left there a long time ago.

Going further, I found a similar pit. The further I walked, the denser the pits became. Sometimes the two pits were connected.

"Why are there so many pitfalls?" Wu Zhongyuan muttered.

The prisoner murmured and immediately realized that the previous convoy was artillery that went into the mountains for training. This hilltop was probably the target of their artillery fire. No wonder there were no wild animals around.

He woke up and immediately ran north with all his strength. Fortunately, he woke up early. It would have been bad luck if he didn't find out until someone fired the cannon.

But he soon discovered that he had not woken up early, because before he ran far, the sound of cannons came from the south.

"Fuck you..."

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