Chapter 35.3
“Sometimes people change their minds…”
“Resentment doesn’t go away that easily. We are the same. Bash. That damned Orc… you can’t forgive him, can you? He left Sir Leto like a piece of garbage, and yet he’s still alive, and he even wants to celebrate Lady Inuella’s wedding… he’s too selfish…”
As if attracted by her words, Silviana’s expressionless face melted. What emerged from beneath her iron mask was a look of hatred and indignation. Yes, yes. That’s right. She was right. She couldn’t forgive. She could not forgive Bash, the orc hero. There was no forgiveness for that villain.
“…So what do you suggest?”
“Hehehe… Lady Silviana, Fifth Princess of the Beastmen. I’m sure you could have thought of that yourself… do you still want to know?”
“If you talk nonsense, I will kill you too.”
“Oh dear. How frightening.”
Silviana moved toward the two red lights that had somehow formed in the room. Her steps, filled with hatred and anger, did not falter.
“The method is very simple.”
“The simpler the operation, the better.”
“Call Bash to the wedding ceremony, you seduce him, and I will ‘charm’ him. Then he’ll be nothing more than a puppet. I can have him attack you as you’ve planned so far, or you can kill him with your bare hands…”
“Charm him… that’s succubus magic, so you…?”
“Yes, as you can see…” The moonlight illuminated the room. The figure of the woman, which had only been faintly visible before, was revealed. She wore a leather suit that clung to her body, covering only the bare minimum, had wavy purple hair, bright red eyes, and a long tail. “I am a succubus.”
The “Charm” of a succubus. It was a spell that caused tremendous fury during war. Once the charm was applied, the victim’s actions were completely blocked, and it could even cause them to attack their allies. Although there was the limitation that it had almost no effect on women, on the contrary, if the opponent was a man, he would become a puppet of the succubus, unless he had a very high resistance to magic or defended himself with some kind of magical tool. In reality, the percentage of male elves who continued to fight succubi head-on was much lower than that of females, but this was believed to be due to the succubi themselves. This was one of the magics that was banned after the war. On the other hand, if it was used, no matter how strong an Orc Hero Bash was, he would not be able to resist.
“What do you want in return?”
“I want to touch the Sacred Tree.”
“The Sacred Tree? That’s it?”
“It’s important to me, okay? The Beastmen are not the only ones who believe in the Hunt God.”
Hearing the word “believe”, Silviana was convinced. Every race believed in its own god. But in the course of the long war, there were those who changed their religion. There were those who were elves but believed in the spirits of iron and fire, and there were those who were lizardmen but believed in the sun god. It was not uncommon for a succubus to believe in the Hunt God. If this Succubus had lost the object of her faith long ago, like the Beastmen once did, it made sense that she would want to get it back and help eliminate Bash.
“Hey, please, okay? When I asked for permission, I was denied.”
You couldn’t go near the Sacred Tree without permission. The administrator of the Sacred Tree who granted permission would not grant it to a completely unknown succubus. And since she was a succubus, a woman had to talk to her, but there was still a strong prejudice against succubi, even among the Beastwomen. “Succubi are an inferior race who only think of sucking men’s sperm”, and it was no wonder that they would not allow such a being to approach their precious Sacred Tree. Even if they were ordinary believers, they would not be allowed near the tree without some special reason.
Silviana was not without prejudice against succubi either. But her hatred for orcs was even greater.
“Okay, I understand. We’ll follow your plan.”
“Hehehe. We have a deal.”
Silviana nodded to the succubus, who smiled enchantingly.
“I’ll be back on the day of the wedding. Don’t betray me…”
“That’s my line.”
The succubus moved the wings on her back and floated out of the window. Looking at her back, Silviana suddenly realized. She hadn’t heard some information.
“By the way, you… what’s your name?”
“Carrot, that’s what they call me.”
The “Hissing Voice” Carrot. If you were a warrior, you would know her name, the strongest succubus warrior of all time. Why would such a famous warrior do this, she thought, but on the contrary, Silviana was convinced. If she was such a famous warrior, it should be easy for her to sneak into her room and evade the guards.
“I would be delighted if we could work together. I’m counting on you, Carrot.”
“Yes, Lady Silviana.”
Carrot beamed an enchanting smile and flew out of the room. Darkness returned to the place.
“…?” In the darkness, Silviana felt something strange. It was as if something had happened to her, as if she had forgotten something. But at the same time, there was a sense of clarity, as if a fog had lifted from her head. So she shook herself. The most important thing now was not to lose the unique opportunity to avenge Leto’s death. “Let the orcs perish…”
Her mutterings faded into the dark night.